how to add stickers to every order shopify

Pack Black Friday Orders With Me! (Part 2) • Etsy/Shopify Sticker Shop hey guys and welcome back to

Nightingale Paper Co

Updated on Mar 08,2023

Pack Black Friday Orders With Me! (Part 2) • Etsy/Shopify Sticker Shop

The above is a brief introduction to how to add stickers to every order shopify

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how to add stickers to every order shopify catalogs

Pack Black Friday Orders With Me! (Part 2) • Etsy/Shopify Sticker Shop

hey guys and welcome back to my Channel,today I'm going to be filming another,pack orders video for y'all this is,still Black Friday orders that I'm,working on today and this video is going,to be very similar to the one I posted,last week but I'm going to change the,setup a bit,hopefully it's better than last time I'm,still not sure exactly how I want these,videos to look but yeah I'd love your,feedback if you watch this one and the,other one you can tell me which one you,like better,so let me go ahead and move the camera a,bit and we'll get started okay so like,last time I've got my,laptop over here with all my order info,right here I've got my scale so I can,weigh the orders and we can jump right,in so the first order I've got right,here is for Pat so,pull up the order info,and I guess I can show you all the,freebies again I'll show you the,freebies um when I get an order that's,got all the freebies together,so for Pat's order,we have,vacuum winstons,the updated chips and salsa doodles,Church Winston's,cleaning winstons,and a mixed sheet of trash and recycling,once again I did already pre-pack these,orders and now I'm sort of just double,checking them and then officially,packing them and again I forgot to get,the your order was packed on YouTube,stickers so let me grab that real quick,and that order is complete,next order is four let's do this one,this order is for Gail,and I believe Gail got all of our,freebies,yes,okay so let me show you those first and,then we'll pack this order,so this is our journaling card freebie,little die cut freebie,uh thankful for and random act of,kindness creamy sheet,this was the name tag I think this was,15 plus freebie,and then the happy New Year Doodles,along with our November freebie so that,is all the possible freebies uh from the,Black Friday sale,okay now Gail ordered,the peak Leaf Peak leaf kit both sheets,along with the winter fog kit both,sheets again,the winter gnomes collection both sheets,I love this kit I know I said it,yesterday but it's just so cute I can't,wait to use it I'm probably gonna use it,in January,she ordered the American workplace kit,both sheets,Cottage Library kit,and then the bundle of 12,Luigi cousin kits which again I need to,make sure this is in the right order,so let me start off with the birthday,one like I always do and that goes at,the bottom,where's the birth they want it's hiding,for me,there we go,so birthday and then Christmas,winter,Thanksgiving Halloween,fall,summer,Easter spring or sometime spring and,then Easter just depends St Patrick's,Day Valentine's and happy New Year,so that is the 12-month hobanichi kit,bundle,next up was The Wizard World kit for,both sheets and then the a c e and f,sheets from our Grinch collection,so,a,C,and then E and F is the Washi sheet so,that is that,when I'm packing these orders a second,time I'm also checking to make sure that,there are no order notes or anything,like that that I could possibly have,missed,when I was packing it the first time,grab a sticker,and there we go,two orders down,I'm gonna go ahead and print shipping,labels for these two,just because I like to print them in,batches of two and I'm going to weigh,Gail's order because it does feel a bit,heavier,than normal so I'm gonna double check on,that and it is heavier than normal,four ounces or under is the norm and,this one is six ounces so I'll have to,note that on the packing label shipping,label so that I pay the proper amount of,postage,okay so I'm going to purchase these and,then,send them over to my printer to be,printed,all right so they're going to the,printer right now next order is for,that's kind of loud so I'll wait a,second,foreign,next order is for Karen or Corinne,k-a-r-i-n,and we've got two grab bags which is fun,we've got a random mix grab bag oops,along with a gold foiled grab bag,and then the mixed sheet trash and,recycling winstons along with the,classic Christmas,homunichi kit both sheets,and of course freebies,okay after Karen we have Jill,and Jill I believe also got,most if not all of our freebies let's,see yes she got uh past the 30 tier Mark,so those are her freebies,and as for the actual order here we have,a rainy day pastel winstons along with,the,binge watch winstons these are really,cute in my opinion,she also ordered three of our modern,hominishi kits,in green pink and gray so these are all,the same format,they're just monochrome kits that are,really good to have around,um with hobonichi they're very useful,next up is the office kit,and B again,followed by vacuum Winston,and then,snuggled up when it's thin,wizard kit A and B,popcorn traditional red and white which,I think is so cute,Friday Winston's,and the new motivational winstons,so that is Jill's order I'm gonna get,that all packed up,foreign,shipping labels I'll probably cut that,out of the video though since it was a,little bit loud okay our next order is,for Abigail I'm excited about this order,because it has some custom scripts in it,first let me double check the freebies I,believe we've got full tier freebies on,this one yes so,those,organized,okay,now for the actual order,if you're starting off with some,Harry Potter themed stickers sheet a and,F from the full kit,together they are right there,and then the two custom scripts these,are in font four,just like that,foreign,ordered the hominishi kit of the wizard,theme,then we have neutral push pin winstons,the neutral ones have been very popular,lately which I think is interesting the,neutral color scheme in general is very,popular which I think is neat,um next up is winter,Winston's I love these they're so cute,Thanksgiving winstons,slow cooker Doodles in silver we also,have these available in multi-color,Christmas winstons,and then two of the Christmas Winston,bullet Journal kits,I've really been liking these bullet,Journal kits lately I definitely want to,bring some more to the shop,two of the winter fog,bullet Journal kits,and two of the winter gnome,kits,followed by one of our burlap,Thanksgiving,she gets both sheets,winter fog kit both sheets again,winter gnomes,and then two,packs of sticky notes the first one is,the,uh Misfit Autumn foliage grid sticky,notes as you can see there's a white,border that was not supposed to be there,so I'm selling these as Misfits,and Abigail also ordered the winter,Winston grid sticky notes,and the final item is the church Winston,so,another order ready to go let me get all,this organized,I'm going to slide the sticky notes in,like this,foreign,and the sticky notes are definitely,going to add some weight to this order,so I will,go ahead and weigh it,and then what I'll do is just write the,the weight on the top of the,mailer right here or I've written her,name,and I will that way I can just note that,quickly when I am buying the label,okay,next order is for Lauren right here I,believe this is 32 or freebies yes,first,item is actually four sheets of the,finished reading winstons these are so,cute I love them I love getting to put,little stars down,next up is eating Winston,followed by hydrate Winston,then the chips and salsa Doodles once,more,gas pump Winston,fruit and veggie Winston this is another,new release for Black Friday,speech bubble Winston this one,um I love this new design but it was not,as popular as I was hoping but that's,okay,um grandpa went sandwich I love his,balding hair I think it's so cute and I,love the mustache as well,and then Lauren also ordered the cottage,Library full collection so that would be,six sheets let me just count those real,quick okay,and that is Lauren's order ready to go,okay next order is for Leah I'm very,excited about this order because it,contains mini Winston's but first of all,this is Leah's first order so we have,our thank you and welcome to the NPC,family card,um along with freebies that's going on,the bottom,and then first up Leah ordered the Cozy,winter wait yes cozy winter reading,Winston vinyl decal,along with the Cozy winter these aren't,cozy I don't know what I'm talking about,these winter Winston grid stickies,and then,next up is Taco Winston and Leah,requested me to Minify most of the,winstons so this one was requested to be,minified and they are so cute if you,didn't know on our website we do have a,Minify option you can Minify any sticker,any Winston sheet you want so,there's an example,next up is the Cozy reading sticky notes,then we have minified,Detective,minified book review which may be the,cutest ones of all,Leah requested that I not Minify winter,and Christmas Winston so these are going,into the order,just normal size,but now we get to Minify the,motivational winstons,neutral couch potato winstons,neutral cozy reading winstons,headache Winston,laundry,and neutral reading winstons so that is,Leah's order and if you're curious about,why Leah's getting this yellow mailer,instead of the other white one it's just,because Leah's order is going,International and I usually put,international orders in these mailers,because they're much lighter than the,rigid cardboard ones that I have for my,other orders,and the lighter the order is the less I,have to charge for shipping so,okay next up we have Christina,double check we're seeing this freebies,make sure everything is here,yep okay,and this is Christina's first order so,we also have our thank you card ready to,go,first item of business is the sneaker,stickers,followed by the hand-drawn TV Doodles in,multi-color we also have them in black,and white,chips and salsa doodles,brain fog Winston,snuggled up Winston,haircut Winston,run to the ground Winston this is also,available with text that says almost,Friday,not today Winston one of my favorites,stomach ache Winston,bad day Winston,and then we have,shower Winston,push pin again in neutral scheme,yoga Winston's,cozy reading in neutral,workday in positive this comes in four,varieties,our original cooking Winston we have two,varieties of hem,sleepy Winston in neutral,computer Winston in pastel,and then we've got a couple of hovenichi,kits so we've got Peak Leaf both sheets,burlap Thanksgiving,again both sheets,winter fog,foreign,classic Christmas,is a pretty pumpkins kit,winter gnomes,and book lover,and that is Christina's order,foreign,foreign,okay now for our last two orders I'm,gonna pack on camera today we have,Jessica right here,with all of our freebie tiers ready to,go,and the first sheet is,shower Winston he's going to be on the,bottom of course,right there,and then whoops book review Winston,sick day in the bright color scheme,playing on phone in bed Winston,luggage Winston,and then Monday Winston with text you,can also get it without text,spa day or me Time Winston,chips and salsa,and taking a break from the little,sheets we have these stink stink stunk,kid in a d e and f so there's a d,E and F right there,Jessica also ordered the,anything is possible sticky notes,and then the next sticker sheet is gas,pump Winston,followed by snuggled up Winston,super cold Winston,date dots and font two we have two font,options for these,Autumn foliage grid sticky notes this is,the non-misfit one so you can see the,difference,movie ticket stickers I think these are,so cute,popcorn Winston in the bright color,palette,Frye Winston's,took those back here,Thanksgiving winstons,girl Winston's,movie Marquis more traditional than the,movie tickets,and then two of our classic Christmas,doodle sheets,and the final sheet and this order is,leaf and acorn banners,so that is Jessica's order,again I'm going to double stack the,stickies,put those right in,okay,last but certainly not least today we,have Belinda's order and she did get all,of our freebie tears so those are right,here ready for her,and as for her actual order,Belinda picked up the fruit and veggie,winstons,two of our speech bubble winstons,along with the new PAW party Hawaiian,sheet kit both sheets,along with the bless the Lord planner,charm right there,next she ordered the Holly Jolly kit,and the Grinch kit,followed by,payday Winston's,and then the St Patrick's Day collection,the cottage Library collection,Belinda also picked up the anything is,possible sticky notes,gas pump Winston popcorn Winston in,neutral,planning Winston,two of the motivational winstons,a sheet of Frye winstons and she's,finishing off with these studying,winstons in neutral,so that is Belinda's order that is our,last order for this video,get all this packed up,foreign,ERS are packed and labeled and now I'm,just gonna finish,popping the little Nightingale paper,coat seal onto the outside,and that will take care of this batch of,orders,thank you

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