how o noindex shopify tags

How to Block Search Indexing on Specific Pages in Your Shopify Store (No Apps, EASY) how to block se

garnatti one

Updated on Mar 14,2023

How to Block Search Indexing on Specific Pages in Your Shopify Store (No Apps, EASY)

The above is a brief introduction to how o noindex shopify tags

Let's move on to the first section of how o noindex shopify tags

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How to Block Search Indexing on Specific Pages in Your Shopify Store (No Apps, EASY)

how to block search and Xing on specific,pages in your Shopify store I want you,to watch the whole thing to avoid any,mistake because how we handle the,indexing in this video will include,using objects like pages and products,the way to block search and Xing to some,of our pages is by adding a meta tag,with a noindex content first to set,noindex to a specific page let's see an,example I'm going to go to pages view,privacy,to modify our theology to add our meta,go to themes select edit code,click on the theme that liquid file we,are going to add our code inside our,head section basically we are adding an,if condition the logic of this is if the,page URL is equal to X then we have to,add the meta noindex tag on the page so,I'm just going to copy this condition,and modify,so if page URL is equal to this URL,pages forward slash privacy then we add,a meta tag,so the meta name is robots which means,we are blocking all the search engine,now let's view the page and see if the,noindex meta tag appears you can check,it by inspecting the code of the page,find the index by searching control lab,now we found it so it's working so let's,check our home page to check if it's,affected so there's no instance as,research so it's working,next set a product URL to no index so we,just change it and save check our,privacy page so it should not have the,noindex meta then on the product page,refresh,check the meta and it works now let's,try let's try to check the product,handle,this one will be product that handle so,how to find the handle you go to your,product or page edit page and check on,the bottom part where it says edit,website SEO and you'll find it there for,this one it's baby - clothes,save,go to the product page hit refresh,inspect element and check if it works,the same goes for page we said,Paige that handle,now for this last condition we would,apply to all the object with a handle so,the condition will be if handle contains,the string,let's say baby,so all the handle with this string of,text called baby will be set on noindex,check the page noindex now what if we,need to set multiple URLs so what we did,earlier we just add append these,conditions by adding an or in between so,if handle contains baby or page handle,is equal to privacy then add the meta,tag so as you can see it is working so,the only thing that's affected is the,one we set it to thank you guys for,watching hit like if you like this video,and consider subscribing see you in the,next video

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