how to be successful on shopify 2020

Shopify Dropshipping In 2020? | Everything You Should Know To Be Successful In Ecommerce what is tha

J Rich

Updated on Feb 16,2023

Shopify Dropshipping In 2020? | Everything You Should Know To Be Successful In Ecommerce

The above is a brief introduction to how to be successful on shopify 2020

Let's move on to the first section of how to be successful on shopify 2020

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Shopify Dropshipping In 2020? | Everything You Should Know To Be Successful In Ecommerce

what is that you two should boys a rich,back of another video you haven't,already make sure that subscribe button,down below,so 2019 is about to end when the last,days right now 2020 is approaching 2020,basically means perfect vision so I like,to think of this next year coming up,2020 as a year of perfect vision so we,have a vision and what we want now it's,time to go get it so I see you guys all,up in the comments talking about you,want to start the e-commerce world it,started up in 2020 well I see you guys,and I want you guys to succeed so I made,this video to prepare and teach you guys,what I believe you should know in order,to be successful in Josh up in 2020 I,mainly wanted to go over this topic in,this video because Josh living has,changed and will continue to change as,time goes on which is completely normal,the world constantly changes so you have,to adapt in order to be successful so,before I go into detail let me just,explain the basis of Josh shipping and,how it works for those of you that do,not understand I'll make it super quick,and easy it's basically being the,middleman and selling a product without,having to actually touch the product so,if your customer goes to your website or,is a product you can order from another,supplier a supplier ship it directly to,the customer to where you just profit,the difference in the price so let's go,over some questions that I constantly,get and I'm sure those of you watching,this have these questions as well number,one is drop shipping day so drop,shipping is not dead similarly because,all product prices are different between,the suppliers so the only way Josh,Sherman would die is if there's some,kind of rule some kind of legal thing at,the country or the world comes up with,to where everybody has to make the,product the same prices so as long as,there's some kind of price of scrimmage,among the same product there's gonna be,profit to be made so basically if you,discover that this pillow is being sold,for $10 you then find a supplier that's,only selling for $5.00 that's gonna be,profit to be made in drop shipping you,can make a website advertising that,pillow for $10 you can order from the,supplier for $5 your profit is the $5 so,as long as there's some kind of price,difference is going to be profit to be,made so the most popular method out here,and the u.s. drop shipping comes up you,know Joshua from China Aliexpress,certainly because their product prices,are super low which makes it a lot of,profit to be made possible if you,dropship here in the US so you know,probably in China,costs a lot lesson products out here in,the u.s. that is the reason why it's so,profitable to job ship from China so,question number two this job should,being saturated so ecommerce as a whole,is huge it's a huge business model it's,basically taking over the world and it's,constantly growing there's simply not,enough people to make a saturated I feel,like those of you that question this,basically get that perception because,you see a lot of people testing it out,trying it say anything failed well those,people are testing it out trying out for,a week to a month and then quitting so,there's a lot of there's like thousands,people getting a job and then quit in,the first couple months so those people,that actually become successful not,necessarily they're on YouTube,displaying that success you know the,quiet you don't know who they are but,they are successful there's a lot of,people in drop shipping so there's,constantly you know people going in and,out of drop shipping and it's not,saturated ecommerce is growing you guys,and it's taking over the world retailers,the malls are shutting down because,everyone's buying online so definitely,definitely not saturated and the last,question is a too late to start drop,shipping so this kind of goes with the,hazard to my previous question ecommerce,is freaking taken over the world you,guys is steadily growing,it's literally like huge Amazon is,freakin doing crazy numbers and it's,only growing all these malls are,shutting down all these stores are,shutting down it couldn't be a better,time to get an e-commerce and it is,right now you guys so definitely not too,late it's literally is taken over the,world and even if you own a retail store,if you don't switch to if you don't kind,of have some kind of presence online and,e-commerce your business is going to die,so definitely definitely it's not too,late to get into e-commerce drop,shipping so now that the questions or,answers let's get into the details of,this video so you hear me talk about,e-commerce a lot Josh living is a form,of e-commerce it's the easiest form of,e-commerce to get into you basically,don't have to you know do the,traditional way of ordering a product,first and then trying to sell it,you sell virtually any product in the,world at a low cost,so you're basically not touching any,other products and it,is ecommerce because you're selling,things online so there's a reason why,drop shipping is the best and probably,the most recommended business to start,online it's very easy to start you don't,need a lot of capital and it's easy to,scale really really fast so what I like,to say to people is to start just,recently because it's super easy to,start and it's like a foundation for,business in general,so with Josh um you're going to have to,learn how to sell you're gonna have to,learn how to advertise you're gonna have,to learn how to deal with customers,you're gonna have to learn how to drive,traffic to your website,all of these are foundations for,business and generals so if you learn,these skills you you know become a,master of these skills you're gonna be,able to translate this to any other,business so this is just an entry point,into the whole business world so use,dropshipping as a foundation because,it's super easy to start so not only can,you become successful by starting Josh,something but you can develop a valuable,set of skill sets which you can,translate into other businesses so for,example by Jocelyn you have to learn,marketing like marketing is a game of,Josh to me if you don't know marketing,you're not gonna sell anything so if I,learned in marketing you actually become,an expert you're good at it you love it,you found your passion that is a,valuable skill set that translate into,any other business so you could become,you know basically a crazy marketer and,sell basically any product online in,person and all of that so Josh should be,like I said is an entry point so learn,dropshipping learn the skill sets of it,and you never know what you're gonna do,in the future you never know what you're,gonna decide to you know have a passion,for decide and realize that you're,actually good at this skill set so start,Josh of being learn the skill sets and,then see how it goes in the future,become successful Josh living along the,way and it's amazing you guys because,it's an entry point and anybody could,started so let's talk about general,store versus a one product store so,general store is basically selling every,single party like Amazon a one product,store is selling one product mainly with,a cover price around that product so I,like to you know describe it as a,general store is basically having this,sport of basketball football baseball,hockey tennis,Golf all into one so this section you've,got basketball that says you got,football that said I have baseball all,into one so kind of crazy but it's a lot,of stuff into one which of course you,can make a lot of money but it's kind of,scattered and confusing but a one,product store is basically like having,one sport and having a superstar so,basically like basketball let's say,basketball you have a basketball team,you get one superstar that's your one,product that superstar is LeBron you,build players around him which basically,builds a one product store so it's a,superstar product and then you build,products around that you add privacy,story that relates is that one superstar,product so back in a year two to three,years ago general stores would work you,know you could put the whole Outlook,Express on your store advertise it,through Facebook Instagram and it would,get sales it would become successful,nowadays it's leaning towards one,product store assembly because people,enjoy and they appreciate a branding,experience so when you have a one,product store you have a opportunity to,brand the whole store around that one,superstar product so in 2020 you,definitely want to put the focal point,around one product stores so you want to,find your superstar product and then add,products that complement that superstar,product so it's definitely possible and,if you want to sell different products,complete different niches you're totally,free to do so but I highly recommend,that you guys keep it separate so just,create different Shopify stores and each,we would start product create a store,around that and that's the way to go so,as I said earlier with the one product,store it makes it easier and a kind of a,more branding experience for your,customer so another tip to you guys in,2020 is to put the focal point on,branding as well because you got to,think a long-term strategy you want to,make sure that your customers have a,branding experience that way they're,constantly you know coming at you and,you,repeat customers so branding is,definitely the way to go in 2024 drops,of them so it's easy to do that when you,have one superstar product and a store,right now superstar products so one,product store equals a branding,opportunity for your Shopify drop,shipping business so now let's talk,about the marketing strategies and,methods in 2020 so the marketing methods,that you've probably heard about still,are in play and exist today the most,talked about obviously our Facebook Ads,Instagram ads and Google Ads,and you can basically advertise on all,the social media platforms for example,Twitter and YouTube what the thing about,advertising on those platforms is that,they can become really really expensive,they're a lot more expensive today as,they were a year or two years ago back,then two years ago you could become,successful with a $5 Facebook ad today,not necessarily so so you definitely,want to venture out and learn how to use,Facebook Ads Instagram adds all the,social media ads that way you have the,marketing skill set but you definitely,want to make sure that you test test,test and start with a low budget that,way you don't risk a lot of your money,so a lot of people when they start,dropping for the first time they think,okay I'm gonna start this Shopify,website I'm gonna create I'm gonna add,the products and then I'm gonna start,Facebook ads and become successful that,is usually most of the time not the case,you're going to start with Facebook ads,and you're gonna lose money so you,literally have to go in with the mindset,that you're gonna lose money so my,advice to all you guys is to learn,Facebook guys learn Instagram as learn,Google Ads so you have that marketing,skill set but make sure that you go in,with a mindset and start with a low,budget that way you don't list a lot of,your money so it's gonna be learning,experience you definitely want to make,sure that you learn those methods that,way you have a marketing skill set but,obviously you hear me talk about,influencer marketing a lot and that is,my favorite alternative and it's,probably one of the most if not the most,effective and talked about marketing,methods today simply because you could,reach a lot of people without risking a,lot of money as opposed to advertising,on other social media platforms so in,2020 just like in 2019,I'm gonna continue to highly recommend,influencer marketing simply because I,don't want to see you guys losing a lot,of money advertising on other social,media platforms so as you've seen in my,earlier videos I talked about influencer,marketing a lot and I even showed,examples of me paying influencers less,than a hundred dollars to promote my,product to them and getting a ton of,results from that so influencer,marketing is really really huge and,really really really a game changer and,dropshipping an ecommerce marketing,simply because you could paint,influencer way less and it reach way,more people as opposed to Facebook Ads,or advertisements on any other social,media platform someone drop something,and in any other business you want to,make sure when you advertise and start,marketing that your risk as little money,as possible in order to maximize your,profits so of course you want to make,sure that you make as much money as,possible while spending the very least,amount of money possible and you could,do this with influencer and marketing so,in 2020 for those of you that want to,start dropship me make sure that you,make influencer marketing a focal point,for your marketing efforts and become a,master at influencer marketing,so another thing the mission why,influencer marketing is super super cool,is because you get a ton of data when,you actually do influencer marketing so,you still can use Facebook and Instagram,ads you could use that data to run,retargeting ads and look-alike audiences,which it makes as I said earlier your,profit super super high and your risk,super super low so it makes Facebook and,Instagram ads much more effective,because you're using actual data for,people that actually went to your site,and look-alike audience of those people,that actually went to your site so,influencer marketing needs to be the,focal point for you and in 2020 become a,master at influencer marketing so once,you start job shopping once you learn,the skill sets in particular marketing,and you find your marketing strategies,that will work,scale up double down on what's working,for you and then automate and hire,virtual assistants and employees to take,care of everything for you so you then,could start another business so it could,be another Josh shipping business you,started from scratch the same as you did,the other one and then repeat that whole,process start,skill automate and repeat repeat and,that is how you build well so once you,become successful and rationing it's,then,time to start thinking about other,fulfillment solutions so you don't,necessarily have to continue job forever,you could hire third party logistics,company 3pl for short to take care of,the whole fulfillment process for you so,you basically send all your product to,them similar to like Amazon FBA you send,all your party to them and then they,take care of that whole fulfillment,process for you that way it's automated,and it's a much more pleasing shipping,experience for your customer,lastly to give you guys got into and,advice on how to actually be successful,long term in life in general is to use,all the skill sets that you learn in,drop shipping and translate that into,other businesses for example if you,become a master of marketing you,probably wouldn't ever go broke and you,always figure out how to make money,suddenly because you'll know how to sell,things online so utilize all the skill,sets actually learned in Josh slipping,into other businesses that emerge and,there will be a lot of new businesses,that emerge so as I said earlier this,world is constantly changing some new,stuff will be added business,opportunities will be presented to you,to use all the skills that you learned,into them and that is how you become,wealthy that's how you go to well so,it's kind of a domino effect tie bills,compound interest for example if you,start Josh up and you learn the skill,sets you translate that into the next,business opportunity that emerges in the,future you then learn another set of,skill sets and then you translate that,and it just basically continues and that,is how you become what that you guys,because you always figure out how to,make money and you learn a new set of,skill sets along the way so before I go,like always know I gotta leave all your,future mooners out there watch this,little quote and that code is 2018 let's,practice 2019 was in warmups 2020 is,so that's all my 20/20 our best year,ever and until then my friends be great

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