how to add variant to existing product shopify

Shopify Tutorial: How to Add Variants to Existing Products on Your Shopify Store hi everybody this i

Lean Media

Updated on Feb 17,2023

Shopify Tutorial: How to Add Variants to Existing Products on Your Shopify Store

The above is a brief introduction to how to add variant to existing product shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to add variant to existing product shopify

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how to add variant to existing product shopify catalogs

Shopify Tutorial: How to Add Variants to Existing Products on Your Shopify Store

hi everybody this is ian lamont i am the,author of the lea media book blog,and video channel available from,,today i'll be talking about shopify and,how to create,a variant in shopify,for one of the one of the things you're,already selling,so you can see here that if you look at,this is my inventory list you can see,that,i have it says 176 in stock for two,variants,and most of them say in two variants but,some of them don't,excel 2016 spreadsheet uh cheat sheet,and then there's another one too uh word,2016 cheat sheet there's,you can see there's no extra thing about,another variant and indeed,if you go to the website you'll see on,the product page,word 2016 cheat sheet,the item is there you can buy it you can,add it to the cart but if you can,compare it to other products that are,also on the website you'll see that,it'll say format and then printed or pdf,and then the user can select between,them to see what they want,and then also you can see that the image,here has a little pdf symbol on it,so what i'm going to do is i'm going to,go back to this one right here word 2016,cheat sheet,and add a variant a pdf variant,um the fact that it's a digital product,doesn't even matter,like i could be i could be selling,something like a word 2016 cheat sheet,and then a word 2016 cheat sheet large,print you know,it can be anything that you want that's,a variation of the same product,in this particular case it's going to be,a digital product but it doesn't matter,it could be anything so if you were,selling for instance shirts it could be,a small shirt a large shirt and a medium,sized shirt of a certain,of you know a certain style or a certain,color all right so let's get down to it,and this is what you need to do so here,is my shopify store,here's the product so basically i'm,going to products i'm finding the,product and then clicking on it,and this brings you to the editing,console and let's let's blow it up a,little bit,so if this is all the stuff that you,usually see oh and,one other thing i do recommend doing,this on a desktop computer i know people,love to use their,uh phones to do everything and shopify,is actually pretty powerful i think,i think you might be able to create a,variant on the mobile shopify mobile,phone app but in this case i think it,makes a lot easier,uh to work with um work with the desktop,version,for one reason i'm working with some,special files that i have to upload and,the phone's not just not good,good for it so i'm scrolling through,here's all the items here,um there's all these things about,location inventory history physical,product,all right variance is down here so this,is where it gets interesting,this product has multiple options like,different sizes or colors all right this,is what i want,i don't have different i don't have,different colors,or sizes but i do have different formats,so,by default shopify gives you the common,things that people use like style title,material color whatever for me i'm not,doing that i'm doing format and you can,just start typing it in,and then you separate the options with a,comma so there's two,options here printed comma and then pdf,and when you type comma it automatically,shows up as that,yeah and there it is those are my two,options if i wanted to i could even add,more,scroll down a little bit more and this,this stuff pops up,okay so uh it shows the printed and it,shows the pdf,and interestingly it generated a skew,here i'm not sure why that happened but,all right i'll i'll roll with it,and now we can edit the variants so,let's so what i'm actually going to do,is i'm going to start with the printed,variant,just to make sure that this is correct,all right this is all right,okay uh and hit done we're good with,that one,let's look at the pdf,again i don't know where it came up with,this skew i'm a little bit concerned,about that so i'm just going to delete,that for now i can come back and and,um edit that later if i wanted to i,could change the price to so let's say i,can make a little cheaper 5.99,that's fine location item,so um i have a couple locations and it's,just defaulting to the same one that the,other variant already has,po box and it already gives the same,system code,and click done all right at this point,click save and the reason why is you're,about to go in and edit some other stuff,and it's good just to save it,so it's pretty clear it,first of all it has all the data there,and then you're ready to go into the,next step,okay here are the two variants,what i want to do here is first of all,fix this one so it's showing the right,picture,because it's not showing any picture,right now and then edit this one,uh for a couple things and i'll get to,that in a minute so here's the first,variant this is the original variant,actually,so first thing i want to do is i want to,set the image for this,for this variant to be just like this,one the 3d image here,of the cheat sheet so i click add image,and actually it's already uploaded so,i'm just going to select that,and click done okay um,all this stuff is fine nothing else,needs to be changed i often do check the,the weight here because sometimes the,weight for a variant will change,uh for instance if you're manufacturing,it somewhere else you would choose you,know wherever,it comes from all right click save again,now let's go into the next variant um,just click,it'll show up here or you can click the,arrow over here but let's go to it,and here's the pdf variant now i want i,do want to change the image,and i've already prepared an image and,you should too,so i'm going to i'm going to upload an,image and actually i have one ready here,this is actually i want to do one thing,first,make this smaller then i can just drag,it right over there all right so here it,is,and it is this one i think,so this is basically a it's a pdf so i,had my designer add a little pdf icon,there,and it's ready to go you might want to,resize it too,shopify i always advise you to do that,but keep in mind that some people they,like to take a close look at it so i,just i just dragged it right over here,you can see it turning around it's,uploading it,thinking about it there it is it,selected it image added,so this is this it says select variant,image this is the one i want,it says the little pdf icon in the,corner click done okay,i can mess around with the price some,more tax that's a pretty complicated,topic i'm not going to go there right,now,but this is something where actually i,don't need to track the quantity and the,reason is it's a digital product,and in fact later on i have to do,something to add the digital product to,shopify,i'm not going to go there i'm going to,uncheck this because it's not a physical,product,and then i'm going to click save,all right and actually let's go back,here it is um let's go to the website,and see what it looks like,i think it was here okay so this is the,old listing for it let's see if it,updated with the,variant there it is,format printed or pdf,now another thing that you might want to,do if you have variants,is to adjust the text for your listing,to say that you know we have it,available in small medium or large or,whatever,in this case i might add to the bottom,like for instance right here it says,the four panel references printed on,eight and a half by eleven inch high,quality card stock,i might also say or it's available as a,downloadable as a pdf but,you get the idea this basically does it,and now my customers can start,uh to order it once i make sure that,it's uh it's available as a digital,attachment,for more information on how to get the,most out of shopify amazon wordpress,amazon advertising all these things all,these different programs for selling,i run my own business i sell different,types of things my own brands,i try to do it the right way i try to,follow the terms of service of these,of these various services i try to help,people out so if you go to,click on video or click on blog you can,see more of my videos and also if you're,watching this video right now and it,helped you out if you could,take a few minutes a few moments just to,like it and subscribe to me,i'd be very grateful again my name is,ian lamont thanks so much for watching

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