how to create a waitlist on shopify

How It Works - Product Waiting Lists for Shopify hi everyone this is Patrick from Whitely,th

Waitli Team

Updated on Jan 24,2023

How It Works - Product Waiting Lists for Shopify

The above is a brief introduction to how to create a waitlist on shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to create a waitlist on shopify

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How It Works - Product Waiting Lists for Shopify

hi everyone this is Patrick from Whitely,this is a quick overview video going,over how weighting works and what the,process looks like for you and your,customers we'll get started by creating,a waiting list for John's artwork store,here specifically for this girl with the,Pearl Earring painting as you can see I,can purchase this product I can add it,to my cart and go through the checkout,as usual of course we don't want that we,want our customers have to join a,waiting list wait their turn before,purchasing their product do that it's,super simple all you have to do is hop,on over to the Whateley app and click,create waiting list here you can see the,creation process the only two steps,super simple you just have to select the,product that you want make sure you,click Add and if you want you can rename,the waiting list name like it says it's,only for internal use your customers,won't see this so in most cases you can,just leave it to default that's what,I'll do just leave it as the default and,then click create you can see that it's,now populated in our waiting lists area,there but we'll hop on over to the,product page again see what happens,so as you can see the Add to Cart button,has been replaced with this join waiting,list section so there are a few elements,here first up is this waiting list X so,this is all customizable by you by,default we say there are X number of,people on the waiting list click the,button below to join we have this,special little variable which will show,the number of people that are currently,on the list,we go into depth explaining how you can,insert that within these settings but,it's super customizable and you can add,a lot of information in there which is,super helpful for your customers you can,also change this join waiting with,buttons you can change the text within,it and the color of the button to match,your brand in this case green works,pretty good John's art works grand so,we'll just get started so in this case I,am a brand new customer I've never used,John's artwork store before I've never,purchased anything from John so when I,click this join waiting list button a,model pops up asking me to register for,an account and join the waiting list so,in this case called just that I am being,Joe and I will put in my email and,password,and click register and join waiting list,once that process is you will see a,congratulations message which is again,customized will bite you within the,weight of settings so after a customer,joins the waiting list two things happen,first an email is sent to the customer,saying that they're currently on the,waiting list for the product just a,confirmation email here is again fully,customizable so here you can explain,sort of maybe why you have the waiting,list and maybe as well explain that for,them to keep an eye on their inbox so,that they know when they're available to,product the purchased product our,default email goes over a bit of that,and we also have these two variables,that you can see that just say you're,currently position number one on the,product list of X amount of people so,this can change as more people are,activated or removed from the waiting,list or added to the waiting list those,numbers will all change but it's a good,notifier for the customer to see what,their status is on the waiting list and,the one other email we send out is to,use the store owner and it's just a,quick notification email that says Jane,Doe has joined your waiting list and,then we say if you want to visit the,Whateley app and you can manage the way,to the most so if we hop back into,Whateley we can just click into our,product waiting list here and there we,go we see Jane Doe is number one on the,waiting list,so as this populates we can search,through and filter the customers and,yeah there's two functions for the,customers of course the first most,important one is to activate them and,then the other one is to remove,and the waiting list it for some reason,you need to remove a customer from a,waiting list option is there so in this,case we're going to activate Jane Doe we,click that and we see the Jane Doe has,been activated successfully a few things,happen once again first off they're,automatically moved to the active list,so you can see their their status on the,active list what number they are in this,case of course Jane's the only one so,she is in first position,and the other thing that happens is we,send an email to the customer just,confirming that they are now able and,allowed to purchase the product so when,we hop back over to our email we can see,that the customer was sent a,notification email sort of just,confirming that they are now able to,purchase the product basically just says,congratulations you can now purchase,Pearl Earring painting this email is,fully customizable again whatever text,you want in here and you can change the,button text and the button color as well,and of course like the other email we,include your brand's logo that you,uploaded during the installation process,here so that your customers doesn't get,confused at all,so when's the customer clicks this,purchase button they are sent right back,to the product page and they can now see,ok there's now one person on the waiting,list so here they can just click this,sign-in button put in their email and,password that they just signed up with,and when it refreshes they can see that,they can now purchase the product they,can now add product to their cart they,can buy it now they can go through the,whole checkout process so that's pretty,much the entire Whateley process it's,super simple once you get the hang of it,and I think it can be super useful for a,lot of store owners if you have any,questions at all please feel free to,email us at hello at weight Li and we'll,get back to you within 24 to 48 hours or,you can go to our website and click,contact us and fill out this form here I,hope that helps and I look forward to,helping you with Whateley

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