how many products should i test a day shopify

How Many Products Should You Test Each Day? (Shopify Dropshipping) what's up guys it's your boy Jord

Jordan Welch

Updated on Mar 12,2023

How Many Products Should You Test Each Day? (Shopify Dropshipping)

The above is a brief introduction to how many products should i test a day shopify

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How Many Products Should You Test Each Day? (Shopify Dropshipping)

what's up guys it's your boy Jordan back,with another ecommerce video sorry for,the lack of videos last week I couldn't,post on last Friday because if you can't,tell I'm in a completely different,location I'm not in LA I'm not in,Florida I'm actually upstate in New York,right now spending some time with my dad,and seeing some of his friends and good,associate it's a nice place out here the,nature is incredible this house is,beautiful so it's a great place to get,my mind right and just focus for what I,got to do for the rest of the year,yesterday I was on a consulting call,with one of my students and they asked,me a question that I thought would be,absolutely incredible to cover in a,video because it's something that I see,asked all the time my boy he asked me,hey bro how many products should I be,testing every single week to see some,type of results in my business you know,do I need to test five priors a day do I,need to test ten do I need to test two,dry knee test one I gave him a real good,answer for the question and right,afterwards he goes man you know what you,should make a video on this topic and I,said you know what that's exactly what,I'm gonna do so that's what I'm doing,now I'm gonna share with you guys the,best perspective on how many products,you should be testing each day and why I,believe that that is the best number if,you like the quality this content give,me a thumbs up and hit the subscribe,button down below we just passed 7k subs,and I can't thank you guys enough I,really appreciate every single one of,you from the bottom of my heart but,anyways guys that's enough talking I,know you guys are ready for the value so,let's get right to it,so as I was building my e-commerce,business I definitely went through many,different processes and ways of doing,things and now I've got an optimized,system that I can automate and teach to,other people but it wasn't always like,that so when I first was starting out I,was following a bunch of different,youtubers a bunch of different Facebook,strategies and just trying to figure out,which one was the best for me it was,even a point where I was testing five to,ten products every single day I could,really only do this for about a week,because I couldn't afford to do it that,consistently but I'm just saying it was,to that point where I was bouncing from,strategy to strategy to strategy and,this is one of the worst things that you,could do in your business so it wasn't,until I defined a clear strategy and,outline as to what I wanted to be doing,until I found success before doing that,I wasn't getting any type of numbers I,was getting a sale here and there but I,couldn't find anything scalable so one,of the biggest turning points for me,inside of my business was actually,determining what strategy I wanted to,follow and sticking to that every single,day whilst improving upon that with,every single product launch that I do,that point I felt was incredibly,important to emphasize before I jumped,into my answer on this question because,if you don't understand this you're,going to be literally running around,like a blind blind mouse blind rat,whatever analogy you want to use it's,going to be so much harder for you to,figure it all out,because you're just going to be testing,testing testing testing testing and not,having any type of clarity as to is this,the right way to do everything so the,first thing that you need to consider,before you ask yourself how many,products test is which strategy am I,going to follow for these product tests,that I launched there's tons of free,content out there I have a 0 to 100,program available but I'm not here to,pitch that figure out what strategy you,want to follow and stick to that now,that you understand this the answer to,the question regarding how many products,you should test each day it comes down,to this quality over quantity when,you're launching a product on your store,it is so important that you take the,serious time to optimize and improve,upon ever,thing that you can to the highest degree,your product descriptions should be,flawless it should be really well,organized easy on the customers eyes and,selling the product to the customer,while showing them everything that it,can do I have a video on prior,descriptions if you would like to see,this your product video adds same story,it has to be high quality it has to sell,your product and it has to have good,marketing inside of the video to get,your customer interested same thing with,the product images you see where I'm,going with this right if you're,launching ten products a day there's,pretty much a 100% guarantee that the,quality of those product launches is not,going to be as high as it could be if,you're really taking the time so my,suggestion to those trying to figure out,what is the most our best amount of,products to test each day is figure out,your workflow for me it takes me about,two hours to launch a product now I have,VA is doing all the work so I can,actually launch a product in about 15,minutes but I'm saying with the video,editing and the product descriptions and,all that about two hours and that's a,high quality product launch so for me it,is viable to test two to three products,a day that's just six hours of my day,but I know a lot of people who really,struggle with video editing they really,struggle with product descriptions and,it takes them a little while to do it,and I was in that position once as well,if you're in that position figure out,how much time it takes for you to launch,a product and realistically plan out,what would be the most effective for,your schedule so if you takes you five,hours to launch an extremely good,product campaign maybe you should stick,to one to two products a day two,products a day at most my camera died,but what I was trying to say is that if,it takes you five minutes or five hours,to launch a product then you should,maybe only focus on launching one to two,products each day at most you could,launch three but not many people are,working 15 hours a day so the real gist,and the real point of what I'm trying to,say here is that you need to figure out,how long it takes you to not launch a,product but launch a high quality,product campaign once you determine this,number then you can plan out your,schedule accordingly when I was first,starting it took me like I said about,two hours or so to do a good quality,product so I would launch two products a,day that's reasonable that's four hours,that gives me time to focus on my other,things and we're good to go so for you,figure out and plan your schedule around,that and once you're able to do that,it'll be much easier for you and it'll,allow you to see better results within,your campaigns launching five to ten,products a day is not the answer it's,probably one of the worst ways to do it,because the product launches are gonna,be so low quality that it's nothing,gonna be worth your money to test them,in the first place so take the time,figure out how long it takes you to do a,high quality launch and you'll be good,to go so that pretty much wraps up the,point of what I was trying to get across,with this video I recorded a longer,version of this video I thought my,camera was recording the whole time but,actually cut off but it's all good I,still think I got my point across and,you guys should have a good,understanding of what I'm talking about,in terms of the best workflow for,launching these products if you like the,quality of this video and it maybe gave,you some value give me a thumbs up and,hit that subscribe button I really,appreciate you all to join the family,and if there's something that you're,struggling with or a question that you,have within your business you could just,comment down below I read every single,comment I may not reply to all them but,I do see them all and if it's something,good I'll make a video on it no problem,and I'll be able to help you out from,there and I also have the private,Facebook group you could join and,there's tons of people and there you can,network with and get advice from so,there's no excuse if you have something,that you're struggling with you can find,the answer to it anyways that's all I,have for this video I'm gonna knock out,two more videos for you guys this week,maybe I'll make a vlog and show you guys,this house it's pretty sweet,and then cover some more value but,enough of that I gotta get going it's a,beautiful day out here you're gonna hit,the boat gonna go jet skiing or,wakeboard whatever we're gonna do it'll,be fun so I'll see you guys in the next,video peace

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