how to add mail chimp credntials to shopify

How To Connect Mailchimp To Your Shopify Store (2023 Tutorial) hello there if you want to add this,M

Tech Express

Updated on Mar 23,2023

How To Connect Mailchimp To Your Shopify Store (2023 Tutorial)

The above is a brief introduction to how to add mail chimp credntials to shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to add mail chimp credntials to shopify

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How To Connect Mailchimp To Your Shopify Store (2023 Tutorial)

hello there if you want to add this,MailChimp into your Shopify store you,are in the right place so let's begin,let's jump right into it so this is,going to be a tutorial it's going to be,step by step so you have to be worrying,about uh how you can do this if this is,really difficult for me it's really,really easy to do that so before I need,to tell you guys you need to understand,what is MailChimp so this MailChimp is,like,um some break station of all our,audience that we can keep into one place,so in here we can accumulate a lot of,emails of our own people our fans or you,want to say your recruit buyers so what,you can do is to impose those emails,import those into your store so you can,sync that into your store and you can,have all your clients into just one,place so I'm gonna be leaving you guys a,link Down Below in the description until,you can have both male chambered and,Shopify platforms to download and create,your account totally for free and you,might be getting a few 30-day free trial,of a great premium section so let's,begin let's jump right into it so first,of all what I wanted to do here is to go,into my Shopify store I need to sign in,I want to have my account already,created as you can see I already have,that,and now what I want to do,is to go into sales Channel and here,into the sales Channel you want to,locate my online store once I located my,online store what I wanted to do,is to go back into the MailChimp and I,want to create my account communicate,into sign up now you don't want to focus,in here we want to focus only into the,free version and here it will be just as,easy as to create our username and email,and then after we create everything we,want to then after that we need to check,our email so what I want to do is to go,back into the mail that I received from,mailchimped I need to click into the,link that they gave me according to open,a new tab so I can start today to add,those emails into into my Shopify store,so uh what's going to happen here is,there's going to be the confirmation of,the MailChimp I want to exit this,cookies,and then it's going to be asking for,tell us about you so what I want to do,is to input my stuff my business name if,I wanted to let's say for example this,is just like the store for you and the,phone number if you want to add a phone,number this is totally optional but in,my case I do want to add this at the,moment because I don't have a phone,number we're going to head into next,and in here you have an address line,once again this is um optional,this um is going to be appearing in the,folder into the footer of every email,that you send to the MailChimp so if you,don't have an official business address,you can you can just import some,estimate then I'm going to get into next,all right what's your top goal with,MailChimp here you want to go into the,option that says Google my list of email,subscribers,then I'm going to head into next,how many email subscribers do you have,you don't want to worry about this,option I mean this depends on uh,depending on what options you choose is,going to be appearing different Tools in,order to start working here from,MailChimp so you have to be intimidated,by depth you just hitting to not yet I'm,just getting started and hit into next,alright so want to import your brand if,you want to import your brand right away,we can do that we can just go into,Shopify and copy paste our website URL,but first of all I'm going to hit into,next so I'm going to be showing you what,we can do if you've missed that option,so how should we stay in touch I want to,go into e-commerce newsletter and hit,until you finished you're on your way,and going to let's go,all right so now what I want to focus in,here is into this section it says,Integrations,once I hit in here,I want to focus into the Shopify bring,Shopify customer data into MailChimp,this is what I'm going to be looking for,once I hit this option it's going to be,appearing the manage section it's then I,want to connect my Shopify store so,remember to have your Shopify store,already connected within the same,browser that you're currently using,connect a new site and here is going to,be sended me into the App Store of,Shopify and it's going to be sending the,MailChimp section so I just need to add,the application I need to wait a couple,seconds and once I have everything,successfully done I need to approve this,installation so they have access to,customer information and to edit my,store so after you accept that I'm gonna,just delete this for a second I'm going,to just hide that,once they accept that I am now going to,be able to see my MailChimp email,marketing inside my Shopify store,now I just need to review the,pre-installed checklist which is to,achieved some welcome emails to manually,access and go into continue now connect,your mailchimed account go into connect,so this one is going to be sending me,into this option where I just need,to choose once again my account I'm,going to choose signed in real quick,and then as just as we did before from,Shopify we are just needing to authorize,MailChimp for Shopify I'm going to hit,into a low so once I have this here I,have an audience you might be seeing,that this is not uh with almost anything,I'm going to choose this store that we,just created in here I can sync all my,audiences so there we go I want to go,into synced audience and there my,mailchimped information all my store,all my clients all my emails are going,to be added into my Shopify store so now,I have the audience stats I have promo,codes I have Shopify customers I have,texting groups and I have settings so as,you can see I don't have customers at,the moment,but if you want to add some someone in,here for example you're going to go into,context,I'm going to go into all the contexts,and here let's say that I want to export,or create a contact,add a subscriber,and here I can import an email address,so I'm just going to get into example an,,I'm going to get into John May so this,is just as an example so I can see the,subscriber into my into into my Shopify,store so you can hit into subscribe,so what I just need to do is to add and,email,all right so once I have this person,already added into my audience I can,view my profile,and I have this this uh personally,subscribed right so what I want to do if,I add some tag let's say for example I'm,going to have,um uh say top,and I can add that I'm going to go back,into my Shopify,and try to reload the page so I can see,that my member is now here into my,Shopify store I mean all the elements of,the of my MailChimp account should be,added in here,so as you can see I have subscribed it I,have two two of them if I go back into,my MailChimp and I go into all my,contacts imit myself and the person that,we just added so that's the reason why,this person find this Shopify phone to,contacts so in here it's already been,added so there guys actually it was,really easy to add some mailchimped into,my Shopify store and now we are just,good to go good to start,um tracking all those data inside,Shopify and we don't have to switch,between different links we just need to,have one tapped open and do everything,inside here so hopefully guys this was a,very useful video for you don't forget,to like And subscribe to this channel if,you want to see more about this uh,Shopify tips thank you so much for,watching this video guys and I will see,you guys on the next one

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