how to change from magento to shopify

Migrate Products from Magento to Shopify so this is how you migrate from magenta,to Shopify I have h

Migrate Products from Magento to Shopify

The above is a brief introduction to how to change from magento to shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to change from magento to shopify

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how to change from magento to shopify catalogs

Migrate Products from Magento to Shopify

so this is how you migrate from magenta,to Shopify I have here and the sample,Magento site and what we will do now we,will complete the migration to Shopify,I'm logging in now to the admin panel,all right so to migrate products,we go to the system import/export and,press the export choose the entity type,of product and the export file format,should be CSV now we scroll to the,bottom that page,and then continue button and it will,download as CSV file,alright here's that here's that CSV file,now we need to give a name for this file,so that the excel file can know that we,are actually migrating Magento products,so the file needs to contain a word,Magento and here now we go to the excel,file app so it's analyzing file and we,found 593 products and 26 called smart,collections it's because it's generated,from that product data it's actually it,will generate the smart collections with,all those products in the right,categories now here is this Magento,short URL it's needed so that we can,migrate the images from your content of,stores that we need to know what's your,URL and I'll just paste URL which I'm,forwarding to my Magento the best way,here,your Magento store domain name and now,we could press import now and that would,run the real import but additional thing,that you can do is you can running as a,dry rot here under the options there is,this straight box you run it as a dry,run and now if we press import it will,actually run through the whole,conversion process and it will convert,it to the excel file format but it will,not import just yet and so what it will,give to us the ability to look at the,file before we actually important we can,make any changes we like to this file,and everything's okay,right so this was very quick because it,was not actually importing anything so,it was just converting the file now here,we can download that file okay so this,this is that excel file which is,converted from Magento CSV file we have,all the attributes loading and you see,there are two sheets the products and,smart collections the products I think,to notice is that we have here this file,name image file column and image path,column this was in your CSV file and,from that we automatically calculated,the heat source for them so it will copy,this and paste it in the browser,it should open the image in the browser,if it doesn't open it means that the app,was not able to find the correct links,for the images so you might need to,correct those spots,find the place the place to correct,facts but usually if you have an agenda,with default settings and you put there,the server the server name the magenta,that the rest is automatically,calculated so you see here are they the,options with whether the options the,color sizes vary excuse prices and if,there is anything strange during,conversion we will see that in this,conversion comment column there will be,some text so with the smart collections,it's very similar thing here we have all,the the handle the title of each of the,categories that you have in the magenta,they were imported and published,channels and since those are the smart,collections or automated collections so,here are the rules defined or the,conditions that we are taking tags that,are equal to these specific tags and,those tags our products have specific,tag that belongs to this category that's,how the Shopify for now to link the,products from those categories to the,correct ultimately collections right,let's suppose we have done any any,changes we need here,let's look for this file,again go here to the import and now we,choose the excel file upload it again to,the excel file and this time it says,that it recognized it as format excel,file and we don't change any options,nothing all right so the import is now,finished and you see that all those are,created as new now if we go to our store,and to collections we see that now all,the Magento collections are migrated,here to our Shopify store and products,are also here and they're their variants,with sizes everything and description,and all the images they are here now,under collections here are all sorry now,under the products there are all the,migrated products and under collections,here are all the smart collections yeah,and just in case if you have here,showing some number of failed items you,can then again download input results,file as earlier and in that file this,time you can see since this was the real,import you can scroll all the way to the,right and you will see here the columns,importance alt and input comment and,here now it shows all ok but it might,show failed and hearing the comment it,will show what's the reason for fail so,that way you can fix it and you can,import just take those notes,it failed fix them,copy the new file like this and import,just just failed,well Rose once again and the app will,update them to the correct correct date,just in case if you need any help,contact us our support the excited I'm,home page here section see you,you,you

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