how to copy picture from aliexpress to shopify

Import PHOTO AliExpress Reviews to Shopify true story someone i know spent a,thousand dollars on pai

Ecom Geeks

Updated on Mar 02,2023

Import PHOTO AliExpress Reviews to Shopify

The above is a brief introduction to how to copy picture from aliexpress to shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to copy picture from aliexpress to shopify

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how to copy picture from aliexpress to shopify catalogs

Import PHOTO AliExpress Reviews to Shopify

true story someone i know spent a,thousand dollars on paid ads and made,zero sales when they confronted the,company who ran the paid ads do you know,what they said,they said the reason their product,likely didn't get any sales was because,they didn't have any reviews,don't make this costly mistake if your,products aren't converting this could be,why and in today's video i'm going to,show you how to fix it before we get,into the video if you like videos about,winning products drop shipping shopify,themes apps and tutorials do us a favor,and hit that subscribe button and turn,notifications on now let's get into the,video,reviews hold a lot of weight in the,customer's buying decision think of,yourself when you buy a product do you,check the reviews i know i do it's one,of the first things i check if your,products aren't converting this could be,why let's fix that now,all right first things first let's,install the app we are going to use from,your shopify dashboard click apps,customize your store,then search for viva reviews,why this app specifically first it's,from the makers of sell the trend and if,you watched my last video on how we find,winning products you'll know that sell,the trend is an all-in-one drop shipping,platform i'm a fan of their platform so,when i saw they have a review importing,app i wanted to give it a try the other,two reasons are one the ease of use when,you're importing reviews you don't have,to paste the aliexpress link you can,send their ai bots to find your product,for you and the second reason is because,they have google rich snippets which,means when you show up in search results,your review rating will automatically,display as well which is going to make,your listing stand out from your,competition,alright let's get this installed,when you get here the first thing you,want to do is click import settings,here you can choose to show reviews from,a certain date range such as the last 30,days last year or lifetime under,quantity by default it's at 250 reviews,this isn't necessarily how many reviews,you will end up publishing because as,you will see in a minute you can,manually go through the reviews if you,want but here's where you can change,that number if you wish,next we have rating options,you can choose to only import a certain,star review if you wish or a combination,of any of these i personally don't,recommend importing only five star,reviews doing this will come off as,inauthentic but just for the purposes of,this video i wanted to show you the,options that are available,reviewer locations you might want to,limit this if you are targeting a,specific country but otherwise you can,leave this as is photo options you can,choose to only import reviews that,contain a photo i feel that these type,of reviews hold the most social proof so,i'm going to adjust my settings to photo,reviews only content options reviews,without content or reviews where they,only give a star rating with no written,text,you can choose to translate your reviews,here if you wish,and right here where you can generate a,dummy name this replaces those,aliexpress reviews where the name of the,reviewer is start out and instead,replaces it with an auto-generated name,and last we have the option to manually,review the reviews before publishing or,if you want to you can allow every,imported review to automatically publish,when you're finished click update,settings,now it's time to import our reviews so,click import reviews,find the product you want to import,reviews for,and click import review,now when you get here you can either,paste the aliexpress product link here,or you can have their ai bots find the,product for you here you can see they,found a list of matches for my listing,but if it's ever unclear that they've,identified the correct product you can,always click the aliexpress icon to view,the product on the aliexpress website to,be sure,this top listing has the most orders and,i expect the most reviews as well so i'm,going to click import on this one,my 25 reviews have been imported now,let's take a look,here are all the reviews that were,imported you can see that they all have,photos just like i selected they all,have names and they all have a five-star,rating,with the imported reviews you can choose,to edit them if you'd like to so if,there's a spelling error or something,like that you can edit the text,you can also choose not to show certain,reviews by flipping the switch on its,status or for a more permanent fix you,can also delete the review,once you're happy click publish all,now when you click on your product you,should see your store reviews the only,issue and this may depend on which theme,you're using is that they are too far,down on the page this is what we're,going to change next,to do this go to online store,and click customize on your theme,from the drop down click products,default product,now if we look back at our product page,we can see that the reviews are,appearing underneath our email,newsletter so if we look under that,section here we can see it it's labeled,sarm reviews,you want to drag that up right,underneath our product information,section,you'll see i have the shopify review app,here so i'm just going to switch that,off,unfortunately i didn't see this review,app as a block option underneath product,information so that's why i've placed it,directly below,alright save your work and now let's,take a look,if you like this video do me a favor and,give it a thumbs up or leave me a,comment down below and if you haven't,already make sure to subscribe we post a,lot of time sensitive content such as,winning products on this channel so make,sure you have notifications turn on so,that you can be one of the first to,market when we post those videos

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