how to add products to drop-down menu shopify

SHOPIFY - How to Create Sub Category drop down menu well guys I am going to show you how to,create a

Artin Matt

Updated on Feb 19,2023

SHOPIFY - How to Create Sub Category drop down menu

The above is a brief introduction to how to add products to drop-down menu shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to add products to drop-down menu shopify

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how to add products to drop-down menu shopify catalogs

SHOPIFY - How to Create Sub Category drop down menu

well guys I am going to show you how to,create a subcategory this is my web page,or what's website sportswear for life as,you see I have men's category with,subcategories and also women's pets and,accessories there's a couple of videos,out there that they don't really get,into detail it's a very quick broad,explanation and also it's for the older,updates or older version of for Shopify,this is for the new version which I,cannot find one so I said why not I'm,sure other people are having issues with,this or might like to learn this as well,so anyways here we go so I'm gonna go to,my Shopify store you're gonna go to your,store and from there you're gonna go to,your online store now online store you,get to go to navigations so as you see,the way the way this works is this is,your main menu so main menu let me show,you,as you see men's clothing a men's,catalog women's catalog pet and,accessory so that's your main right,there so men's catalog women's catalog,pet gallery and accessory so let's say,we just want to add another section over,here so what we do is we just go right,here we go to me and one thing you got,to remember is you got to make sure the,spelling is exactly the same you cannot,you cannot get the spelling incorrect or,else it will it will not work so you,write here your main settings navigation,you go to add menu item so let's just,say we'll put this test number one test,one and then for your search or paste a,link you get that's going to be home,that's,you're not gonna put anything in there,it's just gonna be home so they'll be,home and then you add that so that's add,so now we go here to your page you,refresh and oh I didn't oh it's very,important you gotta press safe I didn't,do that part very important to press,safe so you go here so there it is,test doesn't have any drop down like,accessories and the other options,because we haven't done a subcategory,yet so that's the first step,so once again I'll start over this is,your navigation you go to navigation and,this is your menus you go to them you go,to the main menu the main menu is where,your homepage is this is your main menu,you go to your main menu you click on it,and then it says your main menu and then,menu items you're gonna click Add you'll,put a category I'll I'll do another one,and your link it's gonna be home because,you want it on your home and you're,gonna press add Save menu and then,you're gonna go back to your page,refresh and there this test now the way,we add a home I'm sorry a subcategory is,a little bit different member I said it,has to be exactly the same the title,link so we'll go back to navigations now,that's the main menu now we got to,create a sub menu,so over here we add add menu okay so we,add another menu so this is gonna be a,menu inside the menu that we made so for,example the student number one test one,okay and we press save so,press save you go back to our homepage,so nothing's there yet but we're not,done we got to add something but it's,there so if we go add now let's say we,want to name it category so we named a,category we press add and again at this,so over here this is where you would put,a click where you want the collection,I'm just gonna make fake one and I'm,just gonna put all actually I'll put,brand collection so I'll put Bank,collection you don't really have to do,anything there so it's brand collection,you add so under test one we created a,sub category so we press save you go,back to our homepage you refresh it you,see under test one now there's a plus,now we have brand collection this is a,brand collection so I'll do it again,I'm start this is the home page not the,home page but on the home page feed we,put test 1 and test 2 so we want to,create a sub category in the home page,so there's test 1 catalog so now I'm,gonna do one for test two so add menu,you're gonna put test two and the,spelling has to be correct so I would,suggest you just copy and paste so that,way you don't mess up on any spelling or,or else it's not gonna work so test two,out of menu so this is gonna be the,catalog inside that menu at your home,screen so well go ahead and name this,accessories okay we'll just name it,accessories this it could be anything,that's name because this is the name,inside that subcategory so the name,doesn't have to be the same only the,title that has to be same but the the,subcategory that you're,that you're putting in there it could be,any name you want so for example mine is,gonna be accessories so accessories you,go to your collection and I'm just gonna,do the same thing again I'm gonna put,brand collection okay and this you don't,have to fill anything out on that then,you press Add Save and you're fresh so,there you go,we have so you see the plus now you go,accessories and I'll show you the,accessories over here and that's all you,do it if you have any questions let me,know on my next video what I'll show you,is how you make your catalog so that way,you could you don't have to go in there,one at a time and and put in all the,items so you just make your own catalogs,and that way it's easier so when you go,to your when you go over here you add a,menu let's say whatever you name it,backpacks and then the link so when you,go to catalog you could create your own,catalog where you put everything in,there so it's much easier versus you,having to do it one at a time anyways,thank you for watching and let me know,if you have any questions

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