how to dropship from etsy to shopify

How To Dropship On Etsy | Shopify Dropshipping this is a complete tutorial on how to,drop ship on et

George Vlasyev

Updated on Mar 08,2023

How To Dropship On Etsy | Shopify Dropshipping

The above is a brief introduction to how to dropship from etsy to shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to dropship from etsy to shopify

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How To Dropship On Etsy | Shopify Dropshipping

this is a complete tutorial on how to,drop ship on etsy what's going on my,name is George welcome to another video,if this is your first time here and you,want to learn how to build a successful,Shopify drop shipping business then,start now by subscribing and clicking,the bell so you don't miss anything I am,super excited for this video because in,this video I'm going to show you how to,drop ship on Etsy using Shopify I'm,going to break you down how to get tons,of free sales every single day and most,importantly I'm going to show you a live,example of my store,that is currently selling on Etsy and,generating sales every single day and,I'm also going to show you exactly step,by step on how to set up your Etsy,Shopify drop shipping business and give,you all the necessary resources and,applications so you can get started,right away so if that sounds interesting,make sure you watch it until the end of,this video let's go ahead and jump,inside of my computer and I'm going to,show you exactly step by step on how to,set up your Etsy Shopify drop shipping,business okay so the first thing that,you will need to do is you will need to,open an Etsy shop opening an Etsy shop,is very simple all you gotta do is just,type in how to open an Etsy shop and you,will see this is the first link and it,gives you a very simple breakdown on,what you will need to do you set up your,billing and voila you're ready to sell,on Etsy from my experience opening up a,shop on Etsy is very straightforward and,very easy and most importantly very fast,in comparison to opening an Amazon store,it is much much easier you don't require,as much information and they are very,friendly,once you open your Etsy store the next,thing you want to do is you want to,upload your products or listings onto,your Etsy shop to do this what you want,to do is you want to go to Shopify app,store and you want to look for an export,feed for Amazon and Etsy application now,this application costs I think about $15,per month for $20 per month but this is,worth it because this application allows,you to sync all of your products from,Shopify to Etsy in bulk so if you're,someone like me who has over nine,products on Shopify then this,application is a must so once you,download expert feet is not gonna look,like this,however right here you will be able to,add a new sales channel and you want to,click X you right here like I have once,you choose Etsy as a sales channel is,gonna ask you to connect Etsy with,expert feed it's very easy you just log,into Etsy you give them permission to,read the data from you know one source,to another source and that's it you're,ready to go once you connect your Etsy,shop with expert feed to your Shopify,store the next thing you want to do is,you want to click on manage feeds and,you want to create a new Etsy feed I,feed is just a list of products that you,have on your Shopify store that you want,to push onto Etsy the main reason for,using this application is so we're,saving a lot of time by not having to,manually upload our products onto Etsy,instead we can just take all of our,products and push them onto Etsy at once,and as you can see right here I have 876,active listings on Etsy so now once you,push all of your products from Shopify,onto Etsy the next thing is to wait for,the orders once you start receiving,orders which I did right away after I,uploaded my products the next thing is,you have to fulfill those orders with,printful as promised I'm going to show,you how much I generated in the last 10,days so right here you can see that from,1st of June to a letter from June I,generated 600 dollars just on Etsy and,as a bonus at the end of this video for,those of you who stayed until the end of,this video I want to give you an,application that will allow you to steal,products from Etsy onto your Shopify,store and literally just one click so if,you want to do this strategy and you,don't want to manually you know download,images from different sources on the,Internet,what I recommend you download is this,application called impulsive fide drop,shipping and what this application,allows you to do is it allows you to,steal products from other Etsy sellers,onto your own Shopify store in just a,matter of one click and then you can,take those exact products and push them,to your Etsy store also with one,so once you download that imports if I,drop shipping application they're going,to see this little Add button right here,and once you click this button it's,going to give you this information right,here you just fill out the title the,description and boom the product is,going to be on your Shopify store you,then go to export feeds take that exact,product and with a click of one button,you push it on to your Etsy store so my,promise to you is that you follow this,strategy and you do exactly like I told,you with all of these different,applications and resources you can have,your store up and running in one day and,the next day you can have sales in,coming in to your Etsy store if you want,me to create a challenge video where I'm,going to create an Etsy store and try to,get as male as many sales as possible in,a shortest time frame let me know down,in the comments section below if we get,enough people to comment down below that,you want to see this challenge then I,will probably make this video so let's,make it happen comment down below if you,want me to make a video like this I,really hope this video was useful let me,know down in the comment section below,if you liked it or if you didn't like it,and on this note I want to thank you so,much for watching this video and I'll,see you in the next one

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