how to change domain name form blue host to shopify

Shopify Domain Set Up (Bluehost) | Shopify Custom Domain hello everybody this is corbin from zoco,ma

ZoCo Marketing

Updated on Mar 12,2023

Shopify Domain Set Up (Bluehost) | Shopify Custom Domain

The above is a brief introduction to how to change domain name form blue host to shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to change domain name form blue host to shopify

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how to change domain name form blue host to shopify catalogs

Shopify Domain Set Up (Bluehost) | Shopify Custom Domain

hello everybody this is corbin from zoco,marketing uh,today we are going to be going over how,to,add a custom domain to your shopify,store if your,domain is inside of bluehouse so,so me personally i use bluehost um i,love bluehost i used to have a godaddy,account but i just didn't really like,how everything functions so i made the,switch,over to um bluehost so i'm going to be,showing you exactly how to set,this up um to change so right now as you,can see my my,domain is,we're going to make that a custom domain,inside of bluehost,so i'm going to jump right in we're not,going to waste any time,and we're going to go right over to,bluehost so what you're going to want to,do actually disclaimer before i do say,this if you do have,concerns or you're trouble or you're,worried about messing with your dns,records,i do encourage you to reach out to,bluehost support,to have them help you set this up but,this is just a guide to help you kind of,go through and this is how i do it so,we're going to go to bluehost,and you're going to go to over here on,the left-hand side you're going to go to,domains,and then my domains and then what you're,going to do is go to the domain that you,want to,have your shopify store be named so as,you see i have the zoco apparel,domain that i am going to be using i'm,going to hit manage right here,we're going to wait for this to load up,and then we are going to go,we're going to go here to dns this,little dns tab,and then we're gonna scroll down and uh,this is where people kind of get tripped,up don't be too worried about this like,i said if you feel uncomfortable doing,this or making these edits,feel free to reach out to um bluehost if,you get messed up you can always reset,your zones back default but what we're,going to do for this first one this a,record right here,um i actually went through and added,this already but what you're going to do,is you're going to add record,and you're going to want to have host,record you're going to have this at,symbol,and then you're going to have it point,to shopify's,ip address which is this two two three,point,two two seven point three eight point,six five,leave this ttl as the default whatever,it may be on your,dns records don't touch that so this is,the a record the first one that we're,going to want to point that to,and then we're going to hit save there,next we're going to come down to this c,name and we're going to hit add a record,and what we're going to do is we're,going to call this www and then we're,going to have it point to,um the,and once again leave this as it is and,then we're going to hit save,all right once you have those two things,set up you should be able to now go back,over to shopify what i'm going to do is,i'm going to connect,existing domain right here we're not,transferring or buying a new,domain we're connecting one because it's,in our bluehost account,we're going to connect here and we're,going to,type in the domain hit next,and we're going to verify connection so,that was,that step that it was just asking before,it was it was showing those steps that i,just went through with you kind of in a,roundabout way,so i verified the connection and it's,going to come back and say,you know we've verified your connection,you need to wait 24 hours or whatever it,may be,so we'll just give it a second,awesome so as you can see here um the,domain is now connected,the domain status is connected um i,don't have my,secure ssl certificate yet on this,website,that's a little s after https on the,domain,but now we are connected to,,and it says here it can take up to 24,hours,for the changes to propagate in my,experience that sometimes happens sooner,but after 24 hours if that doesn't,happen,then i would reach out to either,bluehost uh most likely bluehost is,gonna,when you're gonna contact to,troubleshoot this um shopify really,can't help you with a lot of those,details,so hopefully this was helpful for you i,looked on youtube to try and find a,video for something like this and there,wasn't one,for blue blue bluehost specifically so,if you're on bluehost,hopefully this is uh helpful for you now,five minutes not even five minutes has,gone by,and i want to show you uh the domain so,i went in and i typed in,zoco apparel and there is my store um as,you can see it's still very bare bone,still working on it i wanted to show you,how to get the uh,the domain connected but i do have my,catalog starting to get it built out,just some random stuff here uh but now,as you can see it's that easy to get,your domain connected,um you don't have to necessarily wait,those 24 hours i would check it right,after honestly,in this case this did update in about,five minutes and everything was,up in there uh if you like this video,don't forget to subscribe,subscribe for more um shopify content,more,online marketing and we will see you in,the next video

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