how to change theme of shopify store

Shopify Craft Theme Customization | Complete Tutorial OS 2.0 hey guys happiness here welcome back to

Happiness Tugutu

Updated on Feb 16,2023

Shopify Craft Theme Customization | Complete Tutorial OS 2.0

The above is a brief introduction to how to change theme of shopify store

Let's move on to the first section of how to change theme of shopify store

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how to change theme of shopify store catalogs

Shopify Craft Theme Customization | Complete Tutorial OS 2.0

hey guys happiness here welcome back to,my channel the best place for you to,learn about all shopify's tutorial small,businesses tips as well as,entrepreneurship in general and in,today's tutorial i am going to be,showing you guys how to customize your,shopify style using a craft shopify,theme so basically a craft theme is a,theme that has been released recently by,shopify so it is a really brand new,theme that you can use on your shopify,store so i am going to be showing you,today how you can customize this craft,theme basically um,in my opinion i really love craft theme,i have tried with um customizing,different style and i really really,liked it so i am going to be showing you,today how you can customize your craft,theme and let me know down below on the,comment section if you really like craft,theme or what do you think about it so,make sure you stay tuned until the end,of this tutorial so you can know how to,customize your craft shopify theme and,before we jump in today's tutorial,please don't forget to give me a big big,thumbs up subscribe on my channel for,more video like this and yeah guys let's,jump in today's tutorial so here we are,on our shopify theme and as you can see,our colored theme is craft theme,basically this is a new theme just like,how i told you before shopify just,released this theme um recently,and it is a version of 2.0 so it is,really good um easy to use and very very,friendly to tell like a really good,video story and this is how it is gonna,look like um it's free and let's view,the demo,okay,so once you created your,store and add everything this is how,it's gonna look like like it is really,good for telling like every details like,uh these are the products pictures um,you can have a section to add videos and,stuff like that so it is really really,good and this is how your outcome is,gonna be so let's jump back on our,shopify um,background page um let's click action,here and let's preview it before we,start adding every detail on the um on,the theme,so on this section here,um this is where your brand name is,gonna,it and this is where your announcement,bar is gonna be,um your homepage your catalog the,contact uh page as well,and in here you can talk about your,brand you can tell your a customer and,share the information about your brand,you can describe your products or do any,kind of announcement or welcome,customers to your store,and on this section here you can add,your different collections so you can,add your collections here and you can,put your collection's name,you can add as many collection as you,want i'll show you,once we started,adding or customizing our craft theme,i'll show you how you can,edit all of these and how you can add,more collection section or reduce the,number of collection sections,and in here this is the video section,you can add a video um you can tell your,customer or show them more visual about,your product or via videos so it's,really really good sometimes instead of,just showing pictures of your product,you can also show your customer a video,and also down here you can talk about,your brand as well you can share,different informations you want and on,the columns here you can add a,different collection or a blog post you,can add different details that you want,and this is melia colleague you can add,different collections like specific,collection that you want to attract your,customers from,and these other images of your,collections,down here as well you can put a,different um collection as well blog,post you can add different details um,you want to show your customers on these,columns and if you don't want to have,like many columns on your theme you can,take them out and i'll show you how to,do that down here you have a section,again you can add a blog post it doesn't,have to be a blog post you can add um,anything you want,um okay,and then down here is a section where,your customer can subscribe on your mail,list so they can have um news they can,be updated about your product launches,or any news you want to tell them about,your stone and in here you can add um on,your footer menu you can hide like,different links like search uh store,policy shipping policy etc,and here you can add more details like,you can share contact informations,etc and down here this is where your,payments get ready they're going to be,shown your customer can know,what they should use to pay on your,store so,this is how craft theme is gonna look,like so far,so let's go back on our shopify admin,page and now let's start customizing our,store,so let's click customize here,and we can start customizing us so,so,this is how on our left hand side all of,these other sections that we are going,to customize and we are going to fill,all these informations in here,so let's start by um the top,section which is announcement bar and,our announcement but will be located up,here so let's click here add,so you can edit here,and you can write what you want your,customers to know like let's say like,welcome to our store,and and then or you can just delete this,and just tell them,like take,20 percent of,the entire site,the entire site,and in here you can choose um what kind,of background color you want to be on,your announcement bar and this is really,really important you have to go with,your um shopify color theme of your,brand,uh you just don't want to pick like,different color which doesn't go with,your brand,so i'm just going to pick background 2,because i want my brand to be black and,white,and if you have a link,um you want to add on your announcement,but let's say like specific products or,collections so when your customer click,the announcement by section the link,will take them straight on your,collection or your product or like a,page it's up to you what you want and,it's also optional you really don't have,to put the link but you can add it if,you want so i'm just gonna click like,collection,and like all collections so,my customer when they click here this,will take them straight to my collection,so far i don't have any collection but,we'll get into that,okay,so,so that is how you can edit your,announcement bar section and on the,header here you can add your logo,you can also change your color scheme so,far here we don't have like any specific,color scheme it's just like the same,background as our entire stone but if,you want to change the background color,you can just click here like accent two,um the background too you can just,change the color but make sure this,color goes with your brand name okay,so i'm just gonna leave um,let's i'm just gonna put like background,two as my colors,scheme,and then let's click here um logo so we,can add our logo image on our stone now,let's upload our logo image by select,image and in here we are going to upload,an image from our computer so if you,have your logo image ready you can just,click upload an image and you can go,from there so let me upload my logo,image okay now my logo image is,uploading and as you can see here my,logo image is right over here and then,you can click select,and down here on the custom log width,you can increase the size of your logo,so let's say if you want to be this,bigger you can do that,you can play with the size that you want,okay,um i think i'm just gonna leave it like,that,for now i think it looks perfect for me,and then um your desk desktop logo,position so here you can pick the,position of your logo do you want it to,be at the top center if you want it it's,gonna look like this,um if you want it to be on the top left,that's how it's gonna look like,on the middle left that is how it's,gonna look like oh on the top center,that's how it's gonna look like i think,i like it on the middle left so i'm just,gonna leave it like that,and,yeah after that click save so you can,save your changes,okay let's go back now we are done with,the announcement by section,and the header section now let's,start editing our rich text section,which is here,and in here you can talk about your,brand so let's say if you don't want,this section to appear here you can just,click the i think next to this talk,about your brand you can click the i,thing and that will disappear you can do,the same thing for this one and that,section will disappear and if you want,this section to appear you can just,click the i think again and everything,will come back,so let's start by editing these uh talk,about your brand so you can click that,and you can edit,so you can tell your customer maybe,um about us,and you can change the,size of your heading if you want it to,be small,if you want it to be medium or if you,want it to be large so i'm just going to,pick medium,and then i'm going to go back and then,here on the,information you can click that and you,can share about you can share,information about your brand like you,can describe your products or you can,make like a specific announcements you,want your customer to um,to,know about your brand and stuff like,that you can delete you can edit and,things like that okay,and then let's go back so that is how,you can edit your rich text section,now in here we are going to start adding,our collection so we really can add our,collection in here like when you click,here this is where you're going to add,the collection but we can't,add a collection because we don't have,any collections yet so we're going to,have to go back to our shopify admin,page or a homepage and we can start,adding collections,and,different products and then we'll come,back to add more of these sections so,for now let's click save for the changes,that we made here,and then let's go back to our shopify,admin page,so to start adding our collections first,of all we're gonna have to start adding,products,the products that will be the first step,and then followed by collection so let's,click products here,and then if you have your product they,will all appear here but if you don't,have any products uh this is how it's,gonna look like like a pretty brand new,page and you can click here add products,on this video i won't go into detail,about adding products,i have another two different tutorial,that i did about how to add products and,what to put,in and what kind of information you,should add on your product page,and how to also create different,collections so i'll just create one of,the products and then you can watch my,um tutorials i'll i'll leave the links,down below on the um,on the description so you can click that,and knows how to add your product,uh so on this tutorial i'm just gonna do,this like really quick i won't go so,much into detail,so now let's add um one of our products,um i'm gonna type fancy,fancy,fancy teacup,okay and in here you can add your,description,about your product,okay i'm gonna add the description so,this is the description of the product,and then i'm going to add images for,this fancy teacup,so i'm just going to click add file and,i'm going to select the files from my,computer okay and this is my picture of,my cup and i am going to recommend you,to add more than two pictures on your,product page so your customer can have,different varieties or different angles,to see how your products are actually,looking like don't just add one picture,add more picture uh but for this,tutorial i'm just going to put one,picture but make sure on your so you,have more than two pictures or just a,picture will be great but more than two,pictures will be amazing don't just put,one picture it won't be really good for,you,and then here we're going to add the,pricing so i'm just gonna sell this,product as 19.99 and i'm planning to,charge taxes on my,my um my products and i'm just gonna put,the cost by this um,but this cup is nine dollars so this can,help me to calculate my profit margin,and my profit so if your profit margin,is above um is from 50 percent that,means you're making your profit but if,it's below 50 then,that means you're making loss so make,sure your perfect margin is above 50,percent,and i am going to use on the inventory,section i am going to track the quantity,of this product this means when my,product is out of stock i won't be able,to continue to make sales until i,restock it back,and on this section like continue,selling when out of stock,meaning when your product is out of,stock you will be able to keep selling,but this is very very tricky and very,risky so if you know you can um,restock your product really really quick,then you can use this uh this box here,but if you're not sure if you'll be able,to restock this product soon don't,select that,and this will be your location like,where is your product available like,which location so you can add um the,location you want your product to be,available,and if this product is uh you're going,to provide shipping make sure this box,is selected but if you're selling like,maybe like digital products and you're,not planning to offer a shipping you can,just unselect this box,but this product is physical so i'm just,gonna add this is a physical product and,i am going to offer um shipping,and this is for custom information for,shipping for shipment,and on the options here so you're gonna,have to add different options so if you,your product has different sizes or,color you can do that,so i'm just gonna put color and i'm,gonna put a multi-color,multicolored and i'm gonna add,and if you want to add another um option,you can add there maybe material or,style,and stuff like that you can do that but,if you don't want to you can just delete,that,and,in here you can add the quantity of the,product like how many of these cups do,you have on this color so i'm just gonna,add the quantity i have like 10 and that,should be good,and then i'm gonna select this product,as an active product so it can be ready,to be sold when my store is available or,is active,and sales channel uh so far we only have,one sales channel which is online store,and this is where it's selected but if,you have like different seller um,different sales china like facebook,pinterest,um tick tock they will all appear here,so far we all have one cell's china was,only installed so that would be good and,if we don't want our product to be,active right away we can make um we can,schedule it and this can be sold maybe,um this item can be active,um on april maybe april 13 april 9th you,can pick the date and schedule,availability but if you,uh don't want to you can just cancel it,but make sure you pick the date if you,want to choose the specific,availability date and uh also you can,put the time what time do you want this,to be available on your site,okay,so also here on the product organization,you can type what kind of product is,this so i'm just going to create a,custom one i'm just going to type cup,and i'm going to add that,and you can pick if you want to add a,vendor for this product so this can,helps you,next time when you want to buy this,product again let's say if you sold out,and you want to restock this pack if you,click your product you can have all the,information about where this product,came from from which vendor so you can,add the vendor so i'm just gonna put my,vendor is chocolate,but it it is really up,up to you you don't have to add the,vendor name and then you can put the,collection so if you want this to be at,the homepage,um,or any other kind of collection you can,do that but i'm just going to put this,home page,and then on the tags here so the tags,are really really good these tags will,help you to uh will helps your customer,when they visit your store so let's say,if they tap that they're looking for,cups so when they type scraps um it will,help them to locate this product just,because you have been using their tags,here so i'm just gonna put cups and i'm,gonna put,cups as well okay,and then this should be good we can,click save,and now shopify will tell us that,congratulations you have added your,first product meaning our first product,has been,successfully created,now let's go back to our product page,you can see now we have one product,available,so i'm going to add more products and,after that i'll come back but,i won't uh but if you want to know more,details on,how to create your product page and what,kind of of informations you,have to put on your product page so your,product can be selling out there just,when your customer visited your store,make sure to watch the video that i will,link them down below on the description,so for now i'm just going to add more,products and then i'll come back for,more uh steps so now i am done adding,all the products i wanted to add,and all what i did i just followed the,same step that i showed you when i,created the first product with you guys,so,once we are done adding our products the,next step will be we are going to start,creating collections so i'm just gonna,click collections,and,uh these this is the first collection,that you're gonna see here that will be,available on your homepage so this is,the,it's a homepage collection by default um,made by shopify,we can start adding our collections so,i'm just gonna click create collections,and on this collection section i'm not,going to explain too much details about,this because i have another video as,well that i went into details about how,to create your collections and what to,do and what kind of condition should do,and what kind of collection type you,should pick as well so i will leave that,on the description as well so you can go,and check that out,on this tutorial i'm just going to do,one collections for you guys so i'm just,gonna start by vintage,vintage cups and it's very optional to,add the descriptions and instead of,using manual collection type i'm just,going to use automated and i am going to,use product tags on this under condition,section but you can pick different,condition you want like price weight,compared price product vendors etc i'm,just gonna use product tags,and i want uh my product to meet any,conditions,so product tag is equal to cup and i'm,to add another condition equal to cups,so this will be my,conditions,and here i'm going to add a collection,image you can click add image to add the,image for your collection so i'm just,going to add image and get the image,from my computer okay so my image is,uploading,and yeah this should be good and i'm,going to click save,so creating a collection is very easy,very simple and shopify just told us we,just created our first collection,already so if we go back here we can see,our first collection is live so creating,collection is very easy very simple but,you need to know what kind of,information you should pick and what,kind of um,collection type you want to choose,either automated or a manual collection,and what kind of tags you should use so,make sure to check out the videos that,i'm gonna link down below on how to,know what to do on your collection page,so i am going to add more collections,and after that i'm going to come back,for more step with you guys so now i'm,done adding uh my other four collections,so in total we have five collections so,we're just gonna do only these five,collections on this tutorial now we are,done adding our products and our,collections now let's go back to our,online store,and let's click here on the customize,now we are back we can start adding our,collections on our stone,so the first thing we're gonna do we're,just gonna click these collections and,then we're gonna click select collection,and we can pick the first collection we,want so i'm just gonna pick the asia cup,and select,and let's go back,okay now we have a collection,let's click add another collections,so in here let's speak um,let's pick flower cups,okay and then click select,and we can go,back uh let's pick another so um other,collection,so this these were our colleagues let's,go here on the collection section so,let's click collection so we can add our,collection here,so we can select collection,and we can pick clear cups we can select,that,and let's go back let's add another,collection,um,let's pick mixed color collection click,select,let's go back add another collection,uh now let's speak um,let's pick vintage cups and then click,select and then let's go back make sure,you click save so we can save these,changes that we have made so far,so just in case if our computer turned,up turns off we won't lose our works,okay,so this is how you can add your,colleague pictures,and your collection list as well,so now let's go on the video section so,on the video section we're going to add,the video that will show visibility,about our,products so let's click that,and you can,start by editing the header,so um,let's pick um,uh a morning,a morning coffee,with a magic,i'm running coffee with a perfect cup,okay,the perfect cup so you just want to find,like a really good heading that will,draw attention to your customer that,they can watch this video and we can,pick the heading size if you want the,heading to be larger,medium size or if you want the small,size so i'm just going to leave a small,size because that's what i like,and we can pick the image we can select,an image that will cover a video here,it's very very very it's very very,important to,pick an image that will cover uh um,our video so our video won't,um,so our video won't be,just plain so i'm just going to click,select image and i'm going to select an,image from the computer,so i'm going to click applaud,okay so this will be good and let's,click select,and now when our customer click this,link here,of the video they'll be able to see the,video behind the scene of our product,and this will be the image the cover,image for our video and to get your,video you have to paste the link,from your youtube,you have to create a youtube video and,then paste the link here that will take,your customers straight to that video,okay,and yeah,that is how you can add the video on,your,own your store so this is how you can,edit the video section so let's click,save,save our changes and let's go back,now we are going on the rich text,section,so on the rich text section here,you can tell your customer about your,brand,um you can share informations you want,your customer to know maybe your um,maybe about your cups uh maybe about,your products for example for me it's,about cups so i'm just gonna,click here,and i'm gonna type,asian cups,okay,uh i'm just gonna type vintage cups,i love vintage,cups,okay,and again you can change the size of,your header,to the size you want okay,and then um,let's go back,and now we can click on the information,section and we can share the information,we want to tell our customers,in here so you can describe or give your,customer more details about your product,and let's go back make sure you click,save to save all the changes,and on the amount column section so in,here you can add maybe like,different,um,you can add different maybe customer,review or if your store has been,featured on a magazine,etc you can add,on this section here you can uh put the,text of the products you can add um,anything you want okay or even like a,blog post so you can do that so um,for example here let's say if you want,to talk about the vintage like for,example for me i'm just gonna talk about,my product,so let's say um,i have like asian cups um collection so,i'm just gonna,put the header there and then,and i'm going to tell my customers,about my products here,okay and i can also provide the link so,for example i can put the products and,i'm gonna pick the link of the asian,cups there,and i'm going to select an image so i'm,just gonna pick the asian cup there okay,and i'm going to click select,and so when my customer click this here,they'll be taken straight on the asian,cup collection or asian cup blog it's,just depend on what you want to put,there okay,and,i'm gonna go back i'm gonna do the same,thing on this section here,i am going to type vintage cops,okay,and i'm going to click the product,and i am going to pick the vintage cups,and i'm going to select an image i'm,going to put that,and i am going to select,also the text message for your customers,as well here make sure you put like,really really good details information,for your customers,and um stuff like that let's go back we,can add another,column section or if you don't want to,have like many columns section you can,just click the i thing next to the,columns there and that column will,disappear so we'll have like only two,columns,now when we comes down here on the,column section,so in here you can put the specific,collection that you want to draw,attention to your customers,um,okay,so i am going to pick um the specific,collection so i'm going to select the,collection and i want this um,okay i want i want this mixed color,curves to draw attention to my customers,and i'm just going to leave it here you,can also add like smaller different,images here for your products if you,want to so i'm just going to select an,image for that and i'm going to add one,more product there,and i'm gonna go back,so and then i am going to create another,one,so,uh click select,and,you can edit,the header of this um,this heading here of media colleague and,you can type about,our best selling cups based selling,cups or your best selling products,so your customer can can know like oh,this is the best product for them so let,me just go ahead and try that out as,well and you can edit the size of your,text again to,small medium large it just depends on,your likes,and you can do so many things on there,so let's click save here,and we can go back so so far this is how,you can add your different collections,um the video,um your multimedia it's very easy very,simple and on the column section here,you can put like,maybe like different uh,different uh maybe later like review,just like here,just like how we did here or you can put,your products you can put your,collection or if you have like a blog,post you can also add them here,it is not a must to do that if you don't,want to have this section you can just,click this i think and that select,section will disappear,same goes to the blog post,you can click the blog post section here,you can select the blogs if you have,and you can add it there but if you,don't have it then you don't really want,um you don't have to do that you can,just select the i thing here,and you can um check out the blog post,so for this video i don't have like any,blog post like yet,um so i'm just gonna leave it like that,but that is how you can add your blog,post,and,that is how so far you can add your,collections and,other things now let's talk about the,uh,the section where your customer will,subscribe,um they can reach you out via email and,stuff like that so,let's click here and we can edit here we,can edit our heading um maybe like right,right here it says subscribe to our,emails,um,or you can add um,keep up with us,okay,you can edit that,and let's go back and,in here you can also edit um,this section here which is subscribe uh,to our mail a list for the inside news,you can edit that as well or you can,just leave it like that,okay now let's go to the photo menu,section so on the forum section this is,where we are going to deal with the,footage section,um we can pick the color same we want so,let's say if we want the background one,we can get rid of that color and just,leave this color there,oh like inverse we can do that or like,accent two,accent one uh background one so you can,pick one i'm just gonna leave,um,background let me go background too,okay i'm just gonna leave background too,so it can match,my um my header sections there,and then you can click here if you want,to show the email um sign up here but,you really don't have to if you have it,here so we can just uh take that out,we can show the social media icon so,once you add social media icons they'll,be shown here so you can just click that,show um social media icons and if you,want to know how to add social medias on,your shopify so i will leave the video,also uh the link video down below on the,um description so you can click that,okay,and yeah that's pretty much for the,photo menu and on the footer menu you,can add different links like about us uh,contact us,you are still policy shipping policy,refund policy etc,okay now let's go back,and on the heading here,you can,edit the heading section um so you can,show your contact information your story,details and brand contact with your,customer so here you can do that on this,box here um,and,um you can change the head the heading,like you can type like,uh,connect with us,okay i'm just gonna leave something like,that,but you can just,do what you want to do on this section,too so let's click save,and let's go back so pretty much this is,how you can edit your footer menu as,well now the base based part or the last,last parts that i'm gonna talk about in,the theme setting so let's go to the,theme settings so on the theme settings,here you can do like so many things you,can change the color uh the type of,glove the layout,um and so many things you can add your,badges your social media icons uh,favicon you can change your current,format your check out your theme styles,you can do so many things on the theme,settings so,um let's jump on the color section first,so on the colors here you can,change the colors of your text,um the background of your store,and this you have to be very careful,because you have to,have like maybe like um two to i mean,two to three different colors on your so,will be great so don't put like too many,colors so it it's it won't look so good,fresh and professional to your customers,like me here i only have like maybe like,three different colors,um and stuff like that so,you can change the color code here by,clicking here you can pick the color you,want,oops,and like my text they are all black so,i'm just gonna change the color,okay,and yeah you can do like so many things,on the under color section,here now,let's go to the type of glove section so,on the type of glove here you can change,the fonts of your stone for example,right now i'm using americana so if you,don't want to use americana you can just,click change there,and you can pick either you want like,science rf and you can see,it's changing you see there,okay,so as you keep selecting different fonts,it's keep changing so um you can use,like maybe one to two different phones,and don't use like so many different,phones um,that will distract your customer it,won't be really good or it won't look so,professional and then here we can change,our body um,uh body text and we can change when we,click some sort of our body section will,change there,and here as you can see i i selected,star there is mono,again just gonna click serif and i'm,just gonna leave it like that i think,i'm just gonna change my phone to one i,don't like the monitor i'm just gonna,put sansariff,okay and then click select,so that is how you can play with your um,with your fonts sections um the last,important thing i just want to do on,this tutorial is,uh your social media so when you click,social media here you can add your,pinterest account your instagram tick,tock snapchat youtube and so many um so,if you have a youtube,a youtube channel you can,paste the link there same goes for,instagram you can also paste the link,for your instagram account so if you,have like so many accounts uh like,pinterest to talk um snapchat youtube,you can add all your social media icons,there,so once you're done make sure you click,save so we can save our changes and if,we scroll down here we have added our,youtube and our instagram so that's how,you can,do that,so,um now let's go back to our shopify,admin page,now on online store let's click the i,thing here,okay let's click the i thing,and now this is how our store is gonna,look like,okay,uh you can see here we have our,different uh products different,collections,um we have a video for our products and,when your customer click that they'll be,taken on the video okay,and when they click the product um these,are the products we have here,let's click on vintage cups here you can,see this is the title for our product,the price we're charging you its dollar,and the call of the product they can add,as many,cups they want and this is the add to,cut buy it now and this is the,description uh now let's go back,um so you have like different products,and different um,different collections so this is another,product here with the pictures,and the descriptions,and,um so what i want to tell you is don't,forget to add like two,don't forget to have two,uh to have more than two pictures don't,just put one picture for your product,it's good to have more than two pictures,so your customer can have different,angles uh to see your product so your,customer can see your product in,different angles,okay,so pretty much that is how you can,do that and when you click contact ad so,this is a contact us page is available,by default by shopify so your customer,can put their name their email phone,number and they can leave the message,they want to tell you and they can send,it to you and if you click like the home,page here this is how our home page is,going to look like,and in here this is the catalog all our,products and yeah so if you want to know,how to add different,um,different main menu sections make sure,to watch the video that i will link it,down below on the descriptions and if,you also want to know how to um add,different footer section and different,pages also make sure to watch the video,that i will link it on the description,below,so pretty much this is it for today's,tutorial i hope you liked um the craft,shopify tutorial theme,if you do please don't forget to give me,a big thumbs up subscribe on my channel,for more um tutorial like this and leave,me a comment down below if you have any,question or if you have any suggestion,about today's tutorial or what do you,think about craft um or what do you,think about this new craft shopify theme,um,yeah so that's it for today's guys um,stay safe and i'll see you on the next,tutorial

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