how to edit custome a third party theme in shopify

Theme customization support options || Shopify Help Center after you select a theme for your store,y

Shopify Help Center

Updated on Mar 02,2023

Theme customization support options || Shopify Help Center

The above is a brief introduction to how to edit custome a third party theme in shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to edit custome a third party theme in shopify

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Theme customization support options || Shopify Help Center

after you select a theme for your store,you can customize it to build,brand identity while many customizations,like editing colors and fonts can be,done through the theme editor,you might find yourself looking for,extra customizations,subscribe now to learn about the support,options available to you when,customizing your theme,hey everyone i'm ellie when you're,customizing your theme the type of,support available to you depends on the,theme you have,there are two types of themes free,themes which are created,and supported by shopify and third-party,themes which you pay for and are created,by other companies,today i'll show you how to find support,for each type of theme,but first how do you know if you have a,shopify theme or a third party theme,start in the shopify admin and click,online store,then click customize on the theme you,want to edit,on the new page click theme actions,here you can see the theme's name the,version number,and the designer's name in this example,the ali athletic store is using a free,shopify theme,named supply the help article for supply,is listed here as well,if you're not using a shopify theme then,you see the name of the third-party,theme designer with any,links to their documentation and support,if you're using a free shopify theme,and you need some assistance using the,features in the theme editor,then shopify support team might be able,to guide you you can also find help,articles about the theme editor listed,below but,if you want to customize your theme,beyond what the theme editor is capable,of,then you should consider the following,options first,if you're using a free shopify theme,then you might be eligible,for complementary shopify design support,if you're on the shopify basic plan,or hire then you can receive up to 60,minutes of design support,for shopify supported tutorials to see,if your store,qualifies for design time or to make a,design request,contact us directly at,questions if you're a more advanced,shopify user,and you're comfortable editing the code,of your online store then you can find,the theme customization tutorials,at tutorials when you're on,the page,scroll down to the theme section here,you see a list of more custom tutorials,so you can make changes that are outside,of the theme editor's capabilities,i'm going to open the tutorial hide sold,out variants,here you see a note telling you that,shopify might be able to help you with,these customizations,if you're eligible for design time some,tutorials are not supported by shopify,which means that shopify can't support,or assist you with the customizations,when a tutorial is not supported you see,a caution note,like in this example this means that the,tutorial,does not qualify for design time and,shopify is not able to support any,changes you make,to see a list of unsupported changes,that are commonly requested,read the design policy linked below the,list includes examples of some,customizations,that shopify cannot assist with you can,also learn more about basic,and advanced theme customizations by,visiting,has many helpful links and forums to,learn from other shopify merchants,just like yourself next if you don't,have access to design,time and you're not comfortable editing,code you might want to consider hiring a,shopify expert,experts are trusted third party agencies,and freelancers who can help you modify,your store to suit your needs,the cost of hiring an expert varies so,visit,and look for store setup experts you can,browse through a variety of services,including theme customization look,through the available providers,and contact them for a quote now if your,theme was not made by shopify,then it was made by a third-party theme,developer,you can find your theme's support,contact information,using the theme editor shown earlier you,can also visit, search for your theme,name in the search bar,and open it here you can find the theme,developer support contact details,and available documentation it's,important to note that generally,third-party theme developers,are not able to help with customizations,if your theme developer can't help you,consider hiring a shopify expert to edit,out and,build your theme to serve your business,best and,no matter what theme you're using or,customization you're planning,it's best practice to duplicate your,theme before making any changes,duplicating your theme acts as a backup,in case you ever need to start over,again,now you know where to find support for,your theme don't forget to subscribe to,keep up with the latest tutorials from,the shopify help center,and for more information visit,

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