how to add advanced search features to your shopify store

How to add Product Filters on Shopify Store | Product Filer & Search App Tutorial this video is spon

Educate E-Commerce

Updated on Mar 28,2023

How to add Product Filters on Shopify Store | Product Filer & Search App Tutorial

The above is a brief introduction to how to add advanced search features to your shopify store

Let's move on to the first section of how to add advanced search features to your shopify store

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how to add advanced search features to your shopify store catalogs

How to add Product Filters on Shopify Store | Product Filer & Search App Tutorial

this video is sponsored by app maker app,maker is a shopify app that converts,ecommerce website to mobile app the,mobile app builder helps you create,native android and ios mobile,application get an opportunity to grab,15 off by being the first 200 signups,get the link in the description hello,welcome to educate e-commerce your,one-stop destination for shopify,tutorials and e-commerce solutions so,today in this video i'll be taking you,through product filters and how you can,add advanced search results on your,shopify store so as you can see this is,what a basic uh theme of our shopify is,going to look like,so here you will be able to see that,there is only option for a filter and a,sort by option so there is no other,option where the customers can sort its,collection page or a search results page,based on the filters they need to apply,based on brands vendor type size price,point anything like that,so uh this this is about the product,filters and even if you go to the search,session search results if i'm just going,to search address it will uh list sound,products according to the t,and if i just search it again i there is,like a limited option on the search how,the search,page is going to look like or how the,options of the search is going to look,like and where the uh sorting or the,filters you need to apply those filters,so that the so that the customers are,recognized what is the product they are,going to uh look for,so we're going to streamline this,process using an app so i'll be adding,an app and in that you will be able to,add product filters and advanced search,results for your shopify store get in,the video don't forget to subscribe as,we come up with videos on e-commerce and,shopify every now and then,so we're going to go to our home,dashboard and here let's go to the sales,channel and add an app,here we have the option to visit the app,store so we're going to search for,product filters here,let's search for product filter you can,just go to the link in my description,and you can directly get into the page,so here this is app that we're going to,use by the boost commerce for our,filters and search just going to click,that,and let's add this app to our store,you can just approve the install,by clicking on install app right here,and the app will be added to your,ecommerce store,so once you are in the dashboard of the,product filter space you can uh select,the layout how you want to uh show your,uh,product filter so either it can be,collection like this or it's uh,in the vertical layout or you can choose,the horizontal right let's go with the,vertical layout as of now you can just,select the layout and it will take some,time to fetch all the data inside your,store all the products and all those,things let's wait for that the setup is,done and we're taking into the dashboard,the main dashboard so here you will have,a checklist to get started so first one,is setting up a filter tree,so all you have to do is click on to,create now to create a filter tree so,filter trees are basically all of the,filters that we are uh going to see and,all how you need to uh you can select,and add those filters how you can,measure those filters all those things,so i'm just going to click on to uh,create new filter,and here we already have a default,filter tree and also search filter tree,so this is already available now we're,going to create a custom new filter tree,so you can all you have to do is click,on to add filter tree now i'll just add,first filter,and you can choose which of the,following which of the following that,you want to add all those are all these,things,so i'm just going to add to the summer,collection here so i'm going to add this,to all of the uh,summer collection pages and also let me,add,i i guess i'll add to every pages so you,can uh customize it according to what,pages that you need uh you d you need,this to uh view and all those things,so we don't with the collection that you,want the filters to be appearing in and,uh not the living definitely and all,these things are the fashion related all,right so i'm going to add a filter,option so here you can select what are,the type of things that you need to add,so either it can be collection vendors,denomination title and all those things,so first i'm going to add size here so,this is the size label and there are,options of how you want to add like box,or,swatch or how you want the uh,how you want the sizes to be displayed,so i'll just add it as a box,and a single selector multiple select,you can also again choose that so this,is done and i'm going to save it,so we have added a size next let's add,color,so you can add the color you can add the,list of color box or swatches i'm going,to choose swatch,so you can select the swatch style as,well how what kind of swatch that you,need so i'm going to give a grid layer,and all those things and i'm going to,save it next uh let me add a price range,of the products here so there are,different price range so here you will,be able to preview all of the changes,that you are going to do and it will be,able to you will be able to,see that in the site and also choose the,preview that where in the mobile how the,layout is going to look like,so uh the price range you can add that,what what what is the range of your prod,price range and the sliders or,delimiters delimiters are basically the,number or the coma that's going to come,after the each of the denomination you,can either hide the value text box as,well so here you can see the values are,gone and,uh um,let me choose that and shorten if you,want to shorten any value like 100 1000,to 1k you can choose that,and save it,let me add a few more filters and we'll,be up and running so we have added few,more things like review ratings and,materials and all those things so you,can also uh adjust this according to the,pro according to the type or you can,just drag it down uh so you can adjust,the size and also the type display type,all of those will be also available,right here so i'm just going to save,this,and your first filter will be uh,up and run so you can enable that by,screening onto here in the status,section once the filter is done you can,go to the filter section and here you,can choose the filter layout how you,want the vertical layout the horizontal,layout the mobile layout and you can,choose all of the layers that you want,on your website so here you'll be able,to see all of the layouts and you can,choose whichever that you want to go,with so i'm going to choose the default,left one so we were set with that in the,filter section here we have the filter,settings as well you can go to the,settings and here you will be able to,see different option on you how you can,you want to show the product count there,are there will be number of items that,are in there in the particular color so,you can choose not to do that and also,there are different other features as,well here you can choose the text color,font all those things for this thing for,the preview and you will be able to see,the preview right here and the button,options also there so that's also cool,so these are the filter settings,now let's head back to the home setting,and here we have you can enable the,filter trees to your store so let's go,to the setup theme option right here,and the filter is not live since we have,done we haven't done the settings so,here either you can choose the live,theme for the filter and search,so,als or you can uh,you can set up a new theme you can just,click on to set up new thing and,click a duplicate theme and select the,theme that you have you're going to view,so i'm going to choose the debut thing,so that's a live filter live,theme that's already in there,and where you can choose the column or,on top or to the left so i'm going to,choose the left column and run the setup,so,uh you can click on to yes run the setup,and the,under filter will be up and running on,your website,so once the setup is done you can just,click on to preview the filter here so,on the preview you will be able to see,all of the product filters in the left,side of the corner and here the size the,price the range everything will be,mentioned right here so this is what,it's going to look like and if you,select the filter the product are going,to filter and it's going to see here the,refined buy option is also right there,so you can also choose the sort by,option by uh price ascending created,ascending all those things those are,excel features as well,so this is what a product filter,features are all about and if you go to,the search results also here let's go to,the search and search for something like,pant,and here this is what uh the search,results is going to look like so this is,an advanced search results uh,option and you can also view the product,and there also all of the products uh,the product filters will be also applied,in this particular section so we're,going to go back to our store and uh,edit some search filters as well here,you can go to the search so here the,instant search display is there and here,are some examples for the layout how you,want to add the uh layouts to come like,so there is either a list of uh,relatable items there are product in the,light row and the product in the thick,so you can make it a one column list,where everything is will be available on,this page and here you can also see,there are some instant widgets like,popular selections collection product uh,blogs and pages so you can enable and,disable that as well so uh since we have,product on the right column we have,disabled that it won't be applicable but,when you're using a two column things,where all the products that you want all,the items that you want you that will be,uh available right here also if you want,to uh you don't want uh your suggestion,to be out of stock products or the,product vendors uh you you don't want to,display all those things you can also,save that setting so these are some,search settings here now we have the,search page results here you can see,search base is display so here you can,choose the label so here when when the,when the product is searched here you,will be able to see that the products is,there as a label right so similarly if,you want to uh,take it to another level and write,something else you can always do that,and there are also custom uh relation,collection options so you if somebody,search for any particular selection you,can also choose the collection to be to,be displayed so you can just,save that,so,that's how it's going to look like i'm,going to just refresh this page and,search for something else right now so,let's search for address,and here it's uh it's showing the proper,selection the collection since we have,enabled that and also the the products,in the list it's also there so this is,how you can add a product filters and,also add a search results on your,product on your shopify store it's a,very simple easy app and also there are,some other features where you you can,sync the whole page and also see the,analytics and know your customers on,what uh people are searching for or how,many uh,sales is generated by the search results,or how many searches for a particular,product you can also,choose that,so this uh this app is really great for,the product search and filter options,and uh it will definitely uh value your,store and help your customers on finding,the right product of their choice so i,hope this video helped you and if you,like this video give a big thumbs up and,we'll see another video bye

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