how to create a facebook page for shopify store

Create Your Facebook Business Page For Shopify + Connect Your Instagram it's important to have a Fac


Updated on Mar 25,2023

Create Your Facebook Business Page For Shopify + Connect Your Instagram

The above is a brief introduction to how to create a facebook page for shopify store

Let's move on to the first section of how to create a facebook page for shopify store

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Create Your Facebook Business Page For Shopify + Connect Your Instagram

it's important to have a Facebook page,for your Shopify store so later on we,can run ads with it and it's very very,crucial to set it up correctly so in,this video I'm going to be showing you,how to do that and set up your Facebook,page the right way so later on we could,run ads for our Shopify store like And,subscribe to the channel if you didn't,already guys I know this video is going,to help you out so I appreciate a like,and if you're interested in scaling your,Facebook ads I have the blueprint that,is bringing my students to 10K a month,20K a month and even 40K a month and,that comes along with my one-on-one,mentorship so if you're interested in,that just hit me up down below or click,the link in the description and I'll,help you out and see how we can go from,there okay guys so to create a Facebook,page just go to Facebook and literally,go on the left hand side and you'll find,where you can go into your pages Tab and,then create a page and literally all you,want to do is just enter in the page,name then pick what category it is if,it's a clothing brand you just type in,clothing and enter in clothing brand and,then the bio you can enter that into so,as you can see here creating your,Facebook page is very easy just name it,enter your category and for the,description I usually just put in my,mission statement you're going to tell,people exactly who you are and what your,brand does in the most concise way,possible include keywords that are,relative to your brand and your products,so if you're a fitness brand just make,sure you add in relative keywords like,uh gym wear leggings whatever else like,it's common sense I think it's not too,difficult so while you're editing your,Facebook page settings first we're going,to start off with page info okay for the,example I'm going to name it the free,course page and the category I'm going,to leave as clothing and then the bio I,have is this so we're going to go ahead,and create the page and we're just gonna,edit the very basic page info so I could,show you guys how simple and easy it is,now that you created your Facebook page,for your Shopify store guys add in your,website information add in your phone,number add in your email for your,Shopify store add in your location and,just fill out all these details and for,hours you could really put anything you,want but I like to do always open and,just hit next now from here add in your,profile picture which which is probably,going to be your brand logo that's what,I always do and then add a nice cover,photo if you don't know what to pick go,to your competitors and see what their,cover photos are for inspiration and,then add an action button which is,usually shop now now when it comes to,WhatsApp I usually skip this if you want,you could invite your friends to your,business profile if you think your,friends will like it if not just go on,to the next thing you can choose whether,you want notifications or not that's,totally up to you okay sweet now that we,just made a page and we're setting it up,the first thing we want to do is set up,automatic responses and basically,they're just gonna be like FAQs for,anybody who wants to contact your page,with a question so if your customers are,curious like how can I track an order or,any other questions they have you can,add these as automatic responses in your,Facebook page so let's go here go to,your Facebook page click on manage and,we are going to look in the messaging,settings and then I'm pretty sure we can,go over here and we can click on,something that says frequently asked,questions up here I already clicked on,it so it is going to be down here for me,and I'm just going to click edit you're,going to turn this on check on the,messenger and then down here you can add,questions so question one you just,really gotta type in your question here,and then for the message you want to say,you can write the message here for,example for their question how can I,track my order you're going to write,that here and then you're gonna tell the,customer exactly how they could track,their order here oh click this link this,is our order tracking page whatever save,the changes and now they're gonna have,the option to message you they're gonna,see the frequently Asked question popped,up and if that's their question they're,gonna click on it and get a quick reply,so you don't have to waste your time,answering all of these customers when,you have a quick reply and guys the,thing with Facebook is it is always,going to be changing the options are,always going to be switching around like,every single month so just go into all,the settings click manage look through,everything and get very familiar with it,but the next thing we're gonna do is,edit our templates and tabs and I only,check mark shop and reviews so we're,gonna go into our Facebook page we're,gonna click more right here and we're,gonna manage these sections and the only,thing we're gonna leave is shop and,review so we're gonna uncheck all of,these you can see that reviews is over,here I couldn't find shops so I'm not,sure if it's because I didn't put a Shop,link on my Facebook page yet you might,be able to see it later or Facebook just,kind of changed things around now what I,used to do for my Facebook pages is put,these tabs in a specific order and the,order would read home about Shop reviews,photos videos and Community everything,else is left unchecked but it seems like,there was a Facebook update and I'm not,sure if you're able to reorder these,sections anymore but check all of your,settings click and manage and look at,everything to see if you still can and,if you can't it's really not the biggest,deal at all now if you watched the last,video we made an Instagram page this is,where you're going to be able to connect,your Instagram page for your Shopify,store to your business Facebook page we,just made in this video so go ahead to,your Instagram account on your phone go,into the settings go go into the,business settings on Instagram and,connect it to your Facebook page and,then it is really that easy to connect,your Instagram page to your business,Facebook page or your Shopify store as,an action item guys create your Facebook,page and edit all the settings mentioned,in this video it is very easy to do then,connect your Instagram account to your,Facebook page and we cover the main,settings but go through the others if,you'd like to get familiar with the,platform always recommend it and like,And subscribe this video If it helped,you out guys if you want to scale your,Facebook ads I have the blueprint that,gets my students 10K a month 20K a month,and even 40K a month like it is,literally changing their lives and it,comes along with my one-on-one,mentorship so if you are struggling with,Facebook ads and this sounds like you,just hit me up go down into the contact,details in the description send me a,message and then click on the link and,we can see if you're a good fit for the,program alright guys love you I hope you,enjoyed this video drop a like for me if,you really did and leave any comments if,you have any questions alright I'll see,you in the next one

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