how to add gif to shopify product page

Shopify - How To Add GIF Image To A Product Page right and in this video I will show you,how to embe

Yuri Yeleyko

Updated on Feb 16,2023

Shopify - How To Add GIF Image To A Product Page

The above is a brief introduction to how to add gif to shopify product page

Let's move on to the first section of how to add gif to shopify product page

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Shopify - How To Add GIF Image To A Product Page

right and in this video I will show you,how to embed give image into the product,page at Shopify store so here's the page,and we want to add the image directly,into the product description here and,here to the right let me tell you that,you add an image to the professor,product image right there here to the,left it's problematic and every time,whenever I tried it returns like image,corrupted or something so I believe I,suspect that it's not that possible so,I'm not trying to add image here to,these pages to the left so let's focus,on how we add image to the product,description so let me go to Shopify,store admin open that very product and,go into the description area right there,most of the images are created at given,yeah that online service so I have it,here Gifford calm if if it's if your,image if you give image created,differently the best way of just upload,here to give calm or any third-party URL,in essence the goal that we pursuing is,to have a copy is they have an image,link so let me click copy link here what,do we need is the URL that ending,something like that dot give okay so we,need that image URL,let me copy that over and go back to the,admin area put the cursor where I want,that image to be hit the insert image,icon here and instead of upload file and,go into URL here and what I'm doing just,paste in the path to the file here at,the insert image that appears here,then I click save file and then going,back to the product page refresh it that,image should appear right there so let,me click it here yeah maybe under,description yeah on the description here,so here's the image one short remark,here why I'm not using embed so I would,they're embedded and grab the code here,and put it into the description area let,me show you that way and why I'm not,doing that so in order to put the,embedded code I'm switching to HTML and,let me just scroll to the very bottom,and paste it there okay let me save go,back to my product page refresh it and,see what happens next so let me scroll,to the very bottom open that second,image yeah it should be there,so whenever however of that - problem -,problems occurred first is that image is,clickable and whenever we click that,embedded image when we click it it will,lead us to give the a page which is not,what we want our users to do yeah,whenever user arrives to the product,page we don't want them to leave and,also it contains pivot link which can be,easily removed by just the within that,part of the code right there so if we,delete it and save it,we can easily eliminate that give the,part but it doesn't solve the problem of,that image - the link hyperlink yeah so,that's why I am recommending not to use,that in that in that solution but just,in bed just to insert the image as image,URL so that's the safest one and,probably the easiest one hope it helps,thanks for watching

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