how to add meta pixel to shopify

How To Install Facebook | Meta Pixel On Shopify 2022 hello Angels engines thank you for,stopping by


Updated on Feb 22,2023

How To Install Facebook | Meta Pixel On Shopify 2022

The above is a brief introduction to how to add meta pixel to shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to add meta pixel to shopify

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How To Install Facebook | Meta Pixel On Shopify 2022

hello Angels engines thank you for,stopping by here at my channel digital,ocean and I'm gonna be showing you today,how to install Facebook pixel on Shopify,there are actually three different ways,of installing the pixel I'll be showing,you all of them and you will be choosing,which one to go through and yeah see you,in a bit,okay so now we are under, and you need to go,and see click this one you should be,seeing this exactly unless it's um,Facebook has changed something else like,meta has changed something else you,should click here on settings then,business settings more business settings,okay now under data sources click pixels,once your pixels you should be having at,least one pixel or zero click to add if,you don't have any pixels just click to,add pixel right and um here is very easy,self-explanatory it's gonna create pixel,for you just put give it a name website,eventually I mean that's absolutely,optional then click continue and it will,automatically create pixel for you let's,say we have a pixel already AEG Market,there and this one okay open in event,manager so we are opening the advanced,manager sometimes it's opening it here,right on the in this overview so make,sure you are here under data sources,right and this is where you're going to,be able to see this view this exact view,so there are a few ways you can see in,your pixel here,is your pixel those are your settings of,the pixel make sure that this automatic,Advanced matching it's on that's,absolutely clean mandatory then go to,overview then,go to from a new website right at events,from a new website and here we have two,different ways of installing the text,node installing the pixel integration,check your partner's integration and you,can see if there are a lot of,Integrations with kajabi tops for many,many different like Integrations we are,choosing Shopify and this should be some,settings that we need to do before we,proceed here so let's go to Shopify,store and click on online store you,click on preferences honestly you cannot,wait for a while I don't think it's,changed absolutely install Google,analytics as well you know I've said not,numerous times in on my videos that are,very important and this is very,important for tracking purposes and this,is the one of the best free tracking,ways right nowadays so set up Facebook,right I don't know it's given this way,but it used to be very easy now you're,gonna give it the name of the website,dot my,there we go,we have our channel here on the left,hand side Facebook Channel I'll,definitely give it a pin so that you we,can pin it and have it faster access to,it,now we can go and create shopping right,Network shopping and what's not,you need to connect the pixel here on on,settings,now it's set up it's all set up you just,go on the events manager and you,continue,yes I've completed the Shopify next,there's already one pixel right verify,your pixel is working correctly right so,there's one only,um there's one pixel working already,you'll see that here on the website,let's go to the website that's the,website and I want to show you something,for instance if you don't see any pixels,here right yeah that's because you have,a blocker that's a blocker I will,usually click on my adverb and just turn,it off and refresh the page now you see,the actual pixel same,metadata,similarly detected okay it's pretty well,set up I just wanted to show you that,the pixel is already installed in,working correctly on this website and,that's why I'm not gonna show something,that is just next next next this setup,is completely next next next and and,it's already set up I'm gonna show you,how you gotta see it like this way here,on share data once you go to settings,you need to see under shaded your pixel,if it's not if you don't see it you just,go to setup and you set the pixel,correctly and it's pretty easy because,they are connected,um through API right and I will show you,later in a different video how to how,you can also install the conversion API,which is something like Facebook pixel,it gets data but it's based on the,browser it's not based on browser data,but it's based on a conversion API it's,through API it's connected to the CRM,basically which is uh where the data is,much more accurate and okay so once we,are done here the pixel is installed,correctly there's another way of,installing the pixel it's up if you go,to Shopify App Store hour and retype,Facebook pixel you will get some apps,that you can install and it's really,easy to once you follow their videos,it's really really easy to,get your pixel up and running it used to,be very good,application Google pixel track a little,bit of helper I don't see this,application right here,but anyways you can I'm 100 sure that,you click any of this apps will just,look at their reviews not to get into,it's a 3.5 or something it's you know,like this one I don't know people are,not very happy about this this one yeah,so there's the second way through,applications and Third Way installing,the pixel Facebook pixel is when you go,to online store maybe we should go to uh,event manager first so that we can grab,the code from website and now instead of,going to Partners we will go to,still cut manually copy the code so,there's the whole code right and we will,go to the Shopify store again you click,here online store themes,and that's your theme and under action,just go to edit code okay now here we,are looking for this team,theme liquid,click on it Team Liquid and you can read,this uh this section here where was this,okay paste the pixel code into the,bottom of the header section just above,the head tab install the base coat on,every page on your website,okay so after reading this you're gonna,click this one here and get back to the,to the website,and we scroll down,where the header is ending,into the body,Heather,so that's the the end of the header,section see,I'm gonna give it some space here I'm,gonna face the pixel yes so I'm,installing this pixel manually only just,to show you right let me see,after I save it,when I go to the website should be,refreshing it and after I refresh the,website we click here and there you go,we have two pixels right in store well,those are the three ways of uh,installing pixel code on our Shopify the,first one it's through shop through,Facebook's right away your partners,right here click event and back in,Partners right from a new website the,first way is through partner the second,way it's manually and the third way it's,through a third-party application on on,Shopify thank you for stopping by here,in my channel and watching this video I,hope it helped you a lot in your,business or career on or whatever so,please hit the thumbs up and uh,subscribe for for the channel thank you,very much and see you next time

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