how to create signup forms in shopify

How to Create Signup Forms for your Shopify store in Klaviyo [2022] we'll start by creating a pop-up

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Updated on Mar 24,2023

How to Create Signup Forms for your Shopify store in Klaviyo [2022]

The above is a brief introduction to how to create signup forms in shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to create signup forms in shopify

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How to Create Signup Forms for your Shopify store in Klaviyo [2022]

we'll start by creating a pop-up and,then an embed form if you already have a,clavio account and it's not connected to,your eCommerce store you can connect it,through integration settings click on,your name in the bottom left select,Integrations search Shopify,paste in your Shopify URL the my Shopify,version of the URL,click connect to Shopify,similar to before this will take you to,Shopify and ask you to install the,clavio app on Shopify,quick install app in the top right,it will take you back to clavio and,click integrate,from the clayview homepage under content,click on sign up forms from the list on,the left clavio has a gallery of basic,template form designs they're starting,points and highly customizable from,these I'll select the basic form design,for pop-up choose a name for the form,that describes the pop-up and select the,website signups list then create form,so now we'll use the clayview designer,to make the pop-up match the rest of,your branding try to keep the form,simple the idea is to make the form easy,to read so customers will be more,incentivized to fill out the pop-up,rather than just close it you should,have only two pages on your pop-up page,one should detail the offer and have a,place to input the email,foreign,message and a notice for them to go,check their email for the discount code,if you want to click to SMS subscribers,at a second page to collect their phone,number as well,foreign,so now that you've filled out the text,and designed to match your branding you,want to change the behavior in targeting,click on behavior and targeting menu on,the left you can see the options to,Target audiences which devices to show,the form on and have a form will behave,we suggest having a loading delay for,the pop-up,uh we recommend showing it when someone,goes to exit which is only going to work,on desktop obviously five seconds after,page load,and after scrolling 30 of the page we,also recommend that you don't show again,after form submit and show again after,three days of closing so if someone,closes it they're not going to see it,for another three days,show on mobile and desktop and under,targeting check don't show to existing,plagio profiles just make sure you do,not send existing customers offers also,exclude any Pages you do not wish the,pop-up to appear on manly cart pages and,checkout pages,once the pop-up is complete click on,draft and change it to live once this is,done test your pop-up by going through,the sign up process so now for the embed,form within clavio in the left column,select signup forms once again cloudy,has a variety of pre-made templates set,a basic template to customize,foreign,which list email subscribers will be,added to and I'll select website signups,again click create form like the pop-up,form you want to create the embed form,to be simple and easy for customers to,understand keep the text simple and the,offer clear,foreign,foreign,is done click save and we'll now add it,to your website first publish the form,with the publish button in the top right,corner this will give you a code in a,little pop-up but you don't need it at,all you just need to copy the six digit,code which is also in the URL when,editing the form,click publish again,now within Shopify within Shopify go to,the online store menu click theme in,theme settings click customize button,this will bring up the editor at the top,of the screen you can control which page,you want to add the form to in our case,we want to add it to the home page on,the left panel at the bottom click add,section,scroll down to apps you can see the clap,your embed form,here you need to add the form ID this is,the six digit code and that's it the,form will now show on the website click,save and it's live on the site all right,that's it and how the forms are complete,we've got our website tracking through,the pop-ups and the forms and we're,collecting subscribers as well so let's,just test it on the site we'll use the,pop-up we'll sign up there I'll add a,placeholder email address,foreign,then return to clavio click on profile,in the left menu,you should see it has a profile now and,I'm on all the correct lists,so there's three types of sign up forms,that you can use on your website and,create within clayvio pop-ups fly outs,and embed forms pop-ups appear when a,customer is browsing the website after a,certain amount of time they appear in,the middle of the screen and make it so,the customer must interact with them or,dismiss them before browsing the website,pop-ups are tricky for a customer to,dismiss and have a high conversion rate,but they are the most disruptive for a,customer when they're browsing the,website fly outs are similar to pop-ups,but they're a little less intrusive they,slide in from the side appearing the,side of the page and not distracting the,customer from the browsing as much,they're still noticeable to customers,but have a lower conversion rate than,pop-ups a quick note here about pop-ups,and fly outs they're pretty much the,same on mobile right like if you've got,a fly out coming in on mobile it's going,to take up a lot of the screen always,remember that most of your customers are,on mobile even though as marketers we,often spend our time optimizing the,website on desktop just keep that in,mind and then we've got embedded forms,they're the forms that are just within,the website they're placed within a,section of your eCommerce website,generally within the footer embed forms,are helpful for customers who come to,your site intending to subscribe for an,offer or make it through your page,without triggering a pop-up using these,alongside other signup forms like,pop-ups or flyouts is a good idea so,when creating your signup forms make,sure you have an offer to give your,customers to make them want to sign up,we suggest using a discount code for the,customer's first purchase as it,incentivizes them to stay on your store,Page and by sending a code to them via,email it trains your customers to open,emails sent by your brand,thank you

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