how to add sticky add to cart shopify

How to add Sticky Add to Cart button in your Shopify Store 👉 Day 8 of 30 With Shopify hello and welc

Jahin Shahriar

Updated on Feb 04,2023

How to add Sticky Add to Cart button in your Shopify Store 👉 Day 8 of 30 With Shopify

The above is a brief introduction to how to add sticky add to cart shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to add sticky add to cart shopify

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How to add Sticky Add to Cart button in your Shopify Store 👉 Day 8 of 30 With Shopify

hello and welcome to this shopify,tutorial for beginner series in this,series of video we are sharing,everything you need to know to launch,your shopify store and we are sharing,many functionality that you may need in,your shopify store in today's video i,will show you how to add sticky card in,your product page so what actually,sticky card means so if sticky card is,something,we will add in our product page that,will have a is sticky when people scroll,to in desktop and mobile so it stick,into our screen and people can check out,using that link so this is a very,fantastic way to increase your,conversion especially sticky card having,a sticky card for mobile is actually,mandatory for your product page so,people when they are scrolling through,a part of your page they can have a call,to action button to make the decision to,purchase the product unless they have to,go back all the top to your screen to,purchase the product again so having any,sticky card can increase the conversion,for your shopify store so let's see how,to add that so for adding that to card,uh sticky card we'll use this app i'll,put the link in the description for this,app just click the link and then just,any other shopify f just click on add,app,and this will need to be added in our,store and it is asking me for my,login information so let me give that,and like any other shopify app we need,to install this click on install app and,it will install the shopify app in our,store so wait and it will redirect us to,the,app dashboard so,it is required some time so let's as you,can see this is the the dashboard of the,app looking like,create sticky button so click on create,sticky button,so how you want to create the sticky,button to look like a sticky button it,should be a sticky button just like this,so i just want to hide sticky button and,open cardboard or in the position in the,middle so this is how it looking like,now just right now,and then,sticky button or sticky bar which one,you prefer i think we sticky bar will,prefer sticky bar,so let's click on sticky bar and add,this type of thing not the button we,want both enable on desktop and this how,it should look an add to cart should,stay on the same page or you can go to,the cart page as well,okay then,show card countdown issue in premium,disable edit product quantity if you,want that then it will be disabled,unless you can showed it as well so i,think the showing it is actually good,then you can do the font size you can do,the,background color uh everything you can,change from here,then you can click on create,to create that sticky bar and then we,need to enable it in our theme then,click on active in theme and it will,open the theme editor for us in online,store 2.0 this is required that every,app that we are using it should be,embedded into our theme so just click on,that and just follow the process it will,be work fine,then just as you can see it is turned on,it should be turned on it should not be,turned off it should be turned on then,click save,and now let's get back to our store and,click on preview,and let's go one of our product,to see if it is working click on one of,the product,and scroll down,and you can see the sticker card is,actually working we can choose the color,we can increase the quantity we can,click on buy now and you can see it is,showing our card dryer properly so this,is how it is working very very nice and,very very smoothly so it is very easy to,add and very easy to use you can change,the button text as well to add to cart,anything you want very very easily so,this is how to add a sticky add to cart,in your product page within just under,five minutes which is a very easy,process i will put the link of the,this app in the description which is a,free to use app and if you want more,option you can go to the premium plans,as you can see there is other premium,plan as well if you want that you can go,you can just use it for free with those,add to cart feature so i hope you,enjoyed the video so thank you very much,for watching the video

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