how to add a video to my shopify store

How to add video to Shopify homepage - Quick and Easy Tutorial hey guys sam here from

Mr Sam Baldwin

Updated on Feb 07,2023

How to add video to Shopify homepage - Quick and Easy Tutorial

The above is a brief introduction to how to add a video to my shopify store

Let's move on to the first section of how to add a video to my shopify store

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How to add video to Shopify homepage - Quick and Easy Tutorial

hey guys sam here from,in this video you're going to learn,how to add a video to your shopify,website,to your home page create a section have,a video,right there very very quickly first,thing you need to do is go to,super simple this is where we're going,to upload our video so go to,login to your gmail account click this,button here and then,go upload video we now need to upload,our video to youtube before we can put,it on our website,once you see this page here you're going,to drag in your video,into this upload section here so i'm,going to drag it right in it's then,going to start uploading,make sure you title it to something,relevant if that's a product video,or a sales video what have you it's,going to start uploading i recommend,that you add a thumbnail,because this is what people are going to,see on your website as well before they,actually play your video,the next thing we want to do is go over,to the visibility tab here,and then make sure it's set to unlisted,what this does is it means that your,video is going to be viewable,publicly on the web but no one can,actually search for it directly this,allows us to embed it on your shopify,store,so people can view it when they look at,your store but it's not going to be,showing up on your youtube channel and,it's not going to be searchable in the,search results on youtube or google once,you've done that click save,now we're going to go into our shopify,dashboard let's now create the video,section on our home page,you're going to go to online store,you're going to click customize,this is where we can now edit our home,page with the drag and drop builder,you're going to scroll down on the left,and click add section here we're going,to scroll down to the bottom,and there's a section type called video,it's now going to add this in here,you can now click select to highlight,that same section,and now we can actually add in the,details of our video,into the shopify store so here you see,this video link section right here,we're now going to go back to our,youtube settings our youtube channel and,get the video link,so just click on the video it's going to,open up this settings page but you can,also select,the video over here this opens the video,up in a new tab and you can just copy,this link go back,delete what's currently in there and,then paste it in,it's then going to load in that video,and here it's not going to show an image,we need to actually add the image,ourselves so if you click select image,for the cover photo,then we can actually select our own,thumbnail to put in there that's going,to show,before someone plays see how i've just,added this one you're going to add in,your own image you can get it designed,yourself specifically,we can now change the settings here to,see how it actually looks,so this button here show overlay,actually puts like an,a grayish overlay over the top,see how it does that so that one puts,this gray overlay at the top this makes,it much easier to see,text when you add text here for example,with the heading,you can put in watch my video here,any text that you'd like and it's now,going to show up over the top of the,video you see it's much easier to read,than if it doesn't have an overlay see,that,depending on what the actual thumbnail,is makes it much easier to read,you can change the style so it's,actually either a video that people,click to play or it's a background to a,section see how it just plays,automatically in the background then you,can add some text over it,you can really customize this based on,how you want your store to look we're,just going to select,image with a play button and then here,you can adjust the actual video height,so how tall it is,if you want to do smaller it's going to,make that smaller and you can select the,change the text size as well and that's,pretty much everything that's how you,actually add in your,your video to your shopify store and now,when you go back you can change the,order,and bring this all the way to the top if,you'd like and there we go on our site,we now have a video here that we can add,in,and change how it looks and it pulls,straight from youtube,that's it guys if this video was helpful,please give it a thumbs up and let me,know in the comments below,if you want to learn how to grow your,ecommerce store i make a lot of free,content here on youtube check out my,other videos i make a lot of videos on,google ads campaigns setting up and,optimizing your ecommerce store and it's,going to be very very helpful for you on,your journey to becoming a successful,ecom store owner,that's it for today's video guys hope,that was helpful i'll see you in the,next one bye for now,uh,you

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