how do you track down a paypal and shopify package

💵 Paypal Tracking for Shopify | This Will Save Your Account what's up this is Brian fight for,market

Brian Pfeiffer

Updated on Mar 08,2023

💵 Paypal Tracking for Shopify | This Will Save Your Account

The above is a brief introduction to how do you track down a paypal and shopify package

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how do you track down a paypal and shopify package catalogs

💵 Paypal Tracking for Shopify | This Will Save Your Account

what's up this is Brian fight for,marketing Mediacom today I'm gonna talk,to you about an awesome paypal Shopify,hack it's gonna help save your PayPal,account,all right welcome back so I found this,app and I think it's kind of sort of,known with the people that have PayPal,on their Shopify store and one of the,biggest things with you know keeping,your account in good standing especially,PayPal these days is to make sure that,the customers don't do a lot of charge,backs okay so I found this app and I,figured I'd share it with you guys,anybody that's running Shopify there,might be one for WooCommerce as well but,I know there's one for shop if I'm gonna,walk you through that one right now and,I'm gonna show you this app and show you,why it's really valuable and and kind of,walk you through how to set it up it's,really simple doesn't take a lot but,this could really honestly save your,account over the course of you know a,time especially when you're scaling up,so the whole idea here is to once you,get your tracking number in Shopify from,whether it be Aliexpress over low for,you than using a third-party shipper,like I am then their tracking number,gets uploaded into your Shopify and this,app automatically pushes that tracking,number into the paypal of the person,that you know bought the product if they,bought with PayPal okay and what that,does is basically if they go to like do,I'll you know a charge back PayPal is,gonna see that we uploaded you know my,store uploaded the the tracking number,you know within a couple days of payment,and that we legitimately ship the,product and at the end of the day PayPal,is gonna be like okay well you know why,are you charging this back it's it's on,its way it's been shipped so that's,gonna save a lot of headaches for you,down the road okay it's a very,inexpensive and very easy to set up app,and if you don't have this set up and,you already PayPal in the Shopify store,you're you're definitely missing the,boat okay you need to have this set up,okay so here here's the app you can see,what it looks like in the app this is,the back end of my Shopify store,PayPal's tracking info app on autopilot,okay and you could just google it and,this is what its gonna look like it's,gonna be called add tracking info okay,and then you just click get the app you,basically put your Shopify domain in,here okay now this is gonna be your your,shop URL now that might be different,than your store you all and,case I have store that I've changed,names on a couple times and I'm using a,new store name now but the old store,name is still the the login for Shopify,okay so you're gonna want to put your ol,whatever your original Shopify login is,that that's what's goes here and then,once you get into in end of the thing,and set it up it's just a couple of,buttons and it's gonna get you into this,this account access in your PayPal and,what you're gonna do here is you're,gonna it's gonna manage users okay and,then what's going to happen is you're,gonna basically give this app the smart,data this active status okay once you,have this activated then PayPal through,that app is able to talk and send the,tracking info into your PayPal which is,going to go right to the people so they,go to do a you know a chargeback or some,kind of refund they're gonna see that,the tracking number is there okay so,like why would they refund there it's on,its way maybe they're thinking they got,ripped off but then when they see that,their tracking numbers in their paypal,like all they got to do is search it,they can see exactly where the product,is so it should eliminate a lot of,paypal charge backs and whatnot and,here's kind of what it looks like when,you go into the the tracking and on your,store you can see here that you know,I've got 51 credit so you get a certain,amount of credits when you sign up for,free and then I think it's it's,something like the pricing here is like,point the point 13 cents per order but,honestly that you know might sound like,a lot but it's actually really not,because at the end of the day if you,know this system is working and those,those things save your PayPal account,that's gonna you're definitely gonna,have more advantages of keeping PayPal,and Shopify store than 13 cents per,order now you're only paying this on the,orders that come through PayPal not on,the ones that come through Shopify,payments or stripe or over heavier your,store setup so that's what you're paying,and you know obviously it looks like you,know depending on the amount of credits,the amount goes down a little bit,obviously if you're scaling and doing a,lot of volume the price per per order is,gonna go down okay and you can see here,that I've actually I'm playing around,with the page speed right now to trying,to get my page speed working a little,better it's fine on desktop by the way,and kind of crappy on mobiles so I need,to probably play around with it I got a,developer gonna work on that about,anyway let's take a look what it looks,like inside the store here like I said,it's that's already submitted sixteen,orders it looks like okay and if you,click on that you can see the orders,okay,and it's it's you know you can see the,tracking number has been automatically,uploaded into PayPal which is freaking,gold god I love that it's just,time-saving okay it's like automatic,you're paying a little bit and you know,over time it's just gonna be you know,orders fulfilled last 30 days so 16 in,the last 30 days have been pushed into,PayPal so if you guys you know if you,guys have this uh you know PayPal on,your Shopify store and you don't have,this app I highly recommend getting it,it doesn't take long to set up it's only,a few minutes it does cost a little bit,based on your volume but at the end of,the day it's gonna save your your PayPal,account tremendously from getting you,know either a reserve or getting banned,in many cases and it's just gonna make,you as a store look a lot more legit to,PayPal as well which is huge for your,account health so hopefully you guys got,something out of today I do try to bring,you some valuable content that's going,to help you grow your business and,sustain your businesses online and make,money,if you did enjoy today I would,appreciate a like on this video make,sure you share it with your friends this,is a very valuable video that could save,somebody's store or Shopify our Shopify,PayPal relationship down the road we do,teach making money online here so if you,are new to this channel make sure you,subscribe let me a comment below i'd,like to welcome to the channel if you,thought this was valuable leave me a,comment below as well I'm the marketing,meathead we'll talk to you later thank,you

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