how to connect dropshipping to shopify

The Only Shopify Dropshipping Guide You'll Need [For Beginners] so i'm pretty sure i know why you're

Austin Rabin

Updated on Feb 10,2023

The Only Shopify Dropshipping Guide You'll Need [For Beginners]

The above is a brief introduction to how to connect dropshipping to shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to connect dropshipping to shopify

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how to connect dropshipping to shopify catalogs

The Only Shopify Dropshipping Guide You'll Need [For Beginners]

so i'm pretty sure i know why you're,here well at least while you clicked on,this video we both are probably looking,for new ways to create sustainable,passive income where you can work,anywhere you want the world or the,comfort of your home like i'm doing,right now well lucky for you what i'm,about to fully explain this video from,start to finish is exactly that drop,shipping if you don't know is basically,just a logistics model where you need,little to no money up front you don't,need any master marketing skills no,prior coding experience nothing like,that it only requires one thing a little,bit of time hard work and dedication no,seriously anyone can do it i've seen 16,year olds succeed i've seen 60 year olds,succeed the only thing that i've seen,personally that separates the winners,from the failures is that the winners,didn't quit so most gurus and people,online charge upwards of thousands of,dollars for the information i'm about to,share with you for free in exchange for,this heavily detailed free information,all i ask is that you leave a like hit,the subscribe button and leave a comment,down below and maybe even share this,video to a friend that's looking for,this type of tutorial to get started and,you might be thinking what makes me,qualified to even teach this information,well i've actually ran multiple six and,seven figure online businesses over the,span of three plus years and i pretty,much post about my results every single,day on tick tock and youtube this also,reminds me as usual i'm doing another,giveaway and in this giveaway i'm gonna,be giving away a free consulting call,with me one on one and all you have to,do to enter is do the exact same thing i,just told you to which is leave a like,hit the subscribe button and then leave,a comment down below now there's a,massive amount of detailed information,in this video so make sure that you're,taking notes and following along or you,have a laptop open or another screen,open side by side and follow the exact,steps that i'm doing now with all that,being said let's jump right into the,video,all right the first thing that you want,to be doing is you're going to go on, obviously so i like to use,shopify there's a bunch of different,platforms out there but this is the one,i have the most uh experience with all,right so you're going to want to take on,that free trial so it's 14 days free,trial you're gonna put in your email,address here i recommend putting in a,business email address and keeping,everything separate uh so we need a,store name so we're gonna center this,store around the beauty and cosmetics,niche it's something that i'm familiar,with the store name doesn't really,matter at the moment just because you're,going to be adding a domain and when you,link the domain that's what's going to,show up on the shopify account and also,that's what's going to show up when,people are going onto your website and,they see the url so for the store name,here let's put beauty and cosmetics,one two three for the country or region,obviously put whatever location that,you're in on the go with the united,states here then you're gonna want to,continue with email this is where you're,gonna link your email address and then,also type in your password so you're,just setting up your account here,all right so easy as that now you're in,the shopify dashboard your account is,already set up and ready to go we're,gonna be covering every single thing,pretty much on the left side here,starting from completely from scratch,the first thing that we're going to want,to do is going to go into the settings,here and let's just run through all of,these right so the store details you,just have the basic information the,store name the address you can put in,your personal address here but if you,are running a business in multiple,stores i totally recommend you getting a,virtual mailing address it's like 10 12,bucks a month and you can send all your,business information and mail there it's,also not going to put your address out,there where you actually live so i,highly recommend getting one of those,then you have the contact information,this is where you're going to enter your,phone number the email address and then,the customers uh see this email if you,email them this one right here you,definitely want to have your business,email address because you don't want,customers seeing your personal one store,currency i totally recommend using us,dollars as the main form of currency,especially if you're selling mainly in,the united states editing the order id,format this is not needed so you can,just leave it as a prefix of the pound,sign here next section is going into,your plan shopify has a bunch of,different plans so if we click on this,you're gonna see the basic shopify right,now that is 14.44 a month you really,don't need to go into the shopify or,advanced shopify that's only really,helpful if you're looking to get more,into the analytics side of shopify with,like their finance reporting and all,that stuff but for now just choose the,basic plan that's all you really need at,the moment now we'll go back into the,settings user and permissions this is,really just if you want to add staff,account to your store so if you have,someone that's a partner like helping,you work on the store or if you need,some developer to go into the store you,basically can make it so they can access,the store and the developer theme but,they can't access any of the payments,and stuff like that on the payments page,this is super important you're going to,want to activate the shopify payments,this is like the main processing method,on most shopify stores and to do this,all you have to do is enter your,business details your address so for,this portion i would recommend using,that virtual mailing address it's going,to keep it so much cleaner and it's,going to give you more privacy from your,personal home address as well the other,main payment method that i would,recommend is paypal it's very common a,lot of people check out with paypal just,because all the information is already,populated for them and they have the,paypal like secure checkout and all that,stuff just in case something goes wrong,with the order they feel a little bit,safer you can add amazon pay if you want,or google pay apple pay all that stuff,but that typically comes with shopify,payments so you're not going to really,need any other pm methods unless for,some reason you're selling a product,that shopify does not agree with or,support in their processing system,then you would have to add a third-party,payment processor which costs a lot more,than the shopify one for the checkout,let's go over some of these settings,that i recommend changing for the,customer accounts i would use do not use,accounts um i don't think that you need,accounts unless you have like a,subscription-based service but if you're,just selling typical econ products you,don't need to have people add accounts,it's just going to create another layer,of friction and lowering your conversion,rate overall now for the customer,contact method i would recommend,switching this to email rather than,phone number or email because if people,just check out their phone number,they're not going to put in their email,and they're not going to get a bunch of,emails collected for email marketing,i'll leave this checked on here for show,a link to download the shop app this is,going to help people track their orders,and their shipments easier it's going to,leave you with a lot less customer,service headaches under the customer,information i would make sure that you,require first and last name this is,super important because when you're,placing orders whether it's from,aliexpress spock at zen drop wherever it,may be you need to have them have their,first and last name otherwise they won't,send the package and you're not gonna be,able to complete that order so make sure,that's checked off company name do not,include there's no point in having that,address line two is optional so if,someone lives in an apartment just uh,leave that second line there so they can,put their apartment number shipping,address phone number you don't need to,have this uh you can put it as optional,if you want to collect some phone,numbers as well for sms marketing,tipping i don't recommend there's not,really any service that you're gonna get,a tip from this so for order processing,you don't have to touch any of this just,leave these both checked and then after,an order has been paid don't fulfill the,orders line automatically right so you,don't want them to just automatically,fulfill on shopify because it's going to,send a notification to the customer,saying that the order is fulfilled and,uh you haven't done it yet right because,you need to place that order on,aliexpress or wherever you're ordering,it from and then it'll automatically,populate i'll show you how to do that,with an app later on all right after an,order has been fulfilled paid or when,all of these items have been refunded,automatically archive the order you want,to leave this on because once it's,fulfilled it's going to go into no,longer an open order it's going to be,archived so you don't have to worry,about it it's not going to pop up you're,not going to get a ton of notifications,saying you have a ton of open orders,still for consent for marketing this,one's a little bit tricky so,you can have people sign up for email,marketing and some people will opt into,doing the pre-select this option um it's,not legal in every single country so,make sure to check your local laws on,this one also consent for marketing i,would check it for sms marketing and to,collect this we're gonna have to set up,a terms of service in the privacy policy,and illegal settings which i'm also,gonna cover all right for the checkout,settings that's gonna be it so we'll go,ahead and hit save here now let's go,into shipping and delivery all right so,shipping this totally depends on where,you're selling your product um they,already have some set up here like so,domestic shipping to the united states,so you can change all of these you can,change the fee you can make them all,free in the transit time as well right,so let's just do one as an example here,let's just say you have economy shipping,right now so your estimated shipping,time is five to eight days to get to the,customer we'll leave that there price,will make it free right you really want,to offer free shipping most of the time,unless it's a really heavy order the,shipping costs are really high having,shipping as an additional cost might,turn off a lot of these customers and,not purchase the product so i would,recommend free most of the time you can,also set up conditions here so you can,say based on item weight or based on,order price right so if it's a minimum,price of 50 in the total order they'll,get free shipping i like to put it at,zero uh no limit for either of these,because i wanna offer free shipping like,site-wide that's really all you have to,do for shipping so if we wanna do free,shipping everywhere we're just gonna go,ahead and delete the rest of these here,so we have the us1 set up for free,shipping but let's say we're advertising,also to the united kingdom australia new,zealand and canada we can put this in,here as rest of the world and then we,can go ahead and add all of these,countries i just mentioned these are the,top five ones that i would recommend,adding all right so we selected the,remaining ones here and let's just say,we want to add a rate here that is,international shipping say it takes 6 to,18 business days if international,shipping costs a little bit more we can,add like 4.99 in here uh minimum order,price zero zero so basically what,they're saying is now that the united,states is free shipping everywhere and,then the rest of the world which we'll,be advertising to is united kingdom,australia new zealand and canada is all,the same exact price of 4.99 and if we,don't want to ship to anywhere else then,we can delete this rest of world there,that's going to remove all the remaining,countries also keep in mind that a,customer will not be able to check out,if the shipping location is not listed,on here all right on to the next section,here which is taxes and duties so this,is pretty much uh,really country by country base this,depends where you live what kind of,taxes that you need to collect i would,recommend googling this to make sure,that you're complying with your,country's laws and regulations we're,gonna skip this one for now because it's,super individual to the place where,people live locations you don't have to,do anything here unless you have,multiple locations for your shop like if,you have a retail or physical storefront,so we can just leave this blank for now,if you want to add gift cards to your,website for sale you can do this here i,don't really see the need to i don't,really think that people are going to be,purchasing them too much from your,ecommerce store markets we can,completely skip over this it does not,really matter there's no settings in,here that you need to change,apps um so these we're going to add some,apps later i've got a list of top apps,that you need to have on your store so,we'll skip over this so this is where,you're going to buy a domain or connect,an existing one you can either purchase,them from or you can,purchase them directly from shopify,alright so we typed in beauty and,cosmetics 123 on here it's available at,com i totally recommend,rather than so all you'll do,is click buy and it's going to,automatically connect it to your shopify,it'll send you an email on your business,email where you basically just have to,accept some terms and conditions and,then you're good to go so the brand tab,can be really beneficial if you want to,add your logo and all this stuff in here,but i like to do it on the shopify theme,editor so we're going to leave this all,blank for notifications this is,everything that the customer is going to,be receiving via email or text they,pretty much have everything set up for,you anytime that you fulfill the order,or there's like a shipping update it'll,get sent out to the customer so these,are already good to go here meta fields,you can fill out if you want to for seo,so it's basically just adding,definitions to each of the sections of,your website so it shows up on google,search and things like that better files,we can skip over the next one would be,languages you can add multiple languages,in here we're gonna leave just english,for now just for the sake of making this,a little bit easier the policy section,is probably one of the most important on,the settings page uh but the good thing,is that they have templates right so all,you have to do is click on create from,template the only thing that i would,change in here is some of these blanks,like insert the return address here if,you have like a virtual mailing address,put that there also make sure that your,business email is listed here you don't,want your personal one here all of the,policies that they've already made up,for you in terms of refund you can,adjust if you want to for example under,refunds here if more than 15 business,days have passed since we approved your,return please contact us right,so you can change stuff like that you,can change the time and you can change,your refund policy to no refunds at all,it's up to you but i like to go with the,templates here it's very simple and they,work really well we're gonna do the same,thing for the privacy policy they have,some sections that you can edit here i,would basically just go down this list,and wherever there's something like,insert following section if age,restriction is required see if that,applies to your store in any way and,then edit it if needed if not just,remove all these things like add any,modifications uh you don't need them and,we're gonna do the same thing for terms,of service just make sure that you read,over these and you agree with what it's,saying but for the most part they're,really standard and you shouldn't need,to change too much maybe just add your,contact information or throw in your,store's name there so for the shipping,policy you're going to want to do this,one yourself a little bit just make sure,that your shipping policy aligns with,your estimated shipping times right so,say under the shipping policy like we,ship,we'll just enter one really quickly here,all right so here for the shipping,policy i made it pretty simple beauty,and cosmetics 123 ships out all orders,within 24 hours of placement if the,shipping address is located in the,united states please allow six to eight,business days for your order to arrive,if your shipping address is located,outside of the united states please,allow 12 to 18 business days for your,order to arrive if you put business days,it also gives you a little bit more,leeway if any of these orders take a,little bit longer because a business day,is going to be monday through friday and,not including the weekends now for the,contact information you're going to want,to use the template as well and your,trade name phone number so put your,business phone number if you have one,and if you need a business phone number,you can download google voice and you,can get a free additional phone number,that you could use as your business one,so it's super helpful then we're going,to hit save and all the legal pages are,done,all right now that we got through all,the settings let's run into the actual,fun part which is going to be adding the,apps designing the store uploading the,product doing some reviews and getting,it ready to go,so the first thing that we're going to,be doing is adding some apps so all you,have to do is click on apps and then go,into the app store there's actually some,ones that we already want on here like,de-essers let's add that one first so,de-essers is automatic fulfillment,through aliexpress you can essentially,place 100 orders at a time so let's go,ahead and install it here all you have,to do is create an account here let's,click on this real fast,we chose the free plan you don't really,need to upgrade to any of the other ones,especially in the beginning,i skipped over it for some reason so,let's go ahead and link to aliexpress,let's go ahead and create a new,aliexpress account for this,de-essers is probably the best app out,there for order fulfillment especially,if you're using aliexpress so i highly,recommend it all right so this is what,the platform looks like they basically,have a bunch of products that are,already linked to aliexpress you're,gonna have your import list my products,open orders all this stuff and tracking,right so what you're gonna need to do,once you start making sales on your,website is you're gonna go into my,products the only thing that you really,need to do after this is once you make a,sale on your website you're gonna go,into open orders and then you're gonna,map that product all it is is copying,and pasting the aliexpress link,assigning it to your product and mapping,it and by mapping it i mean like it'll,just ask you to match up the variants on,shopify of like the size and the color,to the variants on aliexpress with the,size and the color once you do that for,the first time it's gonna be mapped,forever and then you can go ahead and,use this app to place all of your orders,you can do 100 at a time like i was,saying earlier it's a one-click process,and then you go on aliexpress and pay,for all the orders and once they're paid,for in aliexpress and that supplier,ships them the information will be sent,to de-essers which will send it over to,shopify it's going to populate and mark,those orders as fulfilled and it's also,going to link up the tracking,information so you don't have to do any,of it all right so the next app that,we're going to add is going to be,aliexpress review importer it's a free,software that you can pull aliexpress,reviews and put them onto your website,and you can curate them too so you can,only do five stars if you want you can,do only ones with pictures it's pretty,intuitive it's nice that it's free and,it's really easy to do so just click add,app on aliexpress review importer make,sure it's this one by the way now the,next app that we're gonna be adding is,gonna be the one that's connecting to,this which is the and the,difference between the two and why you,need both is the aliexpress review,importer pulls the reviews from,aliexpress and is the software,that displays them on your website so,you can see right here it says the next,step is to install,there are two more apps that i recommend,adding onto your website one of the apps,is the upsells app you can really use,any upsells app that you want whatever,one that you think looks the best or,works the best with your website i,personally like to use discounted,upsells so we'll go ahead and search for,it here this one is by booster so let's,go ahead and find it it's right here you,get a seven day free trial on this one,but after it's 19.99 a month it works,really well on my websites and it adds,an upsell onto the cart page,so the next app that you want to add is,called core web vitals booster it's a,seven day free trial as well but after,that's nine dollars a month i think it's,well worth it because adding all these,pixels images and apps onto your store,it's going to slow down the speed of it,which you don't want so if you use core,web vitals booster it actually increases,your store speed by quite a bit all,right now that we've got all the,necessary apps on your store let's move,into the design of the store so we're,gonna go into the theme editor for the,sake of this tutorial we're gonna use a,free theme so that everyone can actually,use this and set it up this way if they,want to we're gonna go ahead and use,dawn so we'll hit customize here the,first thing i like to do is switch this,from desktop view to mobile view because,95 plus percent of your traffic is going,to be coming on an iphone or some sort,of mobile device now let's actually,start editing everything in here the,first thing that we're going to want to,hit is the logo or the header at the top,here for the logo we can go on a website,like,so on this website they're going to give,you a ton of different fonts that you,can use for the sake of this example,let's use our website name and it's,going to be beauty it's going to be our,brand name very straightforward let's do,all caps though so let's do beauty and,all caps now let's search for a good,font right,all right let's just save like shiny,hooves here it's going to show up down,here at the left the type of font you,can change the size here i'll probably,make it around like 128 point font i,want to talk about coloring for the,website a little bit there's this great,tool on canva it's called the color,wheel,most websites you really don't want to,have more than three colors on them and,this is going to show the perfect,complementary colors let's just say for,the sake of being a beauty store we're,going to make it like a light pink that,looks pretty nice i like this color,right here so you can click copy go back,into this website so our main colors of,the store are going to be that pink and,that lime green so i changed this here,to the pink we're going to go ahead and,click save image as all right so we,saved the brand logo let's go back into,the shopify theme editor and then under,heading here's the logo image here you,can click change and then select image,from here you can also upload that image,that we just saved and then see how it,turned out size-wise this is a pretty,good size actually so it kind of fits,perfectly in there so we'll go ahead and,hit select and you can change the custom,logo width here,for this one i would probably go with,like a hundred and thirty point font or,something i think that looks pretty good,the good size right there so we'll go,ahead and hit save now we're gonna add,some images here to make your website a,little bit more branded and fill out,this entire homepage here right so,you're gonna wanna image banner so you,need a cover image a great website to go,and get these images from is,they're free stock photos so search up,cosmetics maybe all right because we're,going to be building a cosmetic type,brand so we kind of want to find one,that fits the theme a little bit i these,are almost the exact colors that we are,using like a limeish blue green here and,then the pink,so we'll go ahead and save this one and,then once again go back into the cover,image and upload it all right let's just,see how it fits here because sometimes,they don't work too well so we can click,select there's an overlay property here,so you can basically show how much,opacity there is if you want it lighter,or,darker you can play with this a lot you,can put adapt section if you want to,change the height and stuff to make it,fit properly but for the sake of this,we're going to leave it as is i think it,looks fine we're going to want to change,the text here right so you're going to,want to have like a description and also,like a shop now button which they have,right here let's change the description,here to make it feel a little bit more,branded so i'll go ahead and make,something up all right so i went with,the flawless skin everyone deserves,fitting the cosmetics theme now for the,button there's a couple different,options that we have right so you can,outline the button or we can fill it in,for this one i'm probably going to use,the outline because i kind of like like,the faintness that we got going on here,uh although the homepage isn't extremely,important it's usually the landing page,that you want to optimize the most we're,still going to do a decent job here and,setting all this up for the buttons on,your website make sure that they all,have a place that they're actually going,when someone clicks on them so for the,link for this one let's just go with,products so it's going to link to all,products so when someone clicks on shop,all they'll take them to the all,products page this is we're going to add,some copy to your website you want some,brand voice here so make sure when,you're adding this text you have some,personality in it,natural skin care beauty and body care,products and then underneath you're,gonna have a little bit more description,so let's type something in,okay so i said at beauty our brand name,we create healthy natural skincare and,body products that focus on proven,improvement methods at affordable prices,so something like this in this section,is good to have featured products we're,going to change to our best sellers and,we can keep all this the same right now,because this is going to automatically,populate when we add the products to our,store so we don't have to worry about,this right now i'd leave the multimedia,collage there because i don't think it's,super necessary we're going to leave the,video instead so this is a perfect place,to put a gif or a video from like a,youtube video or something like that,that your brand has made all right so,for the sake of this video we're gonna,put in a youtube video and link it on,here um just to show you what it looks,like i also want to click make selection,full width i think it looks a lot better,especially for a video it just kind of,pops out the sides there and then for,the cover image i went ahead and went on,google and found one all right so how to,use our number one product then when you,click on this it takes them to the link,of the jade roller video that i linked,from youtube this isn't my video but you,can make one yourself or link a product,video that you have it just adds a,little bit of more authenticity to your,website now for this section i would,kind of put in your main core focuses as,a brand so i'll go ahead and fill these,out really quickly and show you what i,did okay so i just updated these,sections here so i put quality customer,service and fast shipping i added emojis,to all of these to give it a little bit,more of a brand feel and adding a little,bit of color and fun to the website so i,chose quality at beauty quality is one,of our three core pillars we source the,highest quality materials to create an,everlasting cosmetic experience customer,service is a top priority at beauty,spelled wrong a customer service is a,top priority at beauty our team is,available 24 hours a day to answer any,questions or concerns fast shipping all,cosmetic emergencies need to be treated,asap that's why at beauty we provide,fast shipping as well as order tracking,i think the home page is starting to,come along here i really like this,section and adds a lot of character down,below is the quick link so you can,pretty much add anything in here that,you need you can do the footer menu,which we can update later on now that,the home page is coming together let's,go ahead and change the theme settings,which would be the color and the font at,the bottom left here click on theme,settings we're going to go to typography,now let's pick a font that kind of fits,our brand feel okay i went ahead and,chose mouse memoirs i kind of think it's,nice it ties into like the bubbly font,of the logo here you want to make sure,that it kind of at least ties into the,logo to make it all kind of flow,together now we're gonna have to change,the body font to the same one so we'll,type in mouse memoirs okay hit select,and now all of the text is actually,changed on the website it's starting to,come along a lot better now it's looking,a lot more branded so most of the time,you're going to want to have just,regular black as the colors for the text,for the solid button color let's go with,one that's on the color wheel i really,like the pink actually i think the green,might look a little bit better so let's,copy that one,and put it back into this color selector,here so for the solid button colors,we're gonna choose that lime green okay,so now we are done with our home page i,think it looks pretty good obviously,these example products are going to pop,up once we start adding them in now,before we go on to the product page,slash the landing page where you're,gonna be sending most of your traffic,let's actually add the product on,through aliexpress get some reviews in,there and then we can start editing that,landing page all right so now make sure,everything that's saved and we're going,to exit the theme editor here and we're,going to add that product onto our store,so how we're going to do this is we're,going to go on to the de-essers app here,since oberlo and de-esser has just,merged you don't need oberlo anymore to,add products so once you're in your,de-esser's account click on import list,copy and paste the aliexpress link for,the product hit okay okay now the,product just came up so this one i chose,is because it's like a jade roller but,it's five in one so they have detachable,heads with a bunch of different skin,care tools that you can use so it's,really five skin care tools in one uh i,thought it was cool and it goes for like,17 bucks or so and probably mark it up,to like 35 to 40 dollars now you're,gonna click on push to shopify you're,gonna have the store come up here so,here's the beauty and cosmetics store,pricing rule applied um continuing,selling out of stock i don't always,recommend this but you want to,communicate with your supplier to see,how much stock they actually have i'm,going to go ahead and click continue,just so i don't end up running out of,stock and having to adjust it on shopify,then we're also going to click also,publish to online store and then push,the shopify it's as easy as that we've,got our product already loaded up onto,our shopify so let's go ahead and click,on products and boom there it is right,here and so it pulls everything from,aliexpress like the description the,title everything i mean all the images,all this right so we're gonna actually,change a lot of this but first let's add,some reviews onto this product so it's a,very similar process you're gonna go,back into your apps we're gonna go into,aliexpress for view importer we're gonna,click at the top right here that says,import aliexpress reviews copy now you,need to specify which product that you,want these reviews to go on so there it,is the five in one 24 character beauty,bar face mask okay so let's just say,we're gonna go with 15 reviews i would,recommend anywhere from like 10 to 25,reviews to start off we're gonna go from,every single country i like having,reviews must have pictures because it,adds a lot more credibility when there's,actual reviews with pictures we're gonna,buffer this up to 25 because it's only,going to take the top 25 and i'm,requesting that they have pictures so it,might actually end up uploading only,like eight depends on how many picture,reviews there are to import now it takes,a few minutes for the reviews to come in,but let's just check if they showed up,we're gonna go back into the apps and,then,alright so there was actually only three,reviews that came in so far it might,actually still be uploading but that's,fine so we're going to add the review,widget so click add widgets here,installation by you really just,need the standard amount i'll just have,these all checked off so it's going to,show them on the collection page the,preview badge on the product page and,then the review widget on the product,page as well,hit next and then we're going to go into,my current live theme, so you can customize,your widget a little bit so you,can change the colors and all that stuff,but it does require the premium plan i,think it's like 12 or 15 bucks a month,but for now we're just gonna leave it,just to see how it looks on the website,and see how the reviews came out so we,went back into the theme editor now and,now you can see our best sellers are up,here right so this is the the product,that we just added in there here's our,number one product so this is really,coming along right so this populated,with your best seller like i was telling,you guys earlier so now our pretty much,our entire home page is ready to roll,now we really need to focus on the,product landing page so let's see what,it looks like once we've uploaded this,product we're going to change all of,this right so we're going to change the,text here and all these things so we've,got the reviews in we've got the specs,that imported from aliexpress and,there's some of these drop downs here,with some icons which i really like,customer reviews there we go so we have,actually 16 reviews that fully uploaded,15 five stars one four star and we have,all these pictures here right in another,side note with which is really,nice you can actually edit these reviews,you can change the stars that you want,you can make this one a one star you can,change the text but to be more ethical i,would recommend having them as is from,aliexpress these look good i mean look,at all these pictures they look great in,the box as well so these are high,quality reviews i like these a lot okay,so now let's go back into the product,page and start changing this description,because this is way too much text all,the colors are off all this stuff we,need to update a little bit here so,let's go back and exit we're going to go,into products click on our main product,now let's the first thing that we want,to do is change the title of the product,you want to make it feel a little bit,branded so let me think of a name here,all right so i changed the title of it,to the skin guru tm out of the tm on,there just to make it a little bit more,branded feel i think it looks nice i,like skin guru because i myself am a,drop shipping econ guru now let's go,into the product description this is,where you need to change most things and,make it really branded i talked about,this a lot in my other videos that you,really want to think of your landing,page as a salesman of your website so,we're going to remove everything here,that i don't think that we need,all right so i pretty much removed,everything and left a couple things i,have under additional specs it's just,waterproof the size of it and the power,supply so you need a double a battery,that's not included now let's remove,some of these images that i don't think,that we need you don't want too many you,don't want information overload you want,to keep it simple let the product,description do all the talking of the,features for you okay so the four that i,left are the main one,which is this one i think it looks,really nice it's very clean it's good to,keep as the front image on your website,then i left this one as well which is,just the box that it comes in this is,more like the detailed information which,i thought would probably be good to have,in there and then this is also some of,the features on there if i was going to,run this store i would actually ship,them all with the box it makes a lot,more branded so we're going to remove,this all together ships from china we,also don't need that make sure you,change the pricing because it got pulled,straight from aliexpress so the cost of,this with free shipping is 17.97,in order to get a good markup on this i,actually want to post it for let's just,say 49.99 just based on comparisons that,i've seen around other jade rollers that,actually don't have as many removable,heads or features and for the compare,price this is going to show with a slash,in it as it's like a sale going on right,now you don't need to have a sale on,every single product i think it looks a,little bit fake so but this is the main,product for this store so let's just do,a sale let's just say it came down from,74.99 cost per item it was 17.97 just to,keep track so the margin is 64.1 percent,profit is 32.2 cents now for the,inventory it syncs with the de-essers,app so you really don't have to do,anything here shipping we already set,this up it's free shipping in the united,states and then the other countries that,we're providing shipping to is 4.99 so,this will automatically be applied this,is also really important so when you,change the title of your product it does,not change it on the website seo so go,all the way down to the bottom here,click on this,and now we're gonna be able to change,some of the metadata and the url right,so this url does not link up with the,title of the product and i can tell you,that this is an issue with facebook if,you're advertising on there facebook is,gonna see this as a link that's going to,an incorrect product and it'll actually,get your ad account flagged and you,might get banned to fix this all you,have to do is delete it and then create,a url redirect for the old one and now,it says skin guru right so you're good,to go hit save,now i'm gonna work on the product,description put a bunch of stuff on it,and i'll show you the results after so,i'll speed this part up,so i added some description here and,then i added some key benefits with some,icons of what the actual jade roller is,supposed to be doing for you in your,skin so i added skin guru tm uses in,applications and that's all i added for,the product description at the very,bottom i said our views speak for,themselves but when we go back to the,theme editor here i did some other,changes right so here's our product page,so far this is where the product,description comes in the use is an,application so this is all here key,benefits and then i also added our,review speak for themselves which you,saw on the product description but then,i embedded a tick tock here so this is,how i did it here you click on you find,the tick tock video that you want go to,share click embed,and copy this,bring it back onto your website and,paste it in the custom liquid here,that's all you have to do and it's going,to bring that,tik-tok video onto your product page,which you can essentially be using now,as ugc and it also works as like a,testimonial so this is a great feature,to add all right so our product page is,looking pretty good now we've got,shippings and returns i copied and,pasted it from our our shipping template,there and then additional information is,this is just the additional specs that i,added from earlier then we've got,customer reviews and our page is pretty,much complete so we're going to go ahead,and hit save now there's a couple more,things i want to change the colors don't,look too great i want to have this a,different color maybe pink or green,so let's go ahead and go back into theme,settings go to colors now we're going to,go to outline button we're going to,choose this color right here and it,should switch this up to that color all,right so i don't like the way that this,is looking right now so we're going to,change this outline button to actually,just keep it at black and for the solid,button label let's change it to white,just to keep it look really just to make,sure it looks really clean all right so,here we go now it's looking a lot better,right we got the bite now add the car,all looking clean um we got the pinks,going matching up here got the tick tock,on there and then the reviews down below,and let's take a look at these images,here so they're all the same size which,you really should have otherwise it,starts distorting like the length of the,product page so i'd recommend all square,format all right so we'll go ahead and,hit save here this product page is,looking good and pretty much ready to,run now that we've got our product page,and description set up we're gonna go,down here into the theme editor again,and go down to checkout we're gonna make,sure that we have the logo on the,checkout page just so it looks a little,more branded which it's not right now,right so we see beauty and cosmetics one,two three that is not good we want to,change this so we're gonna go back into,open checkout settings and we're gonna,scroll down here to where it says,checkout and then click on custom image,and choose the logo for the logo size,let's make it large i think that looks,the best right there let's see what it,looks like in the center i kind of like,the center so i'm going to leave it at,the center there if you notice here,though we've got another third color,introduced which is blue so we're going,to want to change that as well so that's,also in the checkout here in the accent,colors let's just do black,and the buttons we can make the buttons,green if we want or we can change them,to the pink that we had all right so,we're going to leave it at that pink and,now this matches exactly with the color,that we've got there and we're good to,go now the last thing that we want to,make sure that we're doing is when you,click on the header here of the little,drop down we've got home catalog and,contact let's make sure that these are,actually linked to the proper places,when you click our catalog it's already,linked to products we only have one,product on there so that's good to go go,to contact now this is going to take,them to the contact form so that is also,good to go we probably want to add one,more thing here and it's going to be,tracking your order to add this on there,we're going to go into the online store,go down to navigation,and on navigation you're going to want,to click on main menu add menu item,track your order,so what i did here was add track your,order and i linked it to the shipping,policy so on our shipping policy we,don't actually have a way to track your,order on there so let's go back into,that and add it on there so hit save now,go back into your settings all the way,down to policies scroll down to the,shipping policy here now we're gonna go,on a website called ship 24 so it pretty,much attracts all shipments from,aliexpress so all we have to do is copy,and paste this,all right so i said please enter your,tracking id in the link below so now,when they click on the track your order,it will take them to this page that,looks like this and then all they have,to do is enter their tracking id in this,link right here and they'll show them,exactly where their package is another,thing that we want to do before making,our website live is actually changing,and removing the powered by shopify at,the bottom of the website so now you're,going to go into your online store go to,themes click on actions here on the,right side and then edit languages,now we're going to search for power,all right so now you see powered by,shopify right here all you want to do is,just put one space and hit save and it's,going to remove it now the last thing,that you want to make sure that you're,doing before running your website and,making it live is going into your online,store and down to preferences you want,to add your google analytics account,it's going to help you track a lot more,information you're also going to want to,add your facebook pixel in here if,you're running ads through facebook so,we can start collecting data these are,pretty self-explanatory but i'll have,separate videos on these on how to set,these up and the last thing that you,have to do to make your website public,is removing the password so right here,you can remove the password protected,and your website will be live all right,that is my full website build on how to,get started drop shipping i hope this,was a really good example for you guys,and you took a lot from it if you did,and you like this type of content and,want me to make more please leave a like,hit the subscribe button and leave a,comment down below on what video you,want to see next sometimes e-commerce,can be overwhelming but just remember to,keep on going put your head down and,it's going to work for you as always,thanks for watching i'll see you guys,next time

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