how to create home page for search engine on shopify

How To Setup Google Search Console For Shopify 2020 (Fast & Easy!) how's it going everybody welcome

Roy Goldstein

Updated on Mar 27,2023

How To Setup Google Search Console For Shopify 2020 (Fast & Easy!)

The above is a brief introduction to how to create home page for search engine on shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to create home page for search engine on shopify

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How To Setup Google Search Console For Shopify 2020 (Fast & Easy!)

how's it going everybody welcome to the,Shopify SEO series where I'm gonna be,covering everything you need to know,about getting your Shopify store to the,number one one spot on Google so today,we're gonna be setting up Google search,console and I recommend doing search,console and analytics first thing even,if your Shopify site has been around for,a little while you want to make sure,that you get as many data as much data,collected on your Shopify store as,possible so let's jump right into it,first thing we're gonna want to do is,login to Shopify okay and then when you,get to shop file probably see like a,home page we were gonna want to do is go,to online store hit domains and then,you're gonna want to do a primary domain,now this is for those of you that have,their domain hosted by Shopify if you,have a different hosting I would,recommend doing the same process but in,your hosts like GoDaddy your name cheap,just login and it's these same,principles so we're gonna hit manage,right here and then go ahead and click,DNS settings and we're gonna want to do,is add a custom record and hit text,record now for the name you put at and,then for the text value go ahead and,just search for a Google search console,and then hit start now ok and then once,you hit to your Google search console,you're gonna want to go ahead and go,over here click add property and then,domain just put in your domain now this,is a friend of mine who's so kind to let,me use this shop for eyesight but I'm,doing some work with him as well on this,his website is like our SEO guinea pig,so just click continue and then it's,going to want you to put in this text,record so what you want to do is just,copy it and then it'll say text record,was copied to your clipboard,and then go back here and paste that,text value in and just hit confirm and,then if everything went well you'll see,that you know it's record was,successfully added now what you're gonna,want to do is go back here and hit,verify and generally this is gonna take,a little bit of time sometimes it's,pretty quick other times it can take a,few hours from what I've noticed so,sometimes I think like if you just,refresh this maybe I don't think it,really does anything but verify so I'm,gonna give this some time and then I,will come back whenever it's been,updated all right so it's been about an,hour or so I don't really know but this,is with the pop up that you'll get,whatever you have been verified so now,what you're gonna want to do is just go,ahead and hit done and then you can go,here to chaos and snowman or whatever,yours is and why is it doing this up got,a property okay,and I'd start caught it and then we're,gonna want to do after this just go to,site Maps and then for your site map URL,generally it's gonna be whatever your,main URL is but would slash sitemap.xml,so for us we could see here if we have,chaos concealment would slash okay site,map thoughts well we do have that and,then Shopify Auto generates it for you,so you're fine so just go ahead and,click EDS,see where were we and then should be,good and then after that you're not,really gonna have any data but it's good,that you've set this up because in time,over the next 30 days or 60 or 90 days,you'll be able to see how your pages are,performing and you'll be able to further,optimize based on the data that you get,from the search console so that's it,we've got search console setup remember,if you are finding this helpful please,please please subscribe and turn the,alerts on because I'm gonna be reading,tons of videos on Shopify SEO and we're,going to be taking this site chaos,concealment to the number one spot on,Google so right now we're doing pretty,good I started working on this website,about a month ago and it was just dead,as a doorknob and now we're doing really,really well for the last 30 or so days,so everything is up compared to the,previous month the sales are up a,thousand percent online store sessions,are up 100 percent conversion rates up,so we're doing pretty good but we're,just getting started so stick around and,if you like this video drop a like and,let's get to the number one spot on,Google baby

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