how to do a giveaway on shopify

Shopify: Print On Demand Tutorial 2022 + CA$H GiveAway!!🤑 happy throwback thursday my cash cow,fami

Silent Cash Cow

Updated on Mar 27,2023

Shopify: Print On Demand Tutorial 2022 + CA$H GiveAway!!🤑

The above is a brief introduction to how to do a giveaway on shopify

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Shopify: Print On Demand Tutorial 2022 + CA$H GiveAway!!🤑

happy throwback thursday my cash cow,family from karma by the sea california,hello kids have you missed me i've,missed you,excuse me um guys in today's video um,like the thumbnail stated i'm going to,show you with the essence assistance,assistance,um,from someone else here on youtube who i,um have been following for years um,yeah so,what we are going to be talking about,today is,the video um,the print on demand uh,shopify store,that i've been,saying i'm going to make i'm going to,make i'm going to make i'm going to make,um,well i've kind of made it with the,assistance,of another youtuber,who can explain it a little bit better,than you guys,um one of the reasons i'm not doing it,myself,is because,shopify denied my affiliate application,which,boggles my mind,um so,i can't um,i can't make any any money off of the,video so,i hope you guys understand so i am going,to,um,turn you on to this guy like i said that,i've been following for for quite some,time on youtube,um it's got a great channel um,and also guys um,not only the shopify print on demand,store um,i'm doing another cash cow giveaway,and guys the rules are,have changed a little bit um those rules,are going to be,i am going to put,a,uh my cash cow logo,my little my little cow,somewhere in this video,um,it's going to pop up,so,if you see that,i need you,to,comment,not actually comment,because,that would kind of kill it for everybody,else,um so don't comment,of where this little cow is,you need to send me an email,to,silentcashcow,,and just tell me that you watched the,video and,where you thought you saw the cow and,the time stamp what time you saw,that cow pop up,um,and guys i'm going to do a hundred,dollars this time,and i'm also not doing this worldwide,well i shouldn't say not worldwide,if you do not have a paypal account,if you do not have a paypal account you,cannot enter this contest,i went out of my way and and did,something for the last winner,um,and i'm just i i can't do that guys it's,not,anyway,um so comment,um,where you saw the cow the time stamp,send me an email,and then um,and i'm gonna let it i'm gonna let the,the contest,go for at least 24 hours maybe 36 just,to give everybody ample time to to join,in,so if you're not subscribed to the,channel,or you're new here,make sure you have the notification bell,um turned on,and obviously you have to be subscribed,to the channel and i know if you're not,so,um,that's kind of it guys um,i haven't been doing much um myself,i'm kind of on a creative block i don't,know why,um,yeah it could be um i recently met a,woman which is nice,but i i've been i've been making money,with my um with the real caddyshack,um obviously affiliate marketing,um and again if you're new to this,channel you you've you've never seen,this pretty face,um,i've been making online money online for,over 25 years guys a lot of it stems,from affiliate marketing e-commerce um,blah to the blog to the blog so,anyway guys i'll flip it around and,introduce you to the guy who is going to,show you how to build your,print-on-demand shopify store so,let's get this party started,did you miss me,okay guys,again,um,just real quick um,uh,before we start i just want to lay the,foundation of um,why i'm doing this,um so about five weeks ago guys i was um,i've been i've been marketing my real,caddyshack um shopify print on demand,store,um,and have seen,really good success over the last couple,months,um,i mean i started the store i don't know,a year and a half ago or something but i,never did anything with it shocking,um,but it's done it's done well and and i,wanted to show you guys how easy it is,to um create a shopify print on demand,store,um,so i was basically,going to show you guys,like step by step by step,um,on,hey there's me,um,uh yeah yeah yeah well i can just go to,here,anyway guys um this this is the website,and i started an instagram account for,it um,i started this about uh,two and a half three three weeks ago,probably three weeks ago,i i have not launched it yet it's still,um,it's still not live or anything like,that i'm still adding products,um,but,this this is what i was going to show,you um,of how easy this this is for you guys to,to implement yourselves,um,and that's what i'm going to um,let a fellow youtuber,show you guys uh,how to how to do everything from,start to finish like i was going to show,you,i think his video is,just over two hours long,um,but i trust this guy i've been following,it like i said i've been following him,for years him and his brother,um,so um i i just want you guys to know,that that you guys can do this and um,because if i can do it you can do it,um,and while i was um switching over,to this part of the,epic video um,we had a sale,we had a sale,on the real caddyshack,um,for forty dollars uh my profit on that,is almost 25 dollars actually,good for me,um,but,but,um,i'm losing my train of thought but,that's exciting um,because i hadn't had it i didn't get any,sales yesterday,um i mean i only spent 15 on ads but,anyway,um we paid a whopping,25 cents for,for that conversion that i i was just,showing you,so,it's this campaign right here,two clicks how about that conversion,rate that's pretty damn good huh,um,okay enough of that guys um,so basically let me,let me take you over to the channel um,where you guys are going to be able to,learn how to do this,now obviously guys there's going to be a,link in the description to the exact,video,so just click on that,and um,watch it to your heart's content,again i trust the guy and i i've watched,the video myself in in its entirety and,um,i probably couldn't do it any better,than than he did he's got a little more,experience um on youtube than than than,myself,so um,his name guys um,is mike o'brien,and he's the one on the left here,and then this is his brother nate which,has an amazing amazing channel they both,do,um they've been doing affiliate,marketing and youtube and um,blah to the blah for for many years,um,i think nato brian has close to two,million followers maybe one and a half,million followers but,anyway guys um,both of them are great people to follow,and actually i'll put a link to nate,o'brien's channel as well,um,down below,and uh also remember guys you're looking,for that cow for the cash cow giveaway,so,have we seen it yet,i don't know,um,so let me pull up the video,i kind of stole his thumbnail,i didn't steal it but,you know what i'm saying,so again guys um,let me just,when building an online store selling,online with your own e-commerce website,a little bit more detail starting off,step number one and we're gonna go,through all of this throughout this,video i'll show you exactly what you,need to know how to do this and i'll,actually you guys getting all this as,well so you can see where to click what,to do and how to actually have it,properly,um,guys other than that it is it is going,to be one of my shorter videos obviously,um,just trying to think where i want to go,with this,you know you guys know i always forget,uh,what i'm gonna say and then,i end the video and then,then i remember,um,so,yeah so anyway um as far as the real,caddyshack goes that website that,shopify print on demand store,i'm actually thinking about um,selling it,um,i don't know,i'm thinking about maybe starting van,life soon,living out of a van and just working,remotely,being a digital nomad,um,i mean not anytime soon but,this would help me um,you know,i'd feel better if i had you know 10,grand if i sell the website 10 or 15,grand,then i could buy the van and,then you guys can travel with me and,we'll make money online in every,freaking place in the united states,um,but anyway guys i think i'm gonna end it,because i just don't know what else to,say,i'll show you what my uh,store has made,over,over,we'll just say year to date,again guys,if you are new here i'm very transparent,i show you guys everything,um,so,basically um just this is just in the,last couple months,like i said that's when i started,marketing it again,with google shopping ads,which are freaking,amazing,um,but we made 12 grand and,you gotta figure,probably made,forty percent of that um is profit so,what is that,uh,i don't know four or five grand profit,in a couple months,which is fine,i wasn't trying to do anything crazy,with it,um,so it's just just to show you guys that,that i'm not full of,so um,guys i'm gonna leave it at that now,remember remember,uh you want to um go to silent cash cow,at send me an email,and let me know,the time where you saw that cow pop up,in in in this video,and like i said it's going to be a 100,cash giveaway,um if you don't have a paypal account do,do not try and enter because,it's it's not going to happen guys,so and like i said i'm going to give it,about 24,to 36 48 hours,and then i will pick the winner so again,make sure,obviously that you're subscribed to the,channel um,and you can comment on the video but do,not comment,um,where you saw the cow because that,that'll basically push you out of it,so you can comment all you want just,don't say where the cow was so anyway,guys i hope you've all been well,i'm going to try and post more videos,i'm actually,running a test on an affiliate marketing,product,that i'm going to start promoting um,this morning so hopefully i'll have a,case study for that,uh in the next video and lots of the,blah so,hope you guys have all been well again,and get out there and make that moolah,guys you get you just gotta get in and,take action okay,and and like i said i'll help you guys,100 percent,shoot me an email comment if you if you,have any questions or,if you want my help or advice what have,you so anyway i love you all and i will,see you,in the next,video,peace

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