how to drive traffice to your shopify store 2017

How To Drive Traffic To Your Shopify Store yo what's up YouTube it's Sebastian here,and today we're

Sebastian Esqueda

Updated on Mar 30,2023

How To Drive Traffic To Your Shopify Store

The above is a brief introduction to how to drive traffice to your shopify store 2017

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How To Drive Traffic To Your Shopify Store

yo what's up YouTube it's Sebastian here,and today we're going to be talking,about dolphins now I'm just kidding um,that was completely random but I'm Alec,and in my mind,we're going to be talking about one of,the new stores I started with drop,shipping and how I'm actually going to,be able to found marketing it because I,haven't this new store we haven't I say,a week is me my little brother we run it,together it hasn't been taken to market,yet so this coming week I'm going to,release this video Sunday I believe this,coming week we're going to be taking it,to market and marketing it through,Instagram so I'm basically going to kind,of explain to you how we're going to,actually manage to market it and makes,it and get sales and/or orders and all,that stuff so I want to start by kind of,explaining the base foundation so,basically our model is create an,Instagram account that's branded our,brand and then we and then basically,post photos and we do like two photos,that our products and then of one that's,not that's like kind of related to,products but I mean it doesn't have to,be like a product product product,product because then the followers could,get annoyed and then use hashtags in,every photo and I mean like I use like,10 to 15 so do that and then also what I,would do is I follow sorry I followed,big accounts that are in the same niche,as me and then other people will,actually see you when you first follow,them so they can come onto your like if,they're if they're checking out who the,peoples or who the big pages followers,are they might actually go to your page,and check it out and like it and they,could give you a like or a follower,something like that or comment or even,buy a product which is always nice but,so that's what we do and then we go,through hashtags and we're always liking,hashtags that are specific to our niche,to make sure that we're bringing,because when we like it it'll give the,notification on the users,account and then they may they may come,to our account or our page and like some,of our photos and even give us a follow,and that's kind of how we're building,our page out organically and then as,well as I don't know some people may not,think this is ethical or it's fake or,something but we also do bot we have bot,followers just to have not even social,we're not even like um I don't know I,don't know how to explain it it just,does bring out a little more trust which,is artificial trust but it's just like,our brand is good I mean it's not like,we're scamming anyone but I just truly,do believe that like if someone clicks,onto your page when you're doing a,promotion and you have like 30 followers,they're going to be less likely to buy,um one of your products so that's why,that's basically why we do that and I,mean you guys can think what you want,I'm just saying that's how we're doing,it that's how a ton of people are doing,it that's how big brands are even doing,it or you can kick starting their career,so whether you guys like it or not,that's basically how a lot of people are,doing it right now,as we speak so that's basically the base,of what we're doing we're building out,our Instagram organically and,artificially putting out content a lot,to build the you know like a ton of,content so that people could check it,out and make sure we're legit and then,after that after we have our followers,builds up and then we have good amount,of likes on each of our photos then,we'll start hitting up we just do DM or,sometimes email what is DM and email,like big accounts that are that we want,to work with and do promotions on,through Instagram so we'll let's just,say we're in the dog niche and there's a,I'm not in the dog in trying to say that,cuz everyone that everyone says that,because the popular niche let's say,there's like puppy lovers is it page I'm,not saying it is so we'll first we type,in this through this one website we can,check what and I'll link it below if you,guys are wondering it's free so I'm not,making any money off you guys I'm just,saying you can actually check what the,engagement percentage from followers to,likes is,and we typically don't work with anyone,less than three to five percent around,there depending on how many followers,it's been like a million followers three,percent is decent but five percent,usually is like our base and then it's,like nine and ten we obviously know we,might pay a little more but we're,willing to as long as it's solid amounts,of likes and then the comments are,authentic and they're not just because,what people do sometimes is because I,know people who do have famous elements,or big Instagram accounts they all group,together and or they do um rounds which,is it's a kind of type of bot thing,where you get a ton of big pages,together and when you all when all the,big pages comments on one picture it,makes it more likely to show up on me on,the what um what's the tab on the,explore page which can make your content,go viral so that's why they do that but,sometimes it doesn't work and most some,of the times some of the pages are all,all of those comments are from the,realms and it's actually they're not,authentic they're kind of just,artificial so it's kind of tough you,have to actually do some digging and,search through what is actually an,authentic comment and how many authentic,comments they're getting and all that,stuff just to make sure you're not,spending your money and losing it so,that's a thing to do but then basically,yeah we're just DMing them basically,saying hey you know I love the content,you promote we would like to do a,promotion with you send us our rates,please or send us your rates or what are,your rates question mark things just so,they know like you're actually asking a,question directly just so it can be,easier for them to reply and then if,they don't reply within like two days I,will personally all just you know I'll,reach out to them just because I really,want to make sure I'm building,relationships and using the accounts I,want to or working with the accounts I,want to work with to make sure I can,maximize my ad spend and make good money,and so basically this week we're going,to test we're going to try and hit I,don't know maybe a ten dollar promo day,for the first week or five dot no ten,dollars is fine just to see how it works,our products are personally high-priced,I'm looking at them right now they are,priced $39 $49 $59 five products right,now I'm actually adding more right now,as we speak but so that's kind of how,we're doing it and then work and we're,profiting a good amount like on the $39,product will be profiting $36 so it's a,high perceived value for all the,products that we have though so it,should be no problem but we have room to,mark to spend 10 dollars per sale I'm,still be insanely profitable so I mean,if we actually if we put in $10 in a,promotion and get one sale we're,actually going to be tripling our money,well if we put in 10 we'll get out 36 or,43 or 54 or 65 or 36 so I mean it's,going to be a decent amount of money,that we're actually making way more than,the other niche we were in so that's,basically it um I hope I covered,everything um yeah and if you guys are,having any more questions about,Instagram influencers and how to promote,them comment down because that's 100%,were our advertising is being used,Instagram influencers just because we're,not the best with Facebook Ads we I,actually I take that back I'm pretty,well with it I'm using it with another,business model I'm in but I'm not,actually using it for dropshipping just,because the margins aren't as high with,dropshipping as they are to the other,business model um every sale I'm going,to be profiting around $60 which is a,little higher than most of these but um,so that's why I'm not we may soon,incorporate it but as far as right now,we're not so I believe this is it and I,just wanted to make this video,documenting what's going to happen this,weekend what we have planned so I mean,our plan is to at least get seven sales,in that will be must at like $40 profit,of sale,there will be 280 dollars,I need this week yeah,which isn't an insane amount at all but,it's just we're going to be testing and,hoping to hit some hoping to work with,some good accounts that are actually,have good amounts of followers and that,accounts that actually have a good,influence on their followers so that's,basically the plan by Saturday I'll let,you guys know what how we did with sales,and all that stuff and I'm going to be,transparent with you guys because I,don't want you guys to start drop,shipping if it's not like if I don't,know I want I want to stay transparent,so I'm like help I can help you guys out,if you guys are just getting started and,all that stuff but that's about it I,hope you guys like this video if you,guys do give it a thumbs up and,subscribe and comment if you guys want,to check out my other videos if you have,it but that's about it I'll link my,Instagram below if you guys want to,follow me or DM me or ask me any,questions but that's about it if you,guys want to also get started with,Shopify I'll leave the link below it's I,it's my affiliate link so I will make,money off of it if you guys do sign up,with me but that's about it um thank you,guys and peace

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