how to change language on shopify

Shopify: How to change the language switcher position In this video, I'll show you how to add the  l


Updated on Jan 23,2023

Shopify: How to change the language switcher position

The above is a brief introduction to how to change language on shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to change language on shopify

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Shopify: How to change the language switcher position

In this video, I'll show you how to add the  language switcher to your menu in Shopify. There are  ,two ways to do this and we recommend the first one.  It might look a little complicated, however, it's  ,actually pretty simple. Just follow along! So here  we are in your Shopify admin, click on online store,  ,themes, and under actions, click edit code.,Here, we need to scroll down and find  "snippets." And then weglot_switcher.liquid  ,This is what you'll see, however, with your own unique API key. Simply copy and paste a piece of  ,code from this article on our support documents —  I'll link it below — and paste it just here.,The piece of code that's important  here is the ".header-nav",This determines the location  of your language switcher.  ,Replace this with the location of where  you'd like to appear on your website.  ,So, for example, I want to add it to my  menu bar, so i'll replace it with  ,.menu this is the CSS selector of the parent  element where you want the language switcher to  ,be placed. Read the support document below to learn how to find this. And then make sure you click save.  ,You can find more information about this method  in our developer documentation which I'll  ,also, link below. The second option is to go to online store navigation and then select which  ,menu you'd like your language switcher to be in let's choose the main menu. Then here we need to  ,add menu item, the name is simply the languages  you've already added to your Shopify store.  ,So let's put French and then here in  the link you need to put #Weglot,  ,with the capital w that's important, and the  language code for French which is fr click add  ,let's also go ahead and add English the same way. #Weglot but this time it's en for English  ,and add, click save menu to save that. If you'd  like to make this a drop-down in your menu simply  ,click add menu item, this time we're going to add languages. The link would simply just be a hashtag,,click add and then we just need to drag the  languages under this menu item. Again click save.,You can find more information about  this in our development documentation  ,again. And if you need any further help  please reach out to us at

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