how to add a tab on shopify

How to add Product Tabs in Shopify | Free Easy Guide no Apps hello everyone thank you again for,join

Rezolutions Design

Updated on Jan 30,2023

How to add Product Tabs in Shopify | Free Easy Guide no Apps

The above is a brief introduction to how to add a tab on shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to add a tab on shopify

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How to add Product Tabs in Shopify | Free Easy Guide no Apps

hello everyone thank you again for,joining this is yet another video from,resolutions design this video we're,going to talk about how to set up tabs,in my product page,it's a beginners tutorial as always,mentioned before all of you guys that,are brand new watching this if you want,more topics on this please subscribe and,smash that like button it is very very,much appreciative that's how I'm able to,create more and more content and be,consistent previously before I was just,throwing like maybe one video a month or,whatever but now I'm realizing that a,lot of people are commenting and,therefore I'm trying to do a schedule,where I'm posting videos Mondays,Wednesdays and Fridays so hopefully if,you appreciate this type of content let,me know in the comments let me know to,keep pushing right and then I'll go,ahead and keep pushing right but in,order to do that please subscribe and,also push the like button let's get,right to it okay so we're gonna start,off with the coffee shop famous,combination coffee shop right and the,theme that we're gonna talk about is the,theme that I've been doing tons and tons,of tutorials on and it is called turbo,so I'm gonna leave the link in the,description turbo again it's the primary,reason as towards why I'm constantly,making these videos because we use it,for a lot of our websites we use it for,a lot of developments it just solves a,lot of things and so here yet again,another great feature from turbo let's,get right into the tab system okay so,tabs what I'm gonna do first is that I'm,gonna open a separate tab on my browser,now this tab it's from out of the,sandbox the folks that actually,developed this theme from out of the,sandbox created this link here and we're,gonna come back to explaining what this,is about in a second okay so in products,we're gonna go with our main example,we're okay so the first thing that we're,gonna do is we're gonna go right here,and copy that we're gonna put this,content right here,okay we're gonna call this instead of to,have one we're gonna call it description,tab number two we're gonna call it,shipping tab number three let's have,number three just to show you some,tricks right we're gonna say video okay,and right here we just want to use some,more generic terms right so shipping,especially if you guys are doing things,like Aliexpress or anything like that,just make it very clear as far as the,expectations when it comes to shipping,something like that and then the third,one is video now this is very,interesting because with video let's see,if we go to youtube right if we go to,you if we go to youtube and we just,search anything we just search something,like I don't know coffee coffee,commercial coffee mug commercial okay,red coffee mug commercial I seen on TV,this is just to grab an example right so,we're gonna go right here and what we're,gonna do is we're gonna try to see if we,could grab URL write a URL embed code so,if I click on share and I click on embed,right we're gonna get this code here so,let's go ahead and grab this code copy,it let's go ahead here it's a video and,paste that there okay just to see how,that turns out now one of the last steps,is you don't stop here what you need to,do is you need to make sure that you,click on where it says description click,on where it says description so that,when the user sees this for the first,time,this tab is set to default okay because,if you leave it here then every time,people click on your product they're,gonna see the video first unless that's,what you want it to be right but right,here make sure that it is always set to,description once you do that the next,step is let's click on this button,that's called get code right here we're,going to click on this we're going to,see this long code over here down at the,bottom you're gonna click where it says,copy to clipboard once you do that let's,go back into our product and what we're,going to do is we're going to delete,this we're gonna delete that right there,and then what we're gonna do is that,we're gonna click on this HTML show HTML,you're gonna click on this and you'll,know when you're on HTML when this is,all blank and only and you could only,see this that's when you click inside of,this box right here and press paste once,you press paste press save and once you,save let's go ahead and preview our,product and there we have it we have a,description tab we have a shipping tab,and we have a video tab you click on,right here for shipping and then you,click on right here for the video that's,how you do it that's how it gets done,thank you guys for watching once again,if you really appreciate videos like,this the only thing that I ask for is,please press that subscribe and like,button and if you have any more,questions on things that you want to,learn using turbo let me know in the,comments and let me know what you think,or if there's other tips and tricks that,you want to learn let me know in the,comments and I'll make a video for you,thank you very much for watching

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