how to edit pictures for products on shopify

How to Edit Product Photos in Shopify what is up guys this is the dropshipping,hacker here and in to

Freedom Savage

Updated on Mar 13,2023

How to Edit Product Photos in Shopify

The above is a brief introduction to how to edit pictures for products on shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to edit pictures for products on shopify

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how to edit pictures for products on shopify catalogs

How to Edit Product Photos in Shopify

what is up guys this is the dropshipping,hacker here and in today's video I'm,gonna share with you how you can edit,your default photos that you get from,products that you import from Aliexpress,and then in this video I've got this,product here and I want to get rid of,this logo up here or this brand name,from the default photo so I'm gonna show,you exactly how you can do that within,your Shopify store if you're new to my,channel please be sure to subscribe,because I'm always putting out new tips,and tricks on how to create and run your,Shopify drop shipping business and if,you're looking for a free ebook on the 6,steps to creating and launching your,first Shopify store you can check out,the link in the video description below,to get your free ebook and that'll go,over the six step formula to creating,and launching your first successful,Shopify drop shipping business so with,that said let's just jump right into it,alright so what I've done is I've gone,over to Aliexpress and I've imported,this product using the over lo Chrome,extension and as you can see this,particular photo comes with this top,Beco looks like it's a trademarked name,and I just really don't want to have,that in my photo I just want to have a,nice clean simple photo for this,particular product so I'm gonna go ahead,and just get rid of that it's really,really easy and simple to do that you,can do that by going into your store and,cleaning clicking the edit this product,and that'll open that up for you or if,you log into the back office you can go,to the left control panel over here,click on products and then all products,and then just scroll and find the,product that you're looking to edit so,in this example it's this portable,stainless steel wire saw and you can,just click on that product and what,you're gonna do next is you're just,going to scroll down to the image over,here so we got this image right here and,then you're going to highlight the image,you just,scroll over the pencil and that's gonna,be the Edit image button right there,let's just go ahead and click that and,so what you're gonna do is you would,think that you could just go ahead and,erase that using the eraser but that's,not gonna work in this example so what,you're gonna do is you're gonna click on,the pencil over here and again the the,eraser is not gonna work the erase is,only gonna erase marks that you've,created so with this example we've got a,nice white background so it's gonna be,very easy to do so you're just gonna,click the color picker and just find the,white which is in the top left and then,I like to go with the bigger brush size,and just go ahead and just brush right,over it and as you can see I was able to,get rid of that little logo brand name,over there and you know let's say that,you accidentally messed up you know you,kind of want a little got carried away,with it this is where the eraser would,come in handy so you just click the,erase button then you can just sort of,erase your mistake there and you can see,I can always come back and bring back,that trademark so I'm not gonna worry,about that I just want to get rid of,that so again I'm just gonna pick white,the brush tool here and I'm just gonna,get rid of that and then all you're,gonna do is you're gonna hit apply and,then you're gonna hit save and that's,just gonna go ahead and that's gonna,update the product photo and that's,gonna update it in your Shopify store,and that's really it I just want to,share this cool little tip and trick,that I found and of course you know,there's different images there might be,some with different color backgrounds,and such so you're just gonna have to,play around with that and there you go,it just updated it and it's gone so it's,looking nice and clean and crisp that's,how I like it I like to keep my pictures,nice and simple without all the clutter,you can pretty much do whatever you want,with these photos but this was just a,quick little video on how to get rid of,that guys if you're new to my channel,please be sure to subscribe as I'm,putting out new videos for you,it's just kind of showing you different,tips and tricks out there on how to,create success with your Shopify drop,shipping business be sure to like this,video if you found it health,comment below if you have any comments,share this video with your friends and,if you haven't already signed up for,Shopify I do have a free trial available,so you can kind of go ahead and sign up,for that in the link in the video,description below and you can play,around and just start creating your,Shopify store absolutely for free so go,ahead and get your free trial there and,I also do have a free ebook available,and that ebook is available to you at,WWE top shifting hacker com or by,clicking the link in the video,description below,that's absolutely free to you and it,goes over the six step formula blueprint,for creating and launching your first,successful Shopify drop shipping,business so guys that is it for today's,video I hope you found it helpful and,with that said this is Chris with the,drop shipping hacker and I'll see you in,the next one

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