how narrow should you facebook adds be shopify

How To Run Facebook Ads EFFECTIVELY for Your Shopify Store In 2023 ( Facebook Ads 2023 Tutorial) let


Updated on Mar 25,2023

How To Run Facebook Ads EFFECTIVELY for Your Shopify Store In 2023 ( Facebook Ads 2023 Tutorial)

The above is a brief introduction to how narrow should you facebook adds be shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how narrow should you facebook adds be shopify

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How To Run Facebook Ads EFFECTIVELY for Your Shopify Store In 2023 ( Facebook Ads 2023 Tutorial)

let's face it running facebook ads,effectively is really hard you see what,a lot of youtubers don't tell you is,that having success with facebook ads,goes far beyond running the ads,themselves plus since the irs 14 update,apple has made it even harder to find,and track your target audience so in,this video i want to give you the real,strategies and concepts behind running,facebook ads that are guaranteed to work,no matter what type of shopify store or,e-commerce business you are running also,i want to give away a free one-on-one,consultation to one of my subscribers i,really appreciate all the love and,support so i truly want to give back so,all you have to do to enter is like the,video,make sure you are subscribed to my,channel,and comment what you need help with and,please please please,leave your instagram handle so i can dm,you if you are the lucky winner okay so,before you can even think about running,facebook ads you want to make sure you,have all your ducks in a row and you,have conducted enough market research in,your industry i literally say this all,the time because i can't stress enough,how much you need to do your research,before running facebook ads even though,marketing is all about testing you can,save a lot of money by analyzing others,mistakes and their successes so analyze,your competitors ads and see what is,working you can do this by going to the,facebook ad library now i made a whole,video on this,on how to spy on your competitors,facebook ads so i really recommend that,you check it out i'll link that down,below essentially though,you want to study the creatives they use,what type of call to actions they are,implementing,and how they actually craft their,headlines if you notice that there is,one particular ad that has been running,for a very long time like several months,you know this is a successful ad i also,recommend studying your target audience,as well and try to discover what they,like what books they read what,television shows they watch etc since,the ios 14 update interest based,targeting has become way more effective,and if you do this research beforehand,it can drastically decrease your time,spent,during the testing phase of your,campaign and save money on wasted ad,spin,and we'll dive into this a little bit,later now the last thing you want to do,is make sure that your facebook ads are,set up for success so that means you,want to make sure that your facebook,pixel is installed and now it is easier,than ever to do it in shopify so make,sure that you install the facebook app,in the shopify app store it will,literally walk you through step by step,helping you create the facebook business,manager and pixel if you haven't created,it already another thing you want to,consider is the actual page you want to,send traffic to even though you want to,make sure you optimize your home page,and product pages for purchases it is,extremely hard to convert cold or,completely new audiences so i recommend,having some type of leave magnet to,capture emails of new people coming to,your site to get the most out of your,ads if you are unfamiliar with the term,league magnet,it just means that you're giving away,something for free that is of value to,your potential customer for exchange for,their email so a lot of websites will,offer things like 75,off or a bogo or countless other things,to get people to sign up for their email,list a lot of brands have also used,different type of pop-ups one that is,really popular right now is the spin the,wheel game as an interactive and fun way,to collect more emails and phone numbers,so don't be afraid to get creative and,test as much as possible so now that all,the back end and behind the scenes work,is done let's dive into the actual,facebook ads campaign manager okay so,now i'm gonna walk you through step by,step how to run facebook ads effectively,for your shopify store okay,and as you see here you're gonna see,about six objectives now this is the,simplified uh window you may see the,older one but essentially these,objectives are based on a sales funnel,okay and if you've never seen a sales,funnel i'll pop one up up here now,but essentially it's just showing you,the process of you know taking your,customers through a funnel so the,awareness objective is top funnel so,this is reach brand awareness video,views traffic is more middle of funnel,so this is going to get people to your,website landing page views,engagement is more middle funnel leads,and app promotion and sales,this is all conversions so this is all,bottom of the funnel and there's gonna,be reasons to use all of these depending,on where your customer is in your,customer journey okay and so what i,don't recommend that you do that i know,a lot of youtube videos show you,is go straight into conversion campaigns,okay,only run conversion campaigns off the,bat if you already have good traffic to,your website and you're doing something,like retargeting,okay but if you're not retargeting,existing buyers that you already have,and you have a brand new store it's very,very hard especially now with the irs,update to just convert people,you know,just first time it doesn't really work,that way okay,so i recommend one of your first,campaigns to set up,to really grow your personal brand and,get more traffic to your shopify store,in general,is running a traffic or awareness reach,campaign okay,um those are going to be the two best,campaigns to start what we call,seasoning your pixel and this just,allows facebook to get more and more,data so they know who will be interested,in your products,uh so definitely do not start off with a,conversion campaign,and i'm gonna walk you through when is,the best time um to start running,conversion campaigns and i'll get to,that in a second so for the sake of time,let's just go click traffic,all right continue,all right and so what you're gonna see,here is,three things okay you're gonna see the,campaign which is the overarching,campaign,right your ad set and your ad okay and,what you're going to want to do is name,your campaign,you know what it is so,for this i'm just going to say shopify,traffic campaign but you really want to,be descriptive because when you're 10 20,campaigns deep you want to know what,this campaign is about specifically and,trust me it's going to save you a lot of,time and a lot of headache going through,your you know facebook ads manager and,you'll be able to find things a lot,easier a lot easier,okay so shopify traffic,campaign,boom,all right now depending on your category,of your products you may have to do this,uh but more than likely you won't have,to,um you know as you can see here most of,this is like jobs professional,certification auto loans housing,you know,political civil rights elections stuff,like that,um,but if you fall into any of these,categories for whatever reason with your,shopify store which i would be hard,pressed to say that you would um,this is what you want to make sure that,you know you declare okay,moving on,um if you want to change your objective,you can at any time if you you know,create your campaign you're like i want,to change it you can here,all right and this allows you here your,cab testing this allows you to just uh,created a b test so if you want to you,know test a creative against each other,or copy your headlines or audiences you,can do this here,and then this is pretty much advantage,campaign budget,this is used to be cbo campaigns it's,essentially the same exact thing they,just gave it a new name and for me,personally i like running what is called,ad set budget optimization or abos just,because i got trust issues but i like to,do my own optimization and i like to see,my own spin rather than facebook,deciding how to spend my money but,there's again,you can run,campaign budget optimization or you can,do it yourself it's entirely up to you,and how you like running ads but there,is no right or wrong way,but if you want more of a set it and,forget it and,facebook determine where they should,spend your money then by all means you,know use this advantage campaign budget,and you know facebook will do that work,for you okay so let's move on to the,next page,okay cool so now you're at the ad set,level,right and this is where you're going to,be able to tell facebook,um you know where you want to send this,traffic to do you want to send them to a,website you want to send them to our app,messenger whatsapp calls,um and for your case you're going to,send them to a website and also you want,to name the ad set as well so this is,where,i normally use for naming convention,like the target audience i'm going after,so maybe 21 to 65,maybe if i'm going after,um specifically,i don't know people that like supreme,you're doing if you have a clothing,brand let's just say that and then,um,you know i'm just going to do men,right,um and then you want to do the actual,location that you're targeting so you,could do us,i do recommend testing just one country,at first you can do the big five if you,have um which is australia us canada,united kingdom,and i'm missing one i can't think of it,right now sorry,um,but you could do the big five,but i recommend just sticking with one,country the country that you're in for,now then as your budget increases then,you can you know go abroad,this is where,you can set your daily budget so you can,do five dollars a day ten dollars a day,um i recommend depending on your actual,budget,um that you split up your campaign,budget,i would say 75,should be top of funnel things,um so that's traffic,awareness,um and then the other 25 should be with,conversions with retargeting and stuff,like that and i'll get to conversion ads,in a second,but let's just say,you know you have a 300,uh you know ad budget you know then you,would only want to spend,seven dollars a day and then three,dollars a day,would be for your conversions okay,or for your conversion campaigns,and you can do this no matter how much,budget you have,um obviously if you want better results,i would say spend more than 300 but i'm,just using that as an example,right you have three thousand dollars,and it'd be seventy dollars a day and,then thirty dollars on conversion ads,every day,but y'all get the point,um this is where you want your start,date of your ads to start um some people,like to start them at 12 a.m,it's really up to you i haven't seen it,really play that big of a difference in,my campaigns depending on when i start,the ads but it's entirely up to you,and then this is where you actually,create your audiences so the cool thing,about facebook is they allow you to,create custom and look-alike audiences,um i will say they're not as effective,as they used to be but they're still,very effective um building out custom,audiences so you can if you do already,have an email list you can import that,into facebook and they can find them on,facebook and instagram,um if you already have some type of,pixel data on your website you can use,that to craft audiences,but again it's not as powerful as it,used to be,but it is still useful and i still,recommend that you test it okay,so for now we're just going to do,completely interest-based targeting and,so,let's just say you're a clothing brand,and you find out that your uh target,audience you know really likes supreme,so you can type in supreme,clothing boom,and you'll see here,and then,and they're going to show you how,what audience size,um,that falls into so for 18 and 65,is 54 million to 64 million okay but,let's just say i only want to target men,then i only want to target men,you know 21,to,35.,boom you're gonna see that that target,audience drops now i will say before you,used to want to be a little bit smaller,with your audience sizes but i,definitely recommend,you being a little bit larger than what,it used to be,so,excuse me,so i recommend,anywhere between,a million i recommend you know having,bigger audience sizes,and keeping it in the green,um is a really good place to start,anything in the red,to the yellow is a little too big,so i recommend keeping your audience,sizes in the green,anything in the yellow and the red,is either too specific,or,too broad,but there may be some use cases where,you might want to be very broad or,specific um especially if you're running,like specific target traffic to a,specific area in the u.s,um then okay but most of the time you,want to be in this green area okay,from there you can then decide your,placements some people like automatic,placements i'm not a big fan of,automatic placements personally,i like using the feed so that's um you,know instagram,feed,uh you know facebook feed i really don't,like the audience network at all or,running to messenger,again you can test this for yourself but,for me i haven't gotten a lot of good,results running it that way but for some,people they might have okay,um but i only like running it to feeds,and stories and reels if it's applicable,which are creative,all this other stuff i normally turn off,um because it just hasn't really worked,well for me,okay,and again you can test it for yourself,if you like,uh but i recommend just running straight,feed i wouldn't waste money on like this,article,like nothing like that okay,then also what you're going to want to,do,is i always like to run on mobile,devices,only,um i found that to get the most,bang for your buck,um,again you can test that as well but i,just like running on mobile devices it's,a lot easier a lot of people buy stuff,off their phone um and i've seen that,convert a lot better than desktop,all right then from here you can do,optimization for ad delivery so if you,want to do landing page views link,clicks impressions i recommend,link clicks and landing page views tests,test which one works best for you,but for this i'm just going to use link,clicks,and then it's going to ask how would you,like to be charged,um i would always say you know charge,you by link click cost per click,they get you by doing impressions so,definitely do link clicks,um and standard delivery is fine okay,now i will say once you get more data,and results and you know your numbers,you can put cost per result so if you,know that you can you can only spend 50,cents per link click you can put that in,and they will make sure that you know,they'll try their best to make sure that,you know you get that result that you're,looking for okay,but if they can't get you that result,then they just won't spend your budget,okay does that make sense,okay cool so that's pretty much the gist,of the targeting um you can really spend,a lot of time here um really testing,but i would say start off with the ones,that i gave you and then go from there,okay next is the actual ad in creative,so here you can actually name your,creative,and decide you know what you want to,name it so i'd recommend again,making sure that you have good naming,conventions of the creatives that you're,using,and then go from there,and then here you can either manually,upload,um your creatives or they can pull from,the catalog that you have in your,shopify store which is really cool,and then you can either upload a single,video or single image you can do,carousel posts you can do a collection,there's a lot of things that you can do,with your creative,um,and for the sake i'm gonna see if i have,any creatives here,to use oh no i forgot this is a,new ad account so this is where you can,upload your creative and this is where,you know you can put your primary text,in your copy,okay,um,and so this is where you see your,headlines,i don't think anything is going to show,up because i have here,no creatives but,this is where it will display,your ad preview,and what it will look like okay,um and this is where you're gonna,actually put the website url for your,shopify store,okay now i recommend adding utms and if,you're unfamiliar with utms this is,where you can just get more accurate,tracking of where the traffic to your,website home page or product page is,going going from or coming from excuse,me um and you can set this up in google,analytics as well in the google tag,manager,so you want to make sure that you set up,utms,um i'll have a link down below um and if,you want me to create a video on that i,will,and this is where you can use your call,to action so this is where you can use,learn more shop now all these things,and this is where you actually add your,pixel for the tracking so you can add,your own pixel data if you like,um i definitely recommend always make,sure that this is checked um always make,sure that you add your pixel um,if you don't do that then you're not,gonna accurately track you know the,process okay,and so this is essentially how you set,up a campaign and it's honestly not that,hard okay again if you've already done,your research okay,and then um you want to do the same,thing,for a conversion campaign okay and this,is where you're going to allocate the,other 25,you know or you can do 30 50,however you want to allocate your budget,to conversion campaigns right but i,recommend allocating money for,conversion campaigns and allocating it,to,you know abandoned cart so a lot of,people will come to your website and,just abandon cart so you want to run,retargeting ads to them okay,and so,literally you can run ads to people um,once you start to collect data you can,run ads to people that added,you know added cards to your shopify,store and didn't check out,um you can re-target the people that,went to your website and getting by,those are the type of conversions that,you want to run you want you can even,run conversions to people that interact,with your facebook or instagram page,right so those are the type of,conversion ads that you really want to,be running okay,but overall running facebook ads is very,very,simplistic don't over complicate it uh,just make sure that you do your level of,optimization okay and so that is,literally it when it comes to facebook,ads it's fairly simple then also you,want to make sure that you keep your,mind your break even point and your,lifetime value of your customer because,if you notice that your break even point,is 20,right then you don't want to be spending,more than 20 on acquiring a customer,simple,but i will say if you know what your,lifetime value is of your customer let's,just say it's a hundred dollars,you know even if you don't you know make,money with the ads themselves or,acquiring a customer if you know your,lifetime value is a hundred dollars for,a customer you can spend more money,because you know ultimately you're gonna,get that money back okay,so make sure that you like and subscribe,and comment what you need help with uh,so you have a chance to win a one-on-one,consultation with me i would love to,help you out,um until next time,be easy

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