how to change to stripe on shopify

Shopify How To Switch To Stripe Payments | Shreyansh singh |stripe and shopify integration it's a lo

Shreyansh Singh

Updated on Mar 11,2023

Shopify How To Switch To Stripe Payments | Shreyansh singh |stripe and shopify integration

The above is a brief introduction to how to change to stripe on shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to change to stripe on shopify

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Shopify How To Switch To Stripe Payments | Shreyansh singh |stripe and shopify integration

it's a lot of pavement have been,requesting me for making a video on how,we can use Skype instead of supply,payments because as default if you are,in USA or in some other country where,shops my appearance is supported they,will force you to use their platform,which is shops I payments and lately lot,of people are getting their funds in,hold because they are asking for,verification for 90 days or more than,that and as a beginner entrepreneur that,is literally like heartbreaking and we,have to do it was very difficult for,some people to get started with that,thing like the funds getting held on for,90 days,so there's alternative way around it if,you are I have already haven't stripe so,by default shop segments is going to,look like this in your payment providers,in settings tab so first of all you're,gonna click on manage and then you are,going to scroll down and the activate,thing after you have that you've reacted,so you will scroll down and deactivated,Shopify payments choose any reason,doesn't matter so we'll go on settings,you will go on general and we are gonna,simply change one thing so whatever may,be your address you click on the country,and you change it to France where,subscribe events where you can use this,stripe account so after you have done,this and you headed back into your,payment providers and what we're gonna,do is you can go on to third-party,providers you choose third bodyboarders,and you will already get the best thing,here which is setup stripe and you can,simply click on this and log in with,your credentials so it is asking you to,sign in and once I sign in it will,revert back to Shopify and that's how we,accept payments with the stripe on,Shopify with this one little simple,trick now after you have done that you,go right back into your settings and go,on general and change the country tied,back to the one which was in the past,like,for me it was United States because I,have company established there and,that's it that's how you that's you and,that's how you do it it's all good to go,now change this back and you will still,see the stripe option back there also if,you if you can't it doesn't support,stripe and supply payments I have lived,the video down right here or right here,you can check it out and you can list,basically what it requires you to do as,you guys see how to set up company and,LLC most probably in the USA or where,the software agents and striping on is,supported and then what you can do is,you can get a profit based on that LLC,so that is basically again watch by,clicking on this video

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