how to create funnels for tshirts in shopify store

Shopify Vs. Clickfunnels For Selling T-Shirts And Apparel Online you've probably heard of both shopi

Kerry Egeler

Updated on Mar 07,2023

Shopify Vs. Clickfunnels For Selling T-Shirts And Apparel Online

The above is a brief introduction to how to create funnels for tshirts in shopify store

Let's move on to the first section of how to create funnels for tshirts in shopify store

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how to create funnels for tshirts in shopify store catalogs

Shopify Vs. Clickfunnels For Selling T-Shirts And Apparel Online

you've probably heard of both shopify,and click funnels,two of the biggest platforms to sell,things on for lack of a better term,but which platform should you use to,sell t-shirts and apparel,that's coming up,welcome back to the channel i hope,you've had an amazing month and if we,don't know each other my name is carrie,and on this channel we're here to bring,you the best strategy,secrets and hacks to grow your online,business grow your income,and i'm excited about today's video,because i get to talk about two things,that i love,shopify and click funnels and i get,asked all the time which should i,use for t-shirts and apparel and people,are always asking,should i have a sales funnel for my,t-shirts and it's a great question,especially if you're a beginner and you,just don't know the differences between,them,but today we're going to do is we're,going to kind of pit these against each,other when it comes to t-shirts and,apparel,and we're going to rate them in a few,different categories and i'm also going,to give you,kind of a quick breakdown of how they,differ and,what scenarios you should use each one,in,firstly i want to make sure that you,understand the differences between,shopify and click funnels,now these are two places where you can,sell things on the internet at its,simplest form,but they're very very different and,they're used for different purposes,let's start with shopify shopify is an,e-commerce platform where you can sell,physical products and it's a place to,build your entire web store,i like to think of shopify as kind of,like a walmart where there's a lot of,different products in there,there's a lot of different decisions to,make and most people have a lot of,products,on their shopify store if you think,about when you walk into a walmart and,you're looking for one specific thing,you kind of have to wade through all the,other products and all the other things,that might be there to find that thing,that you need,and along the way you may pick up other,items or you may get distracted and,there's a lot of benefits and,disadvantages,to having that kind of store click,funnels on the other hand is very,different,you've probably heard of the sales,funnel click funnels is a place where,you can build a sales funnel,and a sales funnel is mainly focused on,one objective it's getting you to click,on one button,buy one product or do one thing there's,not a million different products,like you would have in a shopify store,that's kind of the easiest way that i,like to explain it,imagine if you could walk into a walmart,and there was just one product right,there in front of you and it was always,the product that you needed,it would make it a lot easier and it,reduces that decision fatigue,and it's just a different kind of sale,it's really focused on one product or,one,service and click funnels began as an,info product,platform a place where people would go,to sell their digital courses or,coaching or consulting or services,and not so much physical products but a,lot of people including myself,have been able to use click funnels very,successfully to sell things like,t-shirts and ecommerce products or even,drop shipping,now that you kind of understand the,difference between shopify and click,funnels,let's compare them in a few different,categories first let's talk about ease,of use,which one is easier if you're a beginner,or you've never used either one of these,platforms,i want to talk you through kind of the,ease of use of each one,now in this category shopify definitely,wins shopify,is built for beginners it's very easy,but it's also very flexible and has a,lot of features,but it's really easy to get started you,could start a shopify store today,and in just a couple hours you'd be up,and running click funnels on the other,hand can be very complex,now it's an easy page builder but when,we're specifically talking about,t-shirts and apparel click funnels is,very hard to get,set up for t-shirts and apparel and,you're gonna learn a little bit later in,this video,why you would even use click funnels,because you might be already thinking,like i don't even want to use,clickfunnels,if it's really hard but as far as just,talking about ease of use shopify is,definitely going to win,much easier to get started and much,easier to tweak and use in general,next let's talk about cost now shopify,is going to have a 14 day free trial,i'll leave a link down in the,description if you want to use our,affiliate link they're going to have a,14-day free trial and the standard,plan with shopify is going to be 29.99,per month and that's really going to get,you everything that you need,now you're going to pay a little bit,additional for the credit card fees,that's 2.9,plus 30 cents per transaction but you,actually pay that credit card fee,with click funnels as well because,you'll have to integrate a payment,processor like stripe,uh or something like that so that you,can actually take payments,so shopify is going to run you about,29.99 per month,there is an upper tier 79.99 per month,you probably won't need that,unless you're doing a really high volume,of sales click funnels on the other hand,is going to start,at 97 from per month they're also going,to have a 14 day free trial but the,standard plan is going to start at 97,per month and you're going to be limited,to 20 funnels and you're going to have,some other limits on your account,they have a premium plan at 297 per,month,that includes unlimited funnels,unlimited pages you also get access to,funnel flicks,and a few different other really cool,things but generally most people are,either going to be using that 97,per month plan with click funnels or,29.99 per month with shopify so in this,category shopify definitely wins,next let's talk about which platform,converts better when i talk about,conversion i'm talking about,which platform will get you the most,sales and in this category it's,definitely going to,click funnels now first talking about,shopify the average conversion rate for,shopify,for a shopify store is somewhere between,like one and two percent,that means for every 100 people that,come to your website you're gonna,convert one to two sales,and that can definitely get a little bit,higher if you have a really high,converting store or really hot product,but generally speaking you're gonna be,somewhere around two percent conversion,with,with shopify now over on click funnels,you know it's not uncommon to see a,conversion rate as high as 20 or 30 or,i've even seen some of my funnels,convert at 40,or more so right off the bat you can see,you know click funnels is definitely,gonna win in the conversion category and,it's gonna get you,a lot more sales now the reason for that,is because of what we talked about,earlier,click funnels is gonna focus on one,product it's gonna be a one,product page just trying to get the,customer to buy that one product,and for that reason that decision,fatigue that you know,all the options are removed and you're,just selling one thing,and that's gonna cause your customer to,make a buying decision much,easier right and convert that sale much,easier and you can focus,all your ad copy and images and videos,around that one,product as opposed to on shopify where,you're going to have all the,distractions of all the links,all the different t-shirts or different,products that you have on that store,and that's going to reduce your,conversion rate there's also more steps,to go through on shopify you're going to,have to,see the product page you're going to hit,the add to cart button then you're going,to go to your cart page then you're,going to go to checkout you have to fill,out all of your information,so there's a lot of steps to go to where,as on click funnels you're really just,clicking one button,fill out your information and you're,done next up i wanted to talk about,upsells really quick because this is,something that,kind of goes in conjunction with the,last one with the conversion rate,another reason that you would use click,funnels and why,it might be beneficial to you in,t-shirts apparel and e-commerce,is because of upsells now upsells can be,used on shopify but you're going to have,to have a third-party app you know we've,talked about,vitals or you know bold upsells or,there's a lot of different apps out,there that you can do,upsells on shopify with but there is a,very fundamental difference,between upsells on shopify and upsells,on click funnels,click funnels uses what's called a one,click upsell,what that means is once the customer,puts in their credit card information,on the next page you can offer them an,upsell,and they just have to click one button,to add it to their order,because they've already made a purchase,with their credit card,over on shopify all of the upsells are,usually going to be,pre-checkout which means they haven't,put in their payment information yet and,this is going to cause your upsell,percentages to be way lower,than they'll be over on click funnels so,in this category,click funnels definitely wins because,you're going to do much,better with upsells you're going to,increase your average order value,using click funnels hey if you're,enjoying this video today you're getting,value and you're learning something i,need to ask you a huge favor,here get over here hit the like button,for the youtube algorithm and make sure,you subscribe to our channel,because we put out new videos every,tuesday,back to the video next up let's talk a,little bit about features and,flexibility,in this category i definitely think it,goes to shopify because shopify,really has an unlimited number of,features and different things that you,can do with it you know,of course you can you can edit all of,the different colors and the design and,look but,with the shopify app store with all of,the apps that you can,install into your store there's really,an unlimited possibilities for,things that you can do over on click,funnels it's pretty,you know what you see is what you get,you can build multiple funnels they have,templates,a lot of them look very similar you know,when you see a a funnel built on click,funnels,on the on the internet you can kind of,tell pretty quickly whether it's,clickfunnels or not because,they all look somewhat similar and i,think you could say the same thing about,shopify when it comes to free templates,a lot of,stores use the same free templates and,they look very similar,but there's so much you can do with,shopify to make your stores different,and make them stand out,and with that shopify app store and just,having so many apps in there,there's really unlimited features that,you can do with shopify now i do want to,quickly note,one difference where click funnels would,kind of win in this category,is that on click funnels you can have,multiple domains you can have,multiple funnels with completely,different niches and completely,different products,inside one account you can build funnels,multiple funnels that have nothing to do,with each other,if you want to sell in multiple niches,and have multiple websites,over on shopify every 29.99 account is,really just going to be,one store it's it's going to be focused,on one niche or just,one you know area that you're selling in,whereas on click funnels you can just,duplicate your funnels or create a new,funnel and you can make them,whatever you want you have a different,domain you can connect them to different,email accounts,whatever you want to do so there's a lot,of flexibility in that category,but i definitely think in the features,and flexibilities,category i would give give it to shopify,lastly because this video is focused on,t-shirts and apparel,we have to talk about print on demand a,little bit which is better for print on,demand,and without a doubt it's going to be,shopify for a number of reasons,print on demand really doesn't work with,click funnels and at the end of this,video coming up in just a second i'm,going to,tell you a little bit more about how to,use print on demand with click funnels,but print on demand just doesn't,integrate with click funnels you're not,going to be able to find a,print-on-demand provider and just,install it in your click funnels account,it doesn't work like that shopify on the,other hand you've got hundreds of,pronoun demand providers,all different price range all different,product selections and it's very very,easy to use print on demand with shopify,you simply go to the,shopify app store and find a print on,demand provider whatever products you,want to sell,whatever company you want to work with,hit the install button one click,you're done your your print on demand is,installed with click funnels like i said,there's just really no way to just,directly use,print on demand with click funnels now,you can make it work and we'll talk,about that in a minute,but in this category as far as what's,better for print on demand it's shopify,no doubt shopify wins as you can,probably see from this video shopify and,clickfunnels are very different when it,comes to e-commerce and they're used for,very different things,so when we're talking about t-shirts and,apparel specifically,what is the solution to use these two,platforms or when do you use,each platform and i want to tell you,what i've done and what we teach inside,of our short school course,so that you can know how to utilize both,of these and that's really the answer is,you want to use both together now,generally i don't recommend using click,funnels for t-shirts and apparel until,you're at least doing somewhere between,five thousand ten thousand or more per,month in revenue,really as a beginner just getting,started you need to start on shopify you,need to get that home base that website,built,and get your sales and revenue built up,until you're at a place where,you can go use a funnel for a hot,product or a product that you have,been making a lot of sales on you can,take that product out of your shopify,store,build a sales funnel for it and you can,scale that funnel,up and make a ton of money from that one,product and that's really how,you should utilize both build your,shopify store take your best products,put those in funnels and then go scale,your business,with those funnels and talking about,print on demand there are,there is software and and and things,that you can use out there tools you can,use,to connect click funnels and shopify,together,when it comes to t-shirts and,print-on-demand and apparel we have a,lot of variants right you can have a,t-shirt that,has a bunch of different sizes and a,bunch of different colors and that's,what makes clickfunnels really hard to,use with t-shirts and apparel,but there are apps like app trends it's,not really an app it's more like,software,software like app trends that you can,connect click funnels and shopify,together,to to make sales in your click funnel in,your funnel and send those orders,over to shopify and actually get that to,the print on demand,provider but it can be very complex as,you can probably see by just how i'm,explaining it it can be really complex,and hard to set up,now we do have an entire you know bonus,course inside of shirt school where we,walk you through step by step how to do,that,but again it can be really complex so i,recommend starting with shopify,when you get to that five 10k or more,per month,consider taking your best products and,building a funnel for it,and then sending those orders from your,funnel over to your shopify store,and over to print on demand with,something like app trends or there's a,there's,other apps out there that can do that so,hopefully now you kind of understand,both these platforms and know when you,should and when you shouldn't use,shopify or click funnels in your t-shirt,or print-on-demand business,thank you so much for watching today i,hope you enjoyed this video and leave me,a comment down below let me know are you,using shopify or using click funnels or,using both together,and real quick if you want to get a 14,day free trial of shopify,i'm going to leave that link down in the,description it's the first link it's an,affiliate link and you can get a free 14,day,trial of shopify right below that link,i'm going to leave you a link to one of,my personal,sales funnels for t-shirts now you can,click that link,and that's going to give you a 14-day,free trial of click funnels and it's,going to put my actual funnel,inside your new account which is pretty,cool so you can just tweak it and,actually use it for yourself so if,you're at a place where you're ready to,try,a funnel and build a sales funnel get my,free t-shirt funnel,and use that for yourself again thanks,for watching we'll see you next week

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