how to create a facebook ad for shopify

Facebook Ads Tutorial For Shopify Dropshipping In 2022 | Step By Step you could be losing thousands

Andy Stauring

Updated on Feb 17,2023

Facebook Ads Tutorial For Shopify Dropshipping In 2022 | Step By Step

The above is a brief introduction to how to create a facebook ad for shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to create a facebook ad for shopify

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Facebook Ads Tutorial For Shopify Dropshipping In 2022 | Step By Step

you could be losing thousands of dollars,every single day with a simple,structural error when running facebook,ads for your shopify store even if you,have a million dollar product and a,flawless custom coded website if you,aren't targeting the right group people,that are gonna have the highest,potential to buy from you you just,aren't gonna make any money so in this,video i'm gonna cover exactly how to set,up a basic facebook guy that'll help you,pinpoint a specific audience to direct,your traffic to to hopefully receive,results like mine or even better and the,cool thing is that you can literally use,this exact strategy on any product,you're trying to sell if you guys are,new here my name is andy i've been,building e-commerce brands for the past,four years i've generated over seven,figures on multiple online stores and,i'm just here sharing my knowledge,trying to provide as much value and,transparency as i can to the youtube,platform all right before we get in this,video i want to quickly raffle off the,winners of the free one-on-one call,giveaway these will be sessions where,you can ask me anything you want,e-commerce related so let's go hop in,the computer on the,comment picker so all you had to do was,basically say a place that you wanted to,go comment like and of course subscribe,so let's go and pick these winners first,winner is george zaya i'll be messaging,you guys right after this,and then next winner elas,and then the last winner of the giveaway,sean jahan all right those are the three,winners of the giveaway i also want to,give a big shout out to all you guys,that subscribe we hit 10k subscribers in,less than two weeks that's absolutely,wild,i appreciate the support so much it,means the world to me but without,further ado let's get into this video,alright so the first thing that you need,to do before setting up any ads or,running any ad campaigns is to set up,your business manager and your business,manager what you can think of it as,essentially like a big organizing folder,and that encompasses all of your data so,your facebook pages your ad accounts,your pixels and you can also grant,someone access to your business manager,from there once they have access they,can go in and view and edit any data,within it now you can create up to two,of these business managers per personal,facebook account but remember,someone can grant you access to their,business manager meaning that if you,have a lot of friends technically you,really don't have a limit now we're,going to go in and create our business,manager how do we do that we have to go,to this url right here, overview,once we go there we're going to get,direct to this page you're going to be,on your personal account hit this create,button and then we're going to name it i,like to name my store name,no one can actually see this it's just,for yourself,it's my example store name my name this,is not my account by the way it's just a,random account,and then,we're gonna go in and put your email,once you put your email you're gonna,have to go and verify that email and,then,you're gonna get directed to the next,page which we're gonna go and hop in,again cool so once we've gone in and,verified the account through the email,we're going to be taken through,to a page just like this and now we're,going to go in and set up an ad account,so we're going to go to add accounts,i'm going to go add and then we're going,to create a new ad account,now you can just name this add,account one,and then next,my business,creates,all right cool you're gonna select your,name,my business name,and then,we're going to go select all these make,sure all these drop downs are selected,full control and then assign and then,right here you can add the payment info,later but you're going to want to make,sure that you do that i'm not going,gonna do that for now and then next,we're gonna go in and set up a facebook,page really quick so we're gonna go hit,pages right here,add a page same thing scroll down to,create a new page,and then we're gonna go in right here,for brand you're going to name this,whatever your brand name is so mine for,this example is going to be oak and,press,choose a category,this doesn't really matter i'm just,going to put brand create the page,alright the page is all set up and then,now we need to add people,and go select my name right here this is,my example name remember that all full,control make sure you're selecting all,these drop downs,assign all right cool now that's all,done we're going to go and create our,pixel and link our shopify account to,our pixel so there's two ways you can go,about setting up a pixel you can go into,data sources right here,and then set up pixels and then you'll,have to,add yourself to it and link it but i,like to do it this way so we're gonna go,to ads manager all right cool then we're,going to go and just create a test,campaign just like this create say,conversions continue now this really,matters for now because we're not going,to use this just hit next,and then right here it should pop up,website and we're going to hit create,pixel okay create this pixel and then,we're going to name it you can just do,yeah add account ones pixel or you can,name it your store name,presses pixel,and then from here we're going to just,paste the url of your website,just like that this is the example that,i'm using continue,and then partner integration,shopify and then,now i gotta go back into shopify we're,gonna go to the home we're at home we're,gonna go to online store,scroll down to preferences,and then we're gonna scroll down again,to set up pixel right here all right,we're just gonna add the sales channel,real quick,cool once it's i now we're gonna go and,connect our account,just like this and then once we put in,our password we're gonna go continue,continue,all right and then we're going to,connect our business manager that we,made right here so connect this,and then we're also going to connect to,the ad accounts once this pops up,all right domain verification for now,you can just put,this usually you're just gonna want to,go in and connect your dot com with,godaddy,but we can skip this for now,and then select add account number one,we're gonna add these we gotta view this,course,all right go back,do this one,accept it should be good done,all right and then we're going to select,the page that we created connect that,and then i like to just do maximum,oh what happened data sharing usually i,like to go maximum,there we go,and then we're going to confirm all this,and that should be it for the pixel,installation so we can go back into our,ads manager,and check that,and put your url in and send this test,traffic but mine is password protected,so i won't be able to see that because i,haven't selected a plan yet so you can,just go and you know press add to cart,you can go to checkout and then come,back and see if it was properly set up,and if it's active and if it's active,just like it is here we should be all,good and ready to start running ads,finish and then for now i just close,this,close for now,and then just delete this so it doesn't,spend any money even though it's in,draft delete and then to be extra safe,you can even go in,and set up one of these chrome,extensions so i like to use this one,pixel helper,chrome extension,it's going to google and this is kind of,just go to ensure that our facebook,pixel,is properly set up right here facebook,pixel helper not that one we can do is,go to our website,just like this and then we can start,triggering off some events so we can go,here we can add to carts,we can press random things check out so,i'm in an incognito window so i'm not,able to see any of the chrome extensions,but on your end if you have this all,installed you're going to be able to see,whether or not it's tracking all these,vents like it would have hit the add to,cart the initiate checkout page view and,if it's all checking off then it's all,set up properly and that's great and,you're probably just wondering why the,hell i'm putting so much attention to,this pixel thing but it's really,important and i'm gonna go into it right,now so yeah your facebook pixel is,really really important and what it is,is essentially it's just a piece of code,that facebook gives you and you go and,place that on the back end of your,shopify store so you can kind of think,of it as the brand of your website now,if you don't have your pixel well,facebook instagram has no idea who,visited your website you don't know,anything about those people but if you,have it on your website then they know,everything about that person and,everything about their family and where,they live and their interests i spoke,about this briefly on the last video but,to kind of give a little bit more,in-depth understanding what it does is,it tracks like i said every single,conversion event onto your website so,add to carts purchases,view content and so if you don't have,any of this tracked then you're not,collecting any data and it's kind of,useless to even be running ads because,then facebook is going in blindly they,don't know too much about who your,desired audience is and then it's just,going to be a very high cost per,purchase but as you gather data,throughout the years each day,your pixel becomes smarter and smarter,until it gets to a point where it knows,exactly who it needs to be targeting,to have that low cost per purchase now,that the pixel is properly installed,now we come to the fun part we're going,to go in and create our first campaign,all right now we're going to set up our,first campaign so first step is to hit,the green button create,optimizing for conversions we want,people to convert so we're going to hit,conversions next,rename this,campaign so we are going in cold right,people that have no idea who our brand,is so we're going cold,single interest,and then we're gonna go i'm gonna target,let's say us slash canada,and then add,one which is going to be a video ad i'm,not gonna be doing a campaign budget,optimization i like to scale with,campaign budget optimization aka cbo i,do ad set level budgeting so the budget,is per ad set instead of on the entirety,of the campaign so if it's a 50 a day,campaign that fifty dollars depending on,how many ad sets you have if you have,five ad sets it's going to be,distributed,differently but if you're not ad set,level budgeted then it's going to be,exactly if you have five ads at five,dollars five dollars five dollars five,dollars so that's all condition on how a,certain ad set is performing,but we don't know which of these,interests are going to work yet so,that's why i like to do it this way all,right there we go the pixel is linked,and then the conversion event first of,all make sure that you are pressing,right here conversion event location is,website got your pixel all good there,the conversion event that we want to,choose is,purchase we want people that are going,to purchase right,scroll down here daily budget per ad set,if we're going to have five of these or,ten of these,let's just do ten for now i'm gonna do a,five dollar ad set daily budget okay so,that's five dollars on each one i'm,gonna edit my location not targeting the,philippines we're going to target united,states,states right here go select the country,and then canada,make sure you're selecting country,and we're going to scroll down to age,range i like to keep it pretty broad,when i'm first,going in and selling a product because i,let facebook do their thing gender like,to keep that broad and now once we get,to the interest this is all contingent,on what you are selling so what i'm,selling right now,if we go to my shopify,for this example store i'm selling this,uv,phone sanitizer thing right so now what,i want to think of,is interests people have an interest in,some like this what are they going to,like well this is like cleaning so i,could do cleaning,i could do cleaning is at 11 million,i could do clorox various brands so i,kind of like to mix it up when i first,start go pretty broad as i said so i go,with quarks as the brand which is 9,million to 11 million okay so the target,audience right here is for 4.5 to 5.3,million that's pretty nice i don't like,to go anything below 500 000,nothing more to 75 to 100 million,because then if you go above that it's,too broad you go low then it's,it's too narrow,okay auto placements i let facebook do,their thing and then we're gonna go next,onto the ad creative so this is what,this is exactly what your audience is,going to see so this is going to be ad,number one which is a video,i'm going to go select my instagram,account which i don't have so you guys,can go and link yours your facebook page,is going to be here,and then right here a single image or,video so i'm going to be doing a video,let me just go in and import my video,just give me a second on my video all,right cool now i'm going to go upload my,video and then my primary text is going,to be what's placed right above my video,alright so right here you're going to,try and best describe your product so,with mine,i said did you know americans on average,check their phones every 12 minutes now,just imagine all the gun that gets,clustered onto it let's fix that with,our new and improved uv phone sanitizer,kills 99.9 of germs fits all smartphones,wireless charging rating and mercury so,i like to bring some humor into it you,don't have to but i like to connect with,the audience and in some way get people,to laugh as you can see it's a little,bit too long obviously you can edit it,maybe take,one of these right here out just like,that,just so it fits the criteria the,headline,is going to be what is right here and,then below that is going to be,the,uh description so for me anything right,here like limited quantity,limited quantity,4.7,stars,stars,kind of play around with it,if you're running only instagram ads,this won't show up this is just for,facebook as you can see if we refresh,onto the instagram feed you're just,going to see that right there,and then facebook obviously is going to,have it should refresh on it while it's,refreshing,right so you're going to go and select,the product page,right here i'm going to select this,product page just like so,and this is what i'm paste as my website,url and this is where they're going to,get directed to and then the call to,action we want to change we don't want,it to say learn more like it is right,here i'm going to change it to shop now,we want people to shop now right we want,to make it obvious even though it's this,obvious sometimes you'd be surprised a,lot of people are like i don't know,where to buy it it's like shop now it's,right there but,yeah that's now a lot more obvious and,this is what it looks like on instagram,this is what it's going to look like on,facebook and then once this is all done,we're not done yet so we're going to go,and publish this really quick,and then,we will be back all right so i,completely forgot that you have to add,your payment info in order to publish,and i'm not going to put my payment in,phone now,but here i changed the ad set name,to my interest so we're able to identify,which interests are working best and so,we're going to do here is duplicate this,ad set nine times so we have in total 10,not hard math okay and then we're going,to go here,select the first one doesn't really,matter we're going to scroll down to our,interests and this is where we're going,to change our interest the only variable,here is going to be the interest which,we are going to change everything else,is going to stay consistent,all right so we're going to scroll down,to this interest we're going to hit the,suggestion bar it's going to get us a,good idea of what is similar within this,same niche so here we go febreze mr,clean,lysol,windex okay so i'm going to go hit lysol,let's choose lysol and make sure that we,remove,the initial one which was clorox okay,and then we're gonna copy this lysol,we can also look at,the uh the size 4.5 to 5.3 million all,right we're going to go to the top and,this is what we are going to name,our ad set okay and we're going to do,the same thing kind of have some variety,here what you can also do,is uh you know go to another ad set,maybe four of them do brands two three,of them do various actions okay so here,i'm gonna do let's say cleaning,cleaning,11 million all right,and now look at our audience size now 37,to 44 million so now we're going to go,here,copy this obviously it's going to be a,lot,higher because more people are,interested in cleaning than a specific,lysol brand or clorox okay so you're,going to continue to do this nine more,times until each of these are different,all right and then once you do that,you're gonna go ahead and publish this,entire campaign so all these ad sets are,gonna be five dollars a day,and the entirety of your daily budget is,going to be 50,after you publish this is going to go,into review once it's active,that's when it starts to spend money so,this video is simply the setup process,if you guys want me to go more in depth,as to how i go about scaling these ad,sets comment below and i'll dedicate a,video to some of the strategies that,worked really well for me now selection,is pretty much a basic rundown of how to,run facebook ads at a beginner's level,and start testing various instruments to,pinpoint your exact audiences you need,to be targeting going down the road and,there's tons of more complexities of,facebook guys but everyone's got to,start from somewhere i could talk for,literally hours and hours about facebook,ads,but we'll just leave it at that if you,guys enjoyed this video and got some,value out of it and you want me to make,more content just like this please leave,a like and sub comment below and i'll,see you guys in the next video peace

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