how to add madmimi subscribers from shopify

Create Pop Up Form for eMail Marketing Using Feedburner and Mailmunch hi this is Judy Kuhn Sonia fro

Jide Ogunsanya - jidetheblogger

Updated on Feb 25,2023

Create Pop Up Form for eMail Marketing Using Feedburner and Mailmunch

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Create Pop Up Form for eMail Marketing Using Feedburner and Mailmunch

hi this is Judy Kuhn Sonia from blog,Azad mg in this video tutorial I want to,show you how you can create a mail merge,pop-up email subscription form that,integrates with feed burner well for the,purpose of this video tutorial I will,assume that you already know how to,integrate a newly launched with,feedburner if you don't know how to do,so please check the description of this,video on youtube for a link so that,video tutorial where i've already,explained how to integrate feedburner,wait,mail much now let's get started so the,first thing you have to do is to click,on new form after you might have sign,into your account at mail merge dot see,you,Raya click on pop over,so these way you select the design you,want to use so for the purpose of this,tutorial let's choose this wrong,let's open em for your fun,right here you can create in your list,and if you don't want to do so you can,just leave it as it is then you click on,great form,nestin is where is a contra field,cost of HTML,Araya you're also pasting the code of,your feedburner,email subscription form,you cannot go back message so edit the,other and other texts are be displayed,on the forum sorry I'm changing to get,latest updates,the nest of ways to do is to control,behavior,so this is where you will set out the,pop-up will behave so if you want it to,show on page load believe it as it's,easy and if you don't want it to show on,page load you can dissipate so for me I,don't want it to show on page load so,our adhesive weights I only wanted to,show on exit I mean when someone I mean,if we story is about to leave my block,Sariah you can leave it apart as it is,maybe for several days or for three days,or so for mine I reset it to three days,we are done with the settings right here,you can click on save and continue for,if you want it to display on a specific,page you have to make use of the display,rows so you come down and click on your,display row,so you can set these to unleash on these,two is up imagine the Araya Israeli,paste the link to the page where you,want the subscription form to display,but for me I want it to display on all,pages on my blog so I'm not going to,make use of these display row,so,we are don't click on save & continue',then click on publish form as you can,see over here the form has been,published if you now go to your blog you,should be able to see the pop-up form,but if it fails to display that simply,means you have not either decides code,into your blog so for you to do that,just come here and click on your sites,link so in your dashboard you click on,settings then get sites code so this,code you must ensure that you've placed,it in the HTML of your blog you have to,place this code in the add section of,your blog's HTML if this code is not in,your blog's HTML your pop-up form will,never display,dazzl

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