how to change gift card image shopify

Shopify - Add a Custom Gift Card Image hi everyone today i've got a quick,tutorial i'm going to show

Ed Codes - Shopify Tutorials

Updated on Jan 31,2023

Shopify - Add a Custom Gift Card Image

The above is a brief introduction to how to change gift card image shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to change gift card image shopify

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how to change gift card image shopify catalogs

Shopify - Add a Custom Gift Card Image

hi everyone today i've got a quick,tutorial i'm going to show you how to,change the gift card image in shopify,um so the image that i'm talking about,is not the gift card product image,it's actually the gift card image that,the,uh the person receiving the gift will,see here we've actually got the gift,card product and as you can see they've,put a custom image and that's easy to do,uh you can add the gift card product,image just the same way as you add any,product image the gift card is just like,a normal product,but so someone gets sent this gift card,and then they open up the gift card,right and this is actually the image,that they see,um it's the default shopify image it's,like not custom at all and there's no,setting for it,surprisingly,so it's hard for you as the store owner,to change this,um but it's not hard it's actually easy,to do,we just need to change one line of code,i'm going to show you how to do that,right now,it only takes a couple of minutes oh and,i'm showing you on,impulse the theme is called impulse but,it's going to be pretty much the same,for every theme you just need to find a,file called,uh giftcard.liquid,so,here we are on the themes page we are,going to go to actions,and then we're going to write,we're going to click edit code,to go into the,into the code editor in shopify,oh and by the way you can preview your,gift card,by opening up the theme customizer,by opening up the theme editor and then,just going to,under the template selector you would,click others,and then under others you can find the,gift card template,that's how you preview your gift card,image,okay so once we are on the,code editor page,just search for the word gift and you're,going to want to find,the gift card.liquid template which is,under the templates folder not the one,which is under the layouts folder,so let's click on that and,we're just going to scroll through this,until we find the actual image,and if you want to do this a little bit,faster,um,you can just search i pressed command f,or control f on windows to search,img,and here we can see the image and it's,gift card slash card.jpg,and then it has shopify asset url here,so all we're going to do is change this,to an image that we have uploaded,okay and,where are we going to upload the image,we're going to upload the image to the,assets folder here,this assets folder just contains all the,various images,i'll clear this out the assets folder,contains all the various uh images and,other assets for our theme,and we're just going to add our image,there,this is the image that they've sent me,that they want to use,for their gift card,and so i'm just going to say add a new,ass so i'm uploading a file called,giftcard.jpg,this is our,uh,our new image all right so now it's at,asset giftcard.jpg,and,all i need to do is,change the name here so we're gonna,change this to gift,underscorecard.jpg that's the name of my,file,and also instead of shopify asset url,it's just gonna be asset url,okay,that shopify part means that it's one of,the,default shopify assets,whereas asset url is for our assets,folder,and that's it that's all there is to it,our image is there right,there's our image,there we've added it into the code,we're going to save,and then on this page we can refresh,and there you can see our new gift card,image,so yeah keep in mind any image that you,use,um,will be underneath it'll just be used as,a background right it'll be underneath,the actual gift card value and the gift,card code,so probably just don't put any text,in the middle there that would get,covered up by those elements,yeah that's all there is to it i hope,that helped if you have any questions,let me know in the comments,good luck

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