how to build multiple team sites on shopify

How I Manage 20+ Different Shopify Stores everybody knows this is the greatest,time to make money on

The Angel Castillo

Updated on Mar 18,2023

How I Manage 20+ Different Shopify Stores

The above is a brief introduction to how to build multiple team sites on shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to build multiple team sites on shopify

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how to build multiple team sites on shopify catalogs

How I Manage 20+ Different Shopify Stores

everybody knows this is the greatest,time to make money online i know that,you know that i actually caught up on,instagram back in 2017 and by now i've,been able to generate millions of,dollars for my clients at the age of 22,i noticed i said the word client and,that is because to make money on ecom,you don't necessarily have to have an,e-commerce store you can simply help,others scale their store right so if,that's you if you're looking to work,with other brands and manage other,e-commerce stores i want to show you,exactly what i've been able to develop,over the past six years that allows me,to run this brand profitably and maybe,that's not you maybe you have your own,e-commerce stores you don't want to,manage other people's stuff but at one,point you want to not have to run,everything yourself right you want to,build a team you want to have a company,a real business where you can step back,and still make money well this video is,going to show you exactly what you need,to have in place in order to do so so,let's get into it but first let's,address the elephant in the room a lot,of people are going to say well if,you're so good with scaling brands and,whatnot then why don't you have your own,e-commerce brand a lot a lot a lot a lot,a lot and the reality is i do i started,a small drop shipping store i think last,week we did about like close to two,thousand dollars so i posted screenshot,right here i'm just waiting on inventory,so i only had the ad set for two days,but the reality is that i was kind of,forced to be in the position that i am,right now where i run ads for other,people you see back in 2016 when i,started my first drop shipping store i,had a month when i did 33 000 in sales,um selling just one product i actually,did a whole video about what the product,was and you could watch it by clicking,right here,don't click on the link just yet just,right click on it so that you can open,it on a new tab that way you can finish,watching the video that we're talking,about right now and at the end you can,go back to that one and if you haven't,yet please click the like button and,subscribe and let's get back to the,video going back to the story like i,said i made 33 000 in one month but the,next month i actually logged 6 000,and the reason being is i got scammed by,my supplier he was sending fake tracking,codes to my client so i was getting hit,with refunds and chargebacks and a whole,bunch of stuff so i had to shut down the,whole story and so i was left with the,skill of knowing how to run ads but no,capital to run my own store and that's,why i started running ads for other,people and voila that's how i ended up,here running stores for,other you know ecom store owners so,after several years of doing this you,know i've developed a team to be able to,do this at scale and profitably for my,clients and when i was thinking of,making this video i look back then,there's really five key pillars that,have allowed me to do this at a high,scale like i'm doing now and those are,the five things that i want to share,with you number one picking the right,brands to work with number two having,proven frameworks that allow you to,scale these brands number three building,the right team number four having the,right assistance is in place and number,five communication with your clients so,let's dive into each one of them for,picking the right brand you know what i,came up with first i don't work with,drop shipping stores regularly the,reason being is these people usually,don't have any money for ads and you're,going to need money for ads and you know,they just have no clue how to run a,business and they come to you they want,to pay you 1500 2 000 a month for you to,basically build a business for them and,that's just it just doesn't work right,so i don't work with um drop shipping,store the second thing that i look for,when you know examining a client and,whatnot is i want to work with stores,that are product focused and these are,essentially the owners are obsessed with,the product right they created it,because of a problem they sold,themselves or they saw a need in the,market and they developed this thing for,years it could be a clothing item it,doesn't really matter the point is that,they're obsessed with the product and,because they are they go crazy with,content because they know how to you,know bring their product to life how to,showcase it all that stuff they obsess,over the customer experience they want,people to have a really good time you,know buying the product using their,product all of that stuff the packaging,the emails all of it is on point and,these are things that you need to have a,really good brand so you as somebody,that you know might want to run,uh multiple ecom stores,those are things that you cannot build,for your clients they have to be about,the product they have to want to,advertise this thing they want to you,know want to have their customers have a,great experience so um don't shortcode,it right like just look for clients that,are product focused and that the last,thing really with this is you want to,have some sort of tangible success so,for the stores that you work with you,want to make sure that they've already,proven that there's a demand for their,product essentially right so um you know,these are usually,making like five ten thousand dollars,per month that you're they don't they,can't scale and that's why they're,coming to you but at least you know that,they already make money okay second,pillar is the framework the proven,frameworks and the developer process,it's usually testing three specific,types of campaigns no matter the niche,we have a top of the funnel a middle of,the funnel and bottom of the funnel on,each one of those we're testing specific,types of audiences and the specific,content pieces that we put out there,keep in mind that you you need to have a,proven system and if you want to use,mine you can just click on the link on,the description and grab my uh,you know what i just showed you now,building the right team this is probably,going to be one of the hardest thing you,do because you're dealing with people,right now at this point it's not just,about you and your work ethic it's about,other people's work ethic and you're,going to encounter tons of issues with,people being unreliable people lying on,their resumes the language barrier right,if you're going overseas for some of,these um talent you're also gonna have,issues with time zones where you know,these people might be 11 12 hours ahead,so the communication is really like one,day apart uh so let's just assume you,know you could break through all of that,it's going to take time there's really,no shortcut to that my team is composed,by these key individuals and quick,disclaimer i actually had a team of,about 18 people and i downsized because,in reality i didn't need all of that so,these are the key individuals that you,probably need based on my experience,these are the people that really run,this whole show so i have media buyers,these are the people that go into the,facebook ads manager or the google,adwords and actually set up the,campaigns they know how to optimize it i,have a copywriter this is a person that,helps me sell the product in writing,right so they write the facebook ad copy,or the product description or if we're,doing a landing page to write the copy,on the landing page outside of that i,have a graphic designer pretty,self-explanatory they help us create,cool graphics for our clients i also,have a email marketer and these people,you know it's two people really that i,have there but they help us continue to,scale our clients by leveraging their,list their subscriber list right you,just continue to sell stuff on the back,end via email i have a project manager,and this person is like the glue of the,whole thing right they make sure that,people are doing what they're supposed,to do that clients are getting,communicated that projects are moving,forward that we're on time all that,stuff and then my latest addition is i,have a video editor uh this person grabs,the videos from,my clients you know we usually have a,google drive folder he grabs them from,there and then creates different videos,for our media buyers to go out and put,on facebook the fourth one is system and,the first one you're going to need is,you need a project management tool we,use asana and this is basically a place,where you can keep track of all of the,stores you have and all the projects,associated with it who is responsible,for getting those projects done to,timeline the resources they need for all,of that stuff so you need a project,management tool second thing is me,personally i meet with my media buyers,on mondays and friday since these are,the people that drive their revenue they,drive traffic to the store it's very,important for me to meet with them and,kind of have a pulse on how things are,going on those meetings we have a,performance sheet that they have to fill,out to ensure that you know we're,actually moving forward that we're,improving our results week after week,for our clients,i also have a meeting with my operations,team at the time that's just my project,manager and my admin person we talk,about what's going on with the company,what's going on with employees and how,we're going to move our clients forward,and the last one is just having sops and,sops are your standard operating,procedures these are basically like,instructions for getting tasks done so,anything that's done on a recurring,basis we have a detailed weight of how,it needs to be done because remember,you're working with multiple team,members there's multiple clients,multiple stores and if everybody has a,say it on things it's going to be all,chaotic it's not going to be consistent,and the fifth pillar is communicating,with your clients and here's the,situation your clients or the store,owners whoever you're working with they,don't want to pay you thousands of,dollars per month to have to wait two,days for you to reply back on an email,and we get it you know it might not be,intentional you're busy running their,stores but they just don't want to deal,with that so we use internally something,called slack to communicate with our,clients so essentially the way we use it,is every client has a slack channel,or a group chat where my project manager,and my main media buyer are in there as,long as the client so that way if you,have any questions they could text us,basically in there and they're going to,get a reply within you know within the,hour really so that way they feel taken,care of they're feeling heard and i'm,not the bottleneck because if i don't,have something like this and all of the,clients are going to be emailing me and,i'm going to be so busy with other stuff,and i'm going to you know miss some of,these messages other thing i do is i,meet with all of our clients every two,weeks on soon and these are a quick 30,minute calls to talk about progress how,things are going to kind of get a pulse,on how the client is feeling about the,process that's one of the things that,i'm actually looking to outsource pretty,soon i'm going to have my project,manager or i me a buyer take those calls,because now i'm focused on growing the,business i'm not so involved in all the,little things it makes sense for,somebody that has a better pulse on it,to talk to the client about those,students i have clients that have been,with me for over a year now and it's not,because i make the money every month,there's actually clients that you know,we've had really bad months and they,haven't fired me or haven't fired my,agency because we built a relationship,with them you know they feel like any,time they have an issue anytime there's,a problem or anything they have an idea,they get a response really quickly,imagine you're texting a girl and she,takes like forever to reply right it's,not the vibe right that's not what you,want to deal with that was a lot i know,it might seem overwhelming and quite,honestly if you're just starting out i,wouldn't recommend setting all these,things in place off the bat because,that's just too much you don't have the,resources to do that if you were just,starting out managing multiple ecommerce,stores the only thing that i would,recommend for you to start with is a,project management tool that way you can,keep track of every stored and the,projects associated with it and then a,slack channel with every client so that,you can talk with them and know what,each client needs as you grow as you get,results as you get more revenue then you,could start higher in teams and same,thing for you if you just have a store,and you know you want to start building,a team so that the team runs a brand for,you and you don't have to do everything,yourself that's what i would do just get,started with a project management tool,that way when you bring your first,employee you can plug them in there and,they don't have to talk to you for every,single thing because it's all laid out,on that project management tool if this,video was helpful in any way shape or,form like the video you know just,subscribe to this channel it really,helps a lot and if you really want to,make my day just comment down below i,reply to each one of them because,there's only like two or three comments,but um yeah i'll see you guys in the,next one

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