how to create template file in shopify



Updated on Mar 12,2023


The above is a brief introduction to how to create template file in shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to create template file in shopify

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welcome back graduates so today I'm,going to show you how to create custom,page templates with Shopify 2.0 which is,an amazing new feature that was released,about a year ago and what that basically,means is,um you have sections on the home page,and whatever sections you have on the,home page you have readily available to,create beautiful landing pages on any,other page so I'm going to show you how,to create how to create a custom page,template but then I'm going to use one,of us one of the sections that,uh We've created for you and then show,you how to set that up as well I know,there's been many requests how to use,the section the FAQ section as a,standalone page itself so I'm going to,go right into it and show you three two,one here we go,so you're in the back end of your,Shopify store and there's a couple steps,on how to do this you're not going to,get a zip file or anything but I'm just,going to show you right here so if I,click customize into my theme,I'm going to see the FAQ at the very,bottom right here,and it's a nice accordion drop down and,if you haven't had if you don't have,this yet but you know you really want it,go and check the uh the other video,the FAQ video so going down here you,have this and it is on the home page but,let's say I want to create a brand new,just specifically isolated FAQ page,itself with the section here that you,know you purchased or on other themes so,this doesn't just uh this doesn't just,go on our theme this applies to any,other theme,um when you're on Shopify 2.0 so right,over here I'm going to go into my theme,editor home page pages and I'm going to,create a new template so when you see,the option create a new template or,create templates you'll know that you,are on Shopify 2.0 just as is so right,now I only have contact so I'm going to,create a page template I'm going to name,it FAQ and this will only have the FAQ,content in it,and I'm just going to do a based on,the default page,now it's going to look like this,and you know it it looks all weird and,jumbled and it doesn't look like it's,FAQ page so right over here there's a,preview you can preview and I don't have,a FAQ page right now,and then there's page you can hide this,and what this means is you can hide the,page content right here so I'm just,going to hide this and then now I'm,going to go and add the section and you,have all these sections that you can add,to build out beautiful landing pages but,what I'm going to do is I'm just going,to start typing in F for the FAQ,right over here and then here is the,default and I'm just going to save this,once you have this section you can go,and design it however you want,um with our settings again we do have,you know,options here Max width you can also add,another section here so I'm just going,to add this and categorize it so it'll,look really nice and I'm just gonna do,1200 again so this top section I can do,let's do General,and oh,General and the bottom section here I'm,going to name this let's say this is for,coffee I'm gonna do our,coffee so specifically maybe the general,could be shipping you know about your,business coffee is about the coffee,itself and then you can have another one,for shipping returns policies things,like that and I'm just gonna save it,right here,so now I have this beautiful FAQ page,um and I have questions here so when I,go out of this,what I'm going to do is I'm going to go,into my pages here,in the back end I'm going to go into,pages and create a page now I'm going to,create this and I'm going to name this,title or I'm going to name this FAQ in,the title and then right over here this,is where you assign your new custom page,template so this is after or you can do,this before so I'm going to just assign,this to FAQ the new one I just created,I'm going to click save and take Shopify,a little bit to,um update,because it does take a little bit for,Shopify to update but here is the new,page and it doesn't have any of the,other content except strictly the FAQ,now when you want to assign this to the,navigation here just going to reload,this in the theme editor when you want,to assign this in the navigation,you'll go back into your back end and go,and click on navigation,and let's say I want to put this in the,main menu even though sometimes it's,most of the time it's in the footer,I will do add menu and you can start,typing in pages,and FAQ,and we'll take Shopify a little bit but,it takes a little bit,online store we're gonna click preview,and,it hasn't updated yet,has not updated yet perfect now we have,the feq in the navigation right here,when I click on it it's going to be it's,going to drive me to the new FAQ,template that I just created now this,can work for any you know any theme the,same logic here but this is the same,this is the way to create the content,page now but you go into the theme,editor you create the and you name the,title that you want build out the,landing page and then you go create the,page and then you assign it to the,template and then you assign it to the,navigation afterwards uh so let's say,for example I'm going to go into here,and,um I want to create another page and,let's say I want to create a page but,it's going to be new landing and the,thing is if I already have an FAQ page,and I have already the content in there,um and I I know for myself it's going to,have an FAQ section you can do it based,on the FAQ,you can do it based on whatever previous,templates you have so this means that,all my content for the FAQs are going to,be there so everything's there then I,can go and add a new section so I don't,have to continue,re-writing in content as well so let's,say I want to add a a testimonial slider,and I'm just going to do that right,above here I'm going to click save,and then I'm also going to add a,let's see agency what else does do we,have and and Don have,um image Banner so I'm just going to do,an image Banner,and then I have a testimonials then I,have a you know FAQ,but that's essentially how the custom,page template works if you do need help,reach out to hello, and we'll be sure to,help you hope this video did help please,like comment and subscribe as it does,help the YouTube algorithm and we can we,can create more videos how-to videos,like this to help you thank you

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