how to delete a section on shopify

How to add or delete a section on your Shopify store in 2020 do you know you can add and delete,sect

Ulrich Nzeukoue

Updated on Feb 14,2023

How to add or delete a section on your Shopify store in 2020

The above is a brief introduction to how to delete a section on shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to delete a section on shopify

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how to delete a section on shopify catalogs

How to add or delete a section on your Shopify store in 2020

do you know you can add and delete,sections on your shopify store yes,that's possible in this video i'm just,going to show you,how to do that hi my name is ulrich,so in this video i'll walk you through,the process of adding and deleting a,specific section,on your shopify store so here we are,on my shopify store as you can see here,in order to add a section i'll come down,here to the left hand side,and scroll down to the very bottom where,it says,add section i'll just click on add,section,and i will select the type of section i,want to add,so there are custom content blog posts,collection links feature collection,gallery,image with text image with text overlay,logo list,i mean there's so many things here that,you can add right,but in this specific case i'm just going,to add a feature collection,so this is the feature collection i've,added and as you can see,it says featured collection,what i need to do now,i need to click on select,so as you can see that's that's that's,how it looks,i need to change the heading title so,the heading,i'll name that sorry the heading i'll,name it,men,blazer,i'll just name it men blazers and then i,will select,a collection from one of my collections,so in,in my collections i've created tons of,collections before,so if you want to know how to create a,collection and add it to your main,item i do have a video on that so make,sure you check those videos i'll put it,down in the description below so,i'll now select a specific collection,that i want to add,and in this case it's men blazer so i'll,name that main jacket,and then click on select,so as you can see these are the main,jackets,that i've added and this specific,collection is called,men men b oh sorry,uh it's men blazer sorry,men blazers yeah so as you can see you,do have jackets here,and make sure you save your work,afterwards,right in order to populate if you don't,save your work,you won't be able to have it so make,sure you save your work,now in order to delete,a specific collection as you can see,uh sorry in order to delete a specific,section as you can see,that's the website it has a lot of,sections,right with different items so let's say,i want to delete men jacket sections,right,so i will come here this is a section,main jacket that's a specific section,so what i need to do is i need to click,here on the three dots,here on top and then click on remove,section,it will remove the section and then i,will just click on save,so as you can see the main jacket,section,was deleted right if i want to delete,this main blazer,if i also want to delete this main,blazer section that,i created a long time ago remember the,the main blazer collection that i,created,is this one this is the main blazer,collection that i created,but this is another main blazer,collection that i created,as well if i want to delete that,i just need to go back and select,the specific collection i want to delete,so in this case,it will be this collection,and then i will just click this three,dots and delete this again,but i've shown you an example on how to,delete,a specific section and how to,add a new section to your shopify store,so thank you for watching this video,this video,i hope it was instrumental to you if you,really like,and enjoy this content please type,section,in the comment section down below and,if you need help building your ecom,store,or designing your website please reach,out to me,i'll also leave a link on my calendar,down below so you can,contact me you know if you have any,issues,or if you know if you want to design,your website,if you also need help with advertising,your services,or your products you can also reach out,to me i do run a digital marketing,where i help business owners generate,more revenue,using social media advertisement and,search engines,so thank you guys and for watching this,content,and i'm looking forward to hear from you,take care bye

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