how to add a disclaimer at checkout shopify

Customize the Checkout Page in Shopify ( Shopify Plus Only ) what's up guys Jody here today I'm gonn

Jody Edgar - The Shopify Expert

Updated on Feb 10,2023

Customize the Checkout Page in Shopify ( Shopify Plus Only )

The above is a brief introduction to how to add a disclaimer at checkout shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to add a disclaimer at checkout shopify

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Customize the Checkout Page in Shopify ( Shopify Plus Only )

what's up guys Jody here today I'm gonna,go over Shopify pluses check out liquid,this is the liquid template on how you,customize your checkout page if you have,Shopify regular you'll notice that all,of those check out situations look a,little bit similar but if you're a,higher level merchants you might want to,customize your checkout page so that you,get a different user experience and it's,it's similar across your entire brand,super-powerful features so I'm going to,show you how to do that next,okay so you've upgraded to plus and you,want to customize your checkout and,you're not totally sure how to do it,because when you log into your Shopify,dashboard really the only thing you're,seeing that's different,it shows that you're on plus versus,Shopify regular is this little logo in,the top right hand corner so I'm going,to show you how you do a customized,checkout once you've gone through the,process of upgrading plus so the way,that this works is it's like everything,else is theme based so if you go to,online store and then you go to themes,and then you go into your edit HTML and,CSS you're gonna come to your editor now,one of the things that's a little bit,tricky for first-timers is how do I get,to the theme template for the check out,I don't see it in this page and,typically people think they're gonna go,to add a template or look for a template,in there and that's sort of stuff but,actually where you want to find it is,add a layout so when you click add new,layout you'll now have the access to,this drop-down thing which allows you to,slide a check out around now because,there's only one type of check out you,can't set up multiple ones what we're,gonna do is we're gonna go create layout,and it's only gonna give us this option,create the layout and then it's going to,generate us out some liquid code now,there's a couple things in here to keep,in mind and I'm gonna go over what you,each individual one so the first one is,page title obviously and content for,header those are the things that get,cold from Shopify when building theme,checkout page same with your checkout,saw so you and your checkout spread so,these are when you click on customize,theme and you are under the checkout,button at the bottom here is where these,things are being pulled from so this is,this is those built-in settings for,checking and basically it gives you this,look and feel which is the pretty,standardized Shopify layout so what I'm,actually going to do is I'm gonna go,back to and in HTML we're gonna go in,add some quick HTML code there so you,can see how we can start to modify and,change out that checkout process so each,one of these little liquid tags that are,in the ellipses they all need to be,included and you can remove them some of,them some like like content low go and,or summary and stuff like that but it's,all it is recommended that you keep all,of the main here and each one has its,own different thing which I will go over,in future videos when we start really,drilling into Shopify plus features so,what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna show you,a quick demo of how to change some of,the content on that page so what I'm,gonna do is I'm gonna add a little,heading on the right-hand side that says,order details on the sidebar so I'm,gonna go down and I'm gonna find where,the sidebar content is sitting and I'm,gonna add in a tip here and I'm gonna,give and make it h1 and I'm gonna go,order details close that off and close,off the tip and then when I save it and,I come back over to my checkout and i,refresh it because I'm in the active,theme what I should see is a rendered,version now that had order details so,this kind of customization in this kind,of flexibility when you're on Plus is,super super powerful so you can create,full branded checkout experiences so,that customers never know that you've,actually switched over to a Shopify type,store there's a lot of of great things,you could do for that there's also,checkout scripts which allow you to,modify different shipping options and,payment options and you can really get,granular with that kind of stuff so,that's basically a quick demo of what,happens when you're on Shopify shop off,my plus days and then we can go in,and modify things around thanks guys for,watching the video it was just a little,toe dip into the pool of what is Shopify,Plus remember if you need any help you,can click on the links down below and,book a call with me I'd be happy to walk,you through any of the features that you,might need to know or do any custom work,for you and other than that you guys,have a great week that will talk to you,next week

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