how to change timer from booster theme shopify

How to Setup the Product Page Content on Shopify with Booster Theme V5 with the product page content

Booster Theme

Updated on Mar 18,2023

How to Setup the Product Page Content on Shopify with Booster Theme V5

The above is a brief introduction to how to change timer from booster theme shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to change timer from booster theme shopify

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how to change timer from booster theme shopify catalogs

How to Setup the Product Page Content on Shopify with Booster Theme V5

with the product page content,we make our store flexible and unique,so right now we have some different,content items already added,but if you want to add a content you can,click add content,and choose one of these choices,inside of the product page content when,we see the product variance,with that star inside of the parentheses,that means that this setting is required,for the product page content to work,right,so we have that here for product,variants,and if we scroll down we also have it,here for add to cart,right we see the parentheses and the,star in between that means that these,are required settings and they must be,within your content in the product page,content settings,to be able to allow your product page,content to work,so inside of this content we have a,product title,we can click it,we can choose to remove bottom space by,clicking this,or we can add a custom color let's say,blue if we choose that custom color,it will appear up here i don't think,that looks half bad but just so we match,with the other black items here,i will click here and click none,cool we can choose to change the font,family,and make it base font or title font by,this drop down,another area that's really important is,the font size we can click it from,medium to big,and see that big change it made i think,it looks better like this,but maybe for readability for users i,will change this back,to medium so now let's go look at the,product price,i'll click product price and now we're,in the product price section,the product price section deals with the,product's price,or this right here right so,first things first that we see in this,section is their settings,and then it says remove bottom space so,if we click this it'll remove this,bottom space,beneath the price i'll click to show you,you see how the spacing was pushed or,was removed right,and then if i uncheck this to bring back,that bottom space,you see how the space was added back,that's really cool and useful,when you want to style things within,your product page,we can also change the custom color of,the price,right so instead of it being black we,could change it to,let's say red,or we can change it to green,right whatever color we want we could,use right here,but now we have another color a reduced,price color,but on this specific product we don't,have a reduced price,we just have a normal price so let's go,to a product,that has a reduced price in my case i'm,going to click here i'm going to go to,home page,i'm gonna scroll down and,i see this a product that's on sale so,i'll click it,all right so i'll go into the product,page content to get back into our,section and i'll click,product price once we get into this,section i'll scroll up so you can see it,more clearly,we remember we had a custom color right,but now we want to add a reduced price,color so we will click,and let's say we'll add the color green,you see this is our reduced price color,and we changed it right here so this was,the original price,39.36 we have a sales tag here right to,say that this is 61,off it's on sale,and then this price right here is our,reduced price,this is what the price is now so we can,set that color,with this i'll put it back to none,for now right,and the reason that it's saying red even,though we have none of these styling set,is because in the theme settings we have,a specific specific color set,the color red when we have a reduced,item,right but we can override it,by choosing a color in here and setting,it like blue,and that will become blue we can also,set a color for our old price,so i can let's say make this color red,so now our old price is red but the new,price,is this custom blue we put see,so that's what we could do inside of the,style section,we could also mess with the font family,so we can go in,we can click title and we'll change the,styling of our font,see so our font now switches to this,type font,and we can go back and put it on base,and it goes back to this style right and,remember the base style font,can be found inside of our theme,settings,all right so now let's look at our font,size let's say we want to change our,font size,for medium we have small base medium,and big let's try big,big seems really big so we might want to,shrink that,so we can shrink it down to base,kind of too small we could try small,really small so i'll carry it right back,to medium,we can also change how the sale badge,looks right so show sales badge as a,percent,we could change it from a percent to a,money amount,see so now it's saying 23 62 off,we could change it to only say sale text,right and we could also change it to,hide the sales badge,and this is the product price section,when you click an option let's say like,review stars,and it just says remove bottom space,the reason there's no settings here is,because these settings aren't listed,here all you can do is change the remove,bottom space for some of these settings,but the majority of these settings can,be found in,go back right click the back button,click back one more time,scroll down and go to theme settings and,this is where the main,settings for your theme is located so if,you click theme settings,you will see different things in here,that you've just seen before in the page,content section,you'll scroll down and let's look for,review you see reviews is here,and you could click it and then here you,can actually customize,more of the settings what review app are,you using and you could choose if you,want to use,shopify reviews loops alley reviews and,there's so many more options in here,that you can choose or you could even,choose none,but see this allows you to get more or,this allows you to dig,deeper into the overall settings right,so when you go just the page content,you'll just see remove,uh for you'll just see remove uh bottom,space for a lot of these settings,but a lot of these settings are actually,found,within the theme settings right all,right let's scroll down now to the,countdown timer,inside of theme settings when we open up,the countdown timer section,we see so much that we can customize,from the enable disable buttons,right so if we want to enable the,countdown to be shown on screen and,if we wanted to be able to be shown on,our product cards and to be able to,change even the time settings and so,much more inside of this,we don't get this when we look at our,main countdown settings,right but first things first you can see,that we don't see a countdown timer,on this product page that we're in right,now right,so we need to navigate to an area where,we can actually see,the countdown timer so for this case i'm,going to go to,home but you can navigate to wherever,you have a countdown timer within your,theme,and i'm gonna go and find this one let's,look,cool this item here has a countdown,timer,so with here inside of the theme,settings we can customize,all of this right but when we go back,let me go back one more time and let me,go to the product page content,and let's say i make a new one i go to,add content,and i say offer countdown,when we look inside of the settings,there's not much here,it's just a basic rundown,this is because all the control the main,controls is inside of theme settings,we're just seeing the basic things we,can move like removing space that we've,seen in most of the other items,right and also just some small little,things being able to change text,which is really useful but in order to,get to the main power,right to make get the maximum amount of,control,we need to go back scroll down again and,click theme settings here,takes you to the same place then,when we scroll down we'll go down to the,countdown timer,and then we can make our customized,changes here,right so we can change our time we can,change how we want it to look if we,wanted to be able to show it all,right or if we just want it to be able,to be shown but not on our product cards,right we can control all of this in here,all right so let's go to our countdown,timer,let's click this one right here and now,we're in,our countdown timer section,inside of this product page we see that,there is no countdown timer so we have,to navigate to a page so we can actually,see that,so i'm going to get out of here i'm,going to go,to home page inside of the home page,i'll just find,a product that i could see that has a,countdown timer so any of these,i'm going to click the butterfly all,right the butterfly yoga pan,and as we can see there's a countdown,timer here so i'll navigate back to the,product page content,navigate back to the countdown timer,and boom here i am so first things first,we have the same old remove bottom space,check or select mark to be able to,remove the bottom space beneath this,section,but don't really need it but we can see,what it does if i click it,see it kind of changes the space right,beneath it,if i click it again see it put some,space there,so useful if you need it okay so let's,go into the style here we can change how,this looks,we can change it from compact to to,columns,see that two columns two compact,it's really cool for this case i'll,leave mine at two columns but choose,what works best for your situation,i can change the title text here from,limited time offer to,buy this quickly oops i spelled that,wrong quickly,spell that wrong again buy this quick,let's do that,right but you can change the countdown,title to whatever fits,and this will change here,we also have a warning text here and as,you can see it says the price of this,item and you can see right here the,price of this item i'll zoom in so you,can see it,see the price of this item will revert,back to 39.36,so i'll zoom out so we can change how,this text appears from the price of this,we could change item to product put some,space in between those,product cool and you can see that this,changes,right the price of this we change this,from item to product,we'll revert,back to and then we have this right here,this means,the specific price you see that this,will get replaced by the product's,original price,so that's what this is so if you look up,or excuse me if we look down right here,you see how the price gets thrown into,this,uh into this situation right here the,original price,that's what's happening when we see that,percent price percent,right so the price of this product will,revert to this price,we wouldn't touch the price text because,you want it we'll get to it,we wouldn't touch this price tag because,we wouldn't want to,mess with how that looks unless you just,don't want that old price to be shown,but definitely leave this here for most,cases,but we can mess with the text around it,just for whatever fits best so we can,say,the product the price of this product,will revert back to right the original,price,at the end of this we could change it,from countdown to,the end of this offer,right it'll change here but remember we,can change it to whatever,fits in your specific section i'm just,adding what works in mine,so this is the settings for the,countdown timer and remember,if you want to manipulate or change some,of the base settings for this,we just have to go back just back again,scroll down,and then go to theme settings and then,we could always scroll back down to,where we see this,countdown timer and be able to use this,right and this will let us change the,custom base settings,for how our timer will work,we can choose product variants what does,that mean,that chooses that that explains the,different types of a product that we,have,right but for this we can choose to,remove the bottom space or to leave the,bottom space that is pre-added,right by clicking this,okay for product stock we can click,product stock,and we could actually choose how much,items we have in stock this one says,there's only,one item left but we can customize it,uh we can say there's a hundred,there is a thousand and i'll change it,here but see right now,this is set which is a setting inside of,the section that we'll touch on in a,little bit,and what it does is it has that it,instills that,urgency where even though we actually,have a thousand items,it'll say hey we only have 618. that way,we can really entice our buyers to say,you know what there's only a few left,buy now right and that's something,that's pre-built inside of booster theme,we can click this down to 10.,we could also move this setting so i,said if set above zero,the stock amount will be reduced by one,right we can change this around let's,say,we want to change this to three,so see every three seconds it will,change this stock amount,see that and i'll reduce it,so we can change it a little bit up some,more,we want it to be believable we don't,want it to look that every single second,it's going,down very quickly but it might be for,your situation,so this allows us to make that change so,every 15 seconds,of that what we have set or wherever we,move this slider to,it will change the amount of items that,we have in stock,all right so add to cart,inside of add to cart it removes the,bottom space if we click that,right click the little check box and it,also shows a sticky atc,on a desktop or we could also click to,show a sticky atc on,on mobile if these are selected,right and it'll affect how this looks,all right for product description that's,this whole section here,we can actually set the heading this,says product description we could say,um product information in this case,let's see it'll change it there but i,think description fits better so i will,put that back,there alright so,we also have another ad cup content we,also have another ad content option,okay there's so many different items in,here we have offer countdown and a,product title and so many more and some,are we already seen,and some we have already seen because,they're already set on the theme,but let's click image badges for example,and let's see what that looks like so,i'll click image badges,and i could choose a batch see there's,even some pre set ones right here,when this is enabled but i'll select an,image,and let's say this and let's say this,booster theme badge here we want to put,it below here,so we'll click this we'll click select,and you see now that badge is here right,underneath our product description,so that's what image badges image slash,badges mean,and we could also choose to click this,and remove the extra bottom space it,adds,but we'll remove it for now because we,don't really need it,and then we will delete it which is,click here remove,and that's how we remove an item from a,list if we go to add content,and click accordion,this is one of the most versatile,features inside of the project page,content section,here we have the normal feature to,remove bottom space,but we could also set up headings so,i'll call this heading,accordion,and you see it shows up right here and,then i could add,basically whatever i want here so i can,add a description,a review a meta field a page,a product specific page and a custom,content,right now i'll leave it as description,so you can see what that does,so when i click this,it shows a description,whoops it shows the description down,here this is where the description is,right so now if i go to review or,reviews i'll click that,and when i click this it'll show,customer reviews,or will prompt a user to write a review,so what if i click meta field,when i click meta field i don't see,anything here,right what meta field is,or what metafield does is it also,requires you to fill out this down here,the meta field namespace,and the meta field key right but this,is something that you would use if you,want a lot more customization,it's not for the average user but if you,have need,to use the meta field click meta field,here,and then fill the name space and the,meta fill key out,i will go to page now,so if we go to page we can click here,and there's nothing shown if we scroll,down,we can choose what page we want to show,so i will select the page,and let's say about us,and then i'll go to select,when i do that now or when i click over,here,it will show me the about us page,right now it's just showing lorem ipsum,placeholder text,but it would actually show you that,information from that page,here in this drop down,and let's go to custom content,when we add custom content let's click,this,we don't see anything here so let's,scroll down,there's a custom content section down,here and what this allows us to do is it,allows us to put in,any html text or any coding text here,that can allow us to have custom content,that we,add or our developer ads so it allows us,to have more flexibility to be able to,customize how we want things to look on,our store but there's so much ability,inside of the accordion section,and you know there's so much you could,do with it so for within this custom,content let's add some custom content,here and let's say,here is,custom content,and we click this the plus button,and it shows right here so if you know,html and css and you want to,you know add some customization to your,site and make it,more of what you have in mind then you,could use this custom content section,here,okay so let's go back so now we'll go,down we have a little bit more settings,we need to look at,so we have some layout settings here we,can choose to change the product page,type,from default to marketplace and see it,adds,two sections here which is really cool,so if you need that,changing this product page type to,marketplace allows you to have it,and it also changes the look of this a,bit see now you can slide,and you have this option here and this,option there,but for our case we'll move it back to,default,we can change the page width from box to,full width,right so a little bit of a change there,i'll leave it at full width and we could,change the gallery style,right how these pictures look from,default to vertical list with two,columns,look at that or we can change it to,vertical list with one column,so there's some versatility there right,so i'll leave it like that i kind of,i kind of like the two so i'll put it to,two columns,and then for gallery position we could,change it from left,to right if we want to i kind of like it,like this so i'll leave it like this for,this case,so we can zoom image on hover if we,click this or we can change,image on hover if we select this um,and for vertical gallery image fit we,can change how it looks,by messing with this drop down so this,allows it to crop but we can,go to preserve ratios so we keep all the,sizing preserved,um we can mess with the gap or the,spacing between the,the vertical gallery items with this,slider like i'll slide it for an example,and navigation we could actually click,to enable previous or next products by,selecting this,so as you can see there's so many,different options and different choices,we can have with the product page,content section and there's so much you,could do,to make it your own so play around with,it,and enjoy booster theme thank you for,watching this video,please refer to our help center for more,information

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