how to add cj dropshipping to shopify

How To Use CJ Dropshipping On Shopify Tutorial | CJ Dropshipping Shopify cj drop shipping on shopify

Tutorials by Manizha & Ryan

Updated on Feb 16,2023

How To Use CJ Dropshipping On Shopify Tutorial | CJ Dropshipping Shopify

The above is a brief introduction to how to add cj dropshipping to shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to add cj dropshipping to shopify

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How To Use CJ Dropshipping On Shopify Tutorial | CJ Dropshipping Shopify

cj drop shipping on shopify hi guys,welcome back to another video and in,this video i'm going to be telling you,how you can use cj drop shipping on,shopify so having said that let's just,jump into the video now i'm over here on,cg drop shipping and for those of you,who don't know what's it drop shipping,it's basically a drop shipper account,it's basically a drop shipper that lets,you drop ship with different items with,different shipping rates so one of the,cool things about cg drop shipping is,it's shipping methods over here as you,can see on the left side from china to,usa we have a bunch of different,shipping methods right so normally if,you are shipping from aliexpress or,rather uh you know,warehouses or so websites usually it,would take you around 30 to 50 days,maybe even more so cj drop shipping uses,other shipping methods to you know,lessen that effect and you know you can,choose whichever one you want depending,upon a fee on a certain fee that you pay,so as you can see the smallest and the,quickest time you will get is three to,seven days which is dhl official so,three to seven days over here then we,have 5 15 8 12 8 12 as well 7 15 10 15,and so on so on so as you can see we,have different shipping methods with,different days that we can use which is,pretty decent and really really good if,you are looking to use drop shipping now,over here let's let me just show you,so,if you're gonna go ahead and do this,we're gonna go ahead and create an,account right so let's create an account,just simply come over here at the top,and just simply click on the register,button over here once you've clicked on,the register button you are good to go,so i'm going to be using a temporary,email address over here to sign up,on both cg drop shipping and shopify as,well so let me just first sign into,shopify and click on start free trial,over here,enter in my password and click on create,your account,so i'm just simply going to skip all of,these questions that they're going to,ask us and then just simply enter in my,country,all right so,we have now created our store our,shopify store and we are good to go now,what we'll do is we're going to go ahead,and register ourselves on,cg drop shipping,and once we've done that we are good to,go all right so we don't have an,invitation code so we'll just leave that,blank i believe,and then we just enter in our username,and we are good to go so for the,username,i'll just copy the uh first letters of,my,email address and then just enter in my,name and then i enter in my phone number,all right so next,all you have to do is just choose a,platform that you're running your store,on so since we want to connect to the,shopify we'll just choose shopify,we'll just choose shopify and we'll,click on submit what survey,and then once we have chosen our store,then we just select how many orders do,we need per day so i'll just say,maybe,zero because i'm just starting my,business and then click on submit and,then what category of product do you,mainly market,and in this one we'll just say um,women's clothing and men's clothing,so yeah i think that looks good,and then we just simply click on submit,and we have submitted successfully now,we are good to go,all right so as you can see we have now,created our account we are good to go we,just first have to verify our email,address over here so it should be over,here we go so we just simply click over,here,and we verify our account,and uh here we go i believe we have now,verified our email address why,did that not happen,that's weird because this is the link,right here it should get verified,oh well i guess we can't verify it all,right,but you get the idea,then all that's left for you to do is,connect your store now to connect your,store all you got to do is,come over to my cj over here click on my,cj,all right so here we go so as you can,see this is how it looks like,now all that's left for us to do is,connect our store so over here on the,left side,we will have a bunch of different,options so what we want to do is we want,to click on sourcing,or we want to click on store,authorization or print on demand i,believe here we go so in store,authorization we just simply click on,shopify,and then over here we just simply click,on add store so to add the store we just,simply have to enter in our store,address which is the domain over here so,your store name will be the name that,you put and then doc, so we just copy that and,we come over here and we paste it right,over here and click on authorize so now,all we have to do is,wait for it to begin now it's going to,take us over here on to these,drop shipping or the store applications,website over here and we just simply,have to install the application so we,click on,so we click on install app and it's,going to install the application,and we are good to go then it's going to,go,back to drop shipping over here cj drop,shipping and we should be good to go,now,and here we go so as you can see pretty,much that's it next all we need to do is,just start you know importing products,so as you can see authorization success,cj will help you make drop shipping,business much easier so we are good to,go,so now it's going to take us over here,back to the main website and we should,be good to go and then all we need to do,is start importing products now now the,way cg works is basically it has all the,products that you would find on,aliexpress it doesn't have as many,products but most of the products that,you would find over here can also be,found on aliexpress as well so if,there's a certain product that you find,on aliexpress and you want to ship it,you can come over here and you can,search for it over here as you can see,or you can put the url of that product,over here into the search bar and just,simply click on search and it's going to,find you that product so,all these products that you see over,here these are some of the popular,products that people are using to drop,ship on their accounts and using it to,make money right so we can also do that,so importing the product is very simple,all you got to do is simply hover your,mouse over a certain product and then,simply click on connect so for example,if we come over here onto jewelry and,watches,we can see what we want so,alright so as you can see we have some,jewelry options over here so let's go,ahead and do that so for example if we,want to let's say import this bracelet,all we'd have to do is hover our mouse,over it and click on the connect button,and what it's going to do is it's gonna,you know,put our store it's gonna add this,product within our store so let me just,sign in over here,i don't think i had to,okay sorry about that i forgot to verify,my account but uh now i have that's why,it's not gonna sign me out again so,let's move on and show you how you can,import different product as i was saying,that we can import different products,right so we tried jewelry but uh,let's go with the okay let's go ahead,and import some clothes into our store,we're gonna go over here into the,women's clothing and we're gonna find,some nice,clothes so let's just see over here,all right so now that it's loaded up so,let's go ahead and import a product so,let's just say that we want to import,this you know,this dress all we'd have to do is simply,click on the connect button,and it's going to take us over here,where we can go ahead and,import it into our store so it's taking,us to my cj which is our dashboard,all right so now this is the product,right so this is going to be the product,from cg automatic matching all right so,over here we just enter in the sku or,the product name which is this one right,here,so let me just actually click on the,product and over here we select the,store that we want and then we,come over here and let me just copy the,name of that product and we'll enter,that over here but we already have that,we just simply have to select the store,and maybe then we just simply have to,and then,but since we've already synced our store,so let me just click on sync over here,and click on confirm now it's gonna sync,so products in stores,and this store is being synced so let's,just wait for a second,okay so this is the project right here,uh but we need to first open this,product up so i have opened it over here,now what we need to do is just simply,click on the list icon over here so to,list the product and then over here as,you can see this is the product,and over here we just choose where we,want to you know ship it to so over here,this is shipping from china we have our,store over here,we have the product type over here we,just have to fill out this form all,right,so basically over here these are all the,images and variants so,images and variants so i'm just simply,going to select all of them and over,here,i'll just simply add the new product,type all right i'll just say it's,basically a,it's address,and then i'll just simply confirm,and then i'll just choose dress over,here and then over here we have to add a,collection but we don't so over here,this is a home page so this is a,collection that's already added onto our,shopify store so you can go ahead and,change or add a different collection for,that just simply click on the products,and over here click on collection and,then over here you can change the,collection and create a new collection,right,but,but for now i'm just simply gonna,choose the collection that's already,added,so i'm gonna choose the home page over,here and then we have to select the,vendor we don't have any vendor so we'll,just choose that and then we have to,change the price as well so right now,it's eight dollars so i'm gonna choose,let's say,uh 15 to 20 dollars because of the,shipping as well so shipping cost is,going to be 16,8,minimum and we have our shipping methods,available as well so over here as you,can see we have different shipping,methods so if you want to have fast,shipping methods we can go with the dhl,service but that's going to cost us like,more than 20 dollars so let me actually,see,over here,let me open it up in another tab again,like this one over here let me just open,it up another tab and see what type of,days or shipping days are required with,which shipping method and then we can,select that,so over here it's loading up,all right so over here as you can see uh,the normal one,which is like cj packet ordinary it's,gonna cost us up to seven to nine ten,dollars all right service fee is also,going to be at least one or two dollars,total shipping cost is around ten,dollars as you can see and the delivery,date,is 10 to 18,so we don't actually want that we'll,actually choose this one which is cj,packet yt ordinary it's gonna take us,six to ten days,and,it's actually costing us around eleven,dollars of shipping,so i think it's pretty nice,so yeah i think we're gonna go with that,one,six to ten days over here,cj packet yt ordinary so over here we'll,just use,cj packet yt ordinary over here and yeah,for that one it's eleven dollars for the,shipping,the total price on cj,over here as you can see eight,eight to five to seven all of that,so we're gonna add that total price over,here so let me just okay that,and then just simply click on list it,now,and then please select a vendor all,right so as you can see it's now listing,and we should be good to go,all right let's go ahead and check on,listing,list of products can be managed and,listed so let's go ahead and check that,out,all right so as you can see it's now,listed we can go ahead and view it into,our store as well,so it's going to take us over here onto,our shopify store and we can see the,product over here,all right so as you can see over here,this is the product currently all of the,things are loading all of all of the,description and the name and all of that,but generally this is it as you can see,over here this is how it looks like you,can go ahead and change the name change,the size is the description however you,feel like it and pretty much that's it,so that is how you do it that's how you,use cj drop shipping with your shopify,account so that is it for this video,guys hope you guys enjoyed this video if,you have any questions let me know in,the comment sections down below and i'll,be sure to answer them as soon as,possible so having said that i will,catch you guys in the next video and,until then take care and goodbye

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