how to add view all button on shopify

How To Add Your Collection Buttons On Your Shopify Store hi,everyone this is tips with tay last week

Vonleshia DeShai

Updated on Feb 17,2023

How To Add Your Collection Buttons On Your Shopify Store

The above is a brief introduction to how to add view all button on shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to add view all button on shopify

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how to add view all button on shopify catalogs

How To Add Your Collection Buttons On Your Shopify Store

hi,everyone this is tips with tay last week,i came to you with the creating the,category,and collection buttons and this week we,are supposed to be,adding them to our website so follow,along with me,as we add them to our shopify website,here we go so last time we left off,at getting our buttons downloaded we're,going to do that now i'm gonna,go ahead and,i'm gonna do it as a,i'm gonna do it,that way you know,download and so for me,they all come up at the bottom of my bar,but of course you can always retrieve,them from the folder,it's downloaded too,and i just have it download and then i,am going to now switch over,to my shopify store that i have up,just for downloading these buttons for,you,okay so this is the screen you get to,once you log into shopify,so the first step that i like to do,well there is actually two ways you can,add your buttons into shopify,the first one being you can add it in,your collection list,the second one being you can add it in,as an image,so the first one adding it in as you're,into your collection list excuse me,we go over here to our menu section,and we hit products and under products,there is collections and,here in the collections i have them,listed already,but if you don't have an actual,collection in there and you need to,create a collection,you hit the create a collection button,and so in create a collection you can,name what you want the collection to be,ours being we want it to the,bundles,so we're adding bundles in as a,collection,the way to add your button in,hitting image,this is my downloads,but you would find your collection in,whatever folder,it gets downloaded to once you download,from the,internet you can always,um click where your browser has,their downloads at or you can go to,the special download folder that you,have on your computer,so moving along we added our,collection image in order to save it i,have to save it as manual,and then hit save and then our,collection button is added to our,actual collection list so,i added it in going to go back to our,actual collection list,and how it works you see it right here,this is where we just added,if you have a collection already,we're going to go to home page and so it,will have,products in there if you want to add,more products you can,there's a whole different lesson,but adding a collection image,for an already existing collection,all you have to do is click on the,collection and come over here to the,collection image and choose whatever,image,it is that you want and then once you,choose,once you choose i'm not going to save,this but once you choose,just hit save okay,and so the second portion to this,is that you will have to go to your,online store,and so you have to go to your online,store once you hit online store it's,going to automatically bring you to your,themes page,and so with everything that you are,using currently,it will be all the way at the top and so,all you have to do is hit,customize,so we're hitting customize and this is,what our website,actually looks like to our consumers,and so as you see i have a,little bit here to show and so,i am wanting to add my collection list,so i don't already have it here on,my section so i would have to add that,section,and you can locate it right here under,collection and then there's collection,list,and so it gives you the options of four,collections,i don't need four collections because i,only have three,so what i'm going to do is i'm going to,click on this last collection,and i'm going to remove content so now i,have three,so as you see it gives me a heading,it also has the name,of each collection under it,and that cannot be changed the,heading can be taken away but the title,cannot,so moving along we're going to add our,first collection button by hitting,the collection button and we,are choosing first bundles,so we there have bundles then we're,gonna move to the next one,it's gonna be automatically linked you,don't have to click anything extra,i'm gonna hit collection select,collection,next one is going to be wigs select,and now it's linked next one,select collection our last,lashes and bam,it is linked so then we want to go back,and here you can position,position your collection list wherever,you want,so i'm gonna write mine's right under my,banner,and then there you have it,the other way that i like to add my,collection buttons,is by adding it in as an image,so here you would have to add it as,a gallery since we have more than one,and so you see gallery already here,in my sections but it is not in your,sections already,you can find it by going to add section,and under image hit gallery,but since i have it already in my,sections i am going to go here,and you can add each graphic one by one,and not only the are you able to add,each graphic but you can,add the image link so by doing that,you would select your image first and so,it's not here already for me,so i'm going to upload it from my,computer,so the first one i want is bundles it,uploads it for me,i select right under,the picture i have image link,i just click it and i want it to be,linked,to my collections so collections is an,option,the top option,linking in this link,then we can go to the next one,select is here already,but,there you have it the next one,select the image upload,lashes,select english link,collections lashes and now it's saved,so always make sure you save your,changes,by hitting the save button over here,in the right hand corner and so now you,get to see the difference,now they're right up under each other,you see,see the writing under it or,you don't need all that you can add in,as an,image with a link and it will take you,to the exact page that you want to,those are the two ways that i like to,add my buttons,and once you figure out which one you,want to use you can always remove the,section,clicking on the section scrolling all,the way to the bottom,hit remove section now the one that i,want to keep is there,same and now i have,brand new collection

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