how much the beeketing charge per shopify transaction

Is This The Best App For Shopify? YES. | 2022 Vitals Review is this the absolute best shopify app,ou

Kerry Egeler

Updated on Mar 05,2023

Is This The Best App For Shopify? YES. | 2022 Vitals Review

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Is This The Best App For Shopify? YES. | 2022 Vitals Review

is this the absolute best shopify app,out there,and is this maybe the only app you'll,ever need,that's coming up,welcome back to the channel today we're,doing a review of an app called vitals,vitals is a 40 in one shopify app it's,like 40 different shopify apps that you,would normally pay individually for,in one package and generally i'm not a,huge fan of these all-in-one kind of,apps because they generally just don't,do a very good job at doing a bunch of,different things in one,but i have to say after using vitals for,a little while and going through some of,these different features,i'm completely blown away this might be,the only app that you need for shopify,and it's got a ton of different stuff in,it that we're going to go into,and i also have to say i really believe,that this app kind of takes the free,shopify themes to the next level it,makes them way more professional,better looking and way more functional,than they are,on their own so let's dive in we're,inside my computer and we're just,looking at the shopify app page just,kind of see what is inside of this app,so it's 40 in one and it's got things,like upsells,bundling currency converters social,proof,trust badges a ton of stuff in here and,some of the stuff you won't,use but a lot of it you will and when,you see how simple and easy it is,i think you'll really love this app now,it's 29.99 per month and i know that can,seem a little bit hefty for an,app but when you consider everything,that this app does i think it's of steel,at that price when you think about what,you would pay,for you know a lot of these features,even if you had five or six of these,features and you had individual,apps for them it really starts to become,a bargain at that 29.99 per month so,there's a ton of stuff in here i'm going,to show you some of my favorites and,show you how to install them so let's,dive into the actual app we're now,inside the app and we're looking at the,dashboard there's a lot of different,stuff in here and if we look over on the,left,we kind of see a breakdown of all of the,different apps that are,included in vitals and they're broken up,by you know revenue convert more capture,leads so they're kind of like these,categories,i think that's really cool because it,helps you organize all these different,things and find things,easily so we're going to start up here,at the boost revenue and i've got this,connected to my,kerry egler merchandise store very,simple store i've got a free theme here,but i think it looks really,clean and we just got a few products,here that we've installed,um so i've got to connect to that store,we're going to start up here in the,boost,revenue area and i'm going to show you,this product bundles,feature this is really really cool again,this is something you,probably pay 20 to 30 a month for on its,own with the power that it has,and then when you talk about adding in,the volume discounts and different,things,it's just really really good so product,bundles so this is really just giving a,discount for bundling two products,together,let me show you how simple this is now i,haven't done any coding to the website,or,anything at all i've just added the,vitals app,it's a free 30-day trial as well so you,can try it out so we're gonna click on,create,bundle and what we're going to do first,is just enter the name,and this is only for you this isn't,visible on your store i'm going to call,it t,plus mask bundle and there's a few,different product selection methods,you can have it auto select the products,or you can select your own i'm going to,select my own in this case,and so i'm going to click right here and,i'm going to select a t-shirt,and then i'm going to click here and i'm,going to select this mask now right,below this we can actually specify the,discount here,so i can click this and i can change the,discount i'm going to change this to 20,just like that okay so now i've got a 20,discount so you can see here now for the,t-shirt,and the mask it's discounting it down,from 41.98 to 33.58,you save and 40 cents and you can adjust,this as much as you want,and so now i'm gonna save it,okay so now i've created a bundle and,you can create as many bundles as you,want,and if you're familiar with any other,upsell apps in the shopify store a lot,of times they charge you for,the more upsells you have or they'll,increase your plan so,it's really cool that you can just,create a ton of bundles here and not,have any additional charge what you pay,for the vitals app,is what you're what you're going to pay,for everything so now that we've created,a bundle we just need to,simply turn this on so now we've turned,on,product bundles inside of our shopify,store so check this out,if we go to our store,just the live url you can see it's, so live,store and i'm just going to go ahead and,refresh that and now watch what happens,when i go here to,this t-shirt let's say i'm a customer,and i want to you know buy one of these,and i come over here and select my size,and hit add to cart,one more thing i want to show you,regarding the product bundles feature,if you go to a product page on your,website and actually scroll down,it will add this right here on your,product page so you can actually just,hit the buy now button,and buy the bundle together so there's,so much you can do,with the product bundles add-on it's,very very powerful,i'm a big fan once i get to the cart,you're going to see this pop-up right,here,that offers the mask and says that you,can save 20,when you add it to the cart so if we,click this add to cart button right here,and we can select our color if we want,we select this add to cart button here,it's going to add,that mask on and now we can see that we,have a discount of 840,and we can simply just go check out and,we've got that bundled discount,so so cool and so powerful what you can,do with that if we go back to the vitals,app,you know we're able to customize what,the actual wording is here,uh you know in the cart and there's some,other different options that we can do,for this so,super super powerful with product,bundles next up we're taking a look at,the sticky add to cart feature and what,this will do,is just show the add to cart button at,the top of your website or at the bottom,of your website depending on if you're,on desktop or mobile,and it will follow the customer around a,little bit and this is especially useful,if you have long product pages a lot of,us do,and i'll show this to you right now so,over here under convert more we just,click on sticky add to cart,and here's the options that we're going,to get first of all for desktop we can,show the sticky add to cart on desktop,devices,we can show the quantity selector we can,select either top or bottom,then we can change our settings from,mobile here same settings,we can show product reviews if you have,the product reviews,on this product you can show those i,would definitely recommend that if you,have product reviews in there,and then we can change the styling here,we can do a custom styling of it or we,can just keep,the style of the add to cart button on,our website,we go up here and activate that and what,you're going to see here is,really cool so if we just go to one of,these products and we start to scroll,down,the sticky add to cart will pop up up,here at the top,and so what you can see what's really,cool is when you scroll down on your,product pages,you're not going to see the add to cart,button right so,this feature is going to keep that add,to cart button in the customer's view,at all times and will help increase,conversions,if you're enjoying this video i want to,invite you to hit that like button and,subscribe to our channel,you can also hit the little bell icon,that will send you notifications,whenever we release new videos and we're,putting out new content every single,tuesday let's dive back into the video,under the convert more section in the,vitals app you're going to see a lot of,different options that are all really,useful things like shipping information,recently viewed related products,stock scarcity countdown timer even a,place where you can install your,facebook pixel really easily through the,vitals app,the next one i want to look at is the,animated add to cart button,now what this is going to do is going to,make your add to cart button,actually animate and it'll do one of,these things you see here,lots of different options right so we're,going to start with the bounce and we'll,play with a few of these,so we're going to trigger animation,every few seconds we can just leave that,or we can change it if we want when,on hover would mean when the mouse is,hovering over it it will play the,animation,and then we can set the amount of,seconds before it starts animating,i'm going to leave it on 5 and i'm going,to go ahead and turn this feature on,so we've turned this feature on now,we're going to go back to,our store and i'm actually going to x,out and i'm just going to kind of reload,that,reload up the store and just refresh it,we'll refresh it one time,let's click on a product and let's see,what happens after,about five seconds here and see if you,notice uh what happens,there you go right the add to cart,button is bouncing,and it should keep repeating itself this,is really really cool and it looks,really professional in my opinion,and if you don't like this if you think,this is a bit much we can of course go,back here and change,uh to some of these other ones so let's,go ahead and try the flash,and let's save that and then let's go,ahead and uh,refresh our store and see if that,changes,and sometimes it might take a few,seconds for that to reflect,we're going to see what happens here,after a few seconds so it's still,showing the old,let's go ahead and x out of that and,just reload it,and go ahead and click on a product it,should work on all products,and again if we wait about five seconds,here you can see you can see it start to,come up there,right there and there it goes right so,this is going to add that little,look to your add to cart button and then,every few seconds it's going to go,across,and there's a bunch of these that you,can do as again the vibrate wobble,jello shake there's a lot of different,options here it's a really really cool,feature i love and i think it like i,said i think it takes the,the free themes kind of to the next,level the next portion of the vitals app,that i want to take a look at is the,capture,leads area and there's three options,wheel of fortune announcement bars and,pop-ups,now these tools are built for you to,collect emails and actually build your,list,and currently vitals integrates with,mailchimp and clavio,now i'm a big fan of clavio and i,believe it is the absolute,best email marketing platform for,e-commerce,and for shopify now it comes with,pre-built automation so you don't even,have to know how to email market and you,can set up all these automations,it's got a ton of templates and it also,integrates with shopify,very seamlessly it even shows your sales,numbers,in the clayvio platform and you can get,a free account up to 250 emails,by using the link in the description i,do want to disclose that is an affiliate,link but i'd love for you to click it,get your free account up to 250 emails,the first option in the capture leads,area is the wheel of fortune,i'm sure you've probably seen this and,they even give you a little,example of it if you just click on it,here pops out from the left and you can,specify,discounts and actually collect emails in,exchange for discounts,it's got announcement bars which allows,you to collect,emails at the top of your website in an,announcement bar,and then it's got pop-ups which you know,there's a standard kind of pop-up on,your website,where you can offer a discount code or,something of value in exchange for email,next up we're going to take a look at,the trust seals and badges app,inside vitals now i really like this,version of trust seals and badges,because,a lot of trusteal apps require you to,edit code and this one,inside vitals doesn't require any of,that and it's especially simple,so a few of the settings you can click,on select layout and you can actually,select,which badges you like the best and then,you can select,what badges you want to use i've,selected a few here,and then you can actually fine tune it,by changing the color saying if you want,it in the center,or where you know the size that kind of,thing lots of really great options,if we go back to settings and we click,on open editor it will actually let us,see,where the badges will be and you can see,right here trust seals and badges,will go here right under my product,description,and so we can actually um move that with,just right here so we're going to do,before,and now it's going to be right under my,add to cart button,and there's also an inside or outside,button here i'm going to do outside,i like it i like it right there so i'm,going to save,and now i can preview it on my website,and there's my trust badges right under,my add to cart button,they look really clean i can make those,a little bit bigger if i wanted to but i,think they look great,so i'm just going to leave them there so,easy,seriously has to be the easiest trust,badge app that i've seen,next we're going to take a look at the,shoppable instagram feed now i love this,such a cool feature,and a bunch of stuff you can do with it,when you first load this up you're going,to see a button here that says,connect up your instagram account you,click on that log into your instagram or,sometimes it'll take you through,facebook it took me through facebook,and then it's gonna connect that up,inside of your vitals app here,now one really cool thing is if we go to,posts uh you'll see,all of your posts and you can actually,attach products right here,so that they can actually click on them,and shop with the posts from your,instagram,if we go back to settings we'll see a,few different options here we can title,it we can add a subtitle space between,picture,i'm actually going to lower this number,of photos down to,six so it'll be my last six,photos and i'm gonna save that now,you're gonna have to activate it as well,i'm gonna go ahead and save that,now if we go back to our store,and open that up and we go to the,product page,and we scroll down we're going to see,our instagram there now it looks like,it's still showing 12. so i'm going to,go ahead and refresh it again and see if,that changes to,six there we go now it's changed to six,now it looks like it's,uh doing them in sets of four so i'm,probably going to want to change that,back to probably change that to eight uh,so that it will look a little cleaner so,i'm gonna change this up to eight,and we could go down to four as well it,might be a good option so if we go and,refresh our store you'll see once we,click on the product page,that now it's adjusted to eight and now,it's looking a little bit cleaner we've,just got eight,photos there from our instagram as you,can see the vitals app is incredibly,powerful and i've been blown away,today i've only reviewed just a few of,the features inside of this app,and there are so many more that you can,go try for yourself right now,and you can get a 30 day free trial of,the vitals app by using my link in the,description below a full disclosure that,is an affiliate link,but i definitely want you to go give,this app a shot get a 30 day free trial,try it out,see what you think i really think it is,maybe the only app,that you need in your shopify store and,it really really simplifies things and,it looks super professional,thank you so much for watching today,don't forget to like comment and,subscribe and we'll see you next week,you

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