how to add a button in shopify

Adding a custom button to Shopify Page hello everyone in this part we will be,creating a bad knee an

Airfields Support

Updated on Feb 09,2023

Adding a custom button to Shopify Page

The above is a brief introduction to how to add a button in shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to add a button in shopify

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how to add a button in shopify catalogs

Adding a custom button to Shopify Page

hello everyone in this part we will be,creating a bad knee and we will add this,button to a sub page that is created by,us once we are finished we will have the,ability to conveniently customize this,button set up its color label and link,first we need to open our pages and Ally,group of fields so we need to set up its,name and select its type that it's a,group and then we need to create the,nested fields for it again we need to,set up the name for first the link of,what the button and select that it is a,text field the next item will be the,buttons link so the URL to which this,button links to and we need to set its,type to URL and then finally the third,field which is the color of the button,and we need to set the appropriate type,to color,next we need to save and now we need to,open our page code editor so basically,edit our Shopify theme and we can go,back and basically copy the pretty find,liquid template code first for our,button label next we need to do the same,thing with our URL and the third,air-filled the button color some,formatting now that we have these three,variables we need to inject them into,the HTML of the page,so this is the URL and in the color just,through a background color CSS style,and just a simple check to verify that,all of the fields are set so basically,if these three air fields are set up,then this bottle will show otherwise it,will be hidden,now let's say our liquid tablet and go,to our pages,open the meta fields editor and here we,see that we can now configure the label,the URL and the color so we need to set,it up,see,and then finally do a quick check on the,actual page to verify that it is working,correctly and here we see the button and,it looks

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