how do you check to see if a discount code is working with klaviyo and shopify

How to send a discount code in a welcome email | Klaviyo and Shopify a lot of people who have watche

Kasey Luck

Updated on Mar 07,2023

How to send a discount code in a welcome email | Klaviyo and Shopify

The above is a brief introduction to how do you check to see if a discount code is working with klaviyo and shopify

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how do you check to see if a discount code is working with klaviyo and shopify catalogs

How to send a discount code in a welcome email | Klaviyo and Shopify

a lot of people who have watched my,other video tutorial on how to create,and activate an amazing pop-up,collecting email addresses through,klavio ask me how do i actually send my,discount code to the new customers that,subscribe through that pop-up so in this,tutorial i will focus specifically on,how to set up your welcome email and,make sure that everybody who comes into,your list who subscribes through that,pop-up gets the discount code that you,promote in your pop-up if you're new,here and you haven't watched the other,video go watch that other video if you,need help with setting up your opt-in,form or your pop-up and make sure that,you subscribe to this channel so you,never miss new content and also support,me and my team in creating more free,content for you also make sure that you,like this video and as soon as you do we,will jump right into the tutorial,okay,are you done with liking,all right thank you so much let's dive,right in,so in this video i'm going to show you,step by step and make sure that the code,that you're promising your new,subscribers new email subscribers in,your pop-up is going out immediately to,anybody who signs up through your pop-up,so this is the pop-up that we created in,that particular tutorial and whichever,pop-up you have uh go,into that pop-up go into edit form what,we want to do is we want to find out,which email list you connected your form,to because whatever it was,we need to make sure that the welcome,flow we create is connected to the same,email address so click on the button in,your pop-up form and then you'll see,this part of the form that says list to,submit and it's called the the list that,i chose was luck and co master list by,the way this is a dummy kladio account,so this is where we do all of our fun,experiments so remember this list for me,it's luck uncle master list,now what we need to do we can exit out,of here and we need to go into our flows,and i'm going to create a welcome flow,from scratch if you are doing this for,the first time,you can do this with me,or,actually instead of doing it from,scratch you could do it from scratch but,instead let's choose welcome series from,a list of the,of the flows that clavio offers us again,you can do this from scratch but let's,let's choose this one because it kind of,has all of these three emails prepared,for us and let's call this,welcome flow youtube,tutorial,this is where we choose the trigger so,the trigger is very important the,trigger for the welcome flow must be the,same list as you chose in the pop-up so,remember in the pop-up we had lucknco,master list so let's find that here,okay so the trigger for the welcome,flow,is this list luck and co master list now,let's create this flow,the next thing that you will want to do,is you will want to make sure that,list that you chose for the welcome flow,and then the pop-up is a single,single opt-in,look and go master list find your list,in the list of lists,in the list of lists and segments in,kladio click into it,and then go into settings,and scroll all the way down over here,and you'll see the opt-in process and,you will have two choices double opt-in,and single opt-in there's a lot of,information online and you can read up,on advantages and disadvantages of,double opt-in but essentially when you,have double opt-in uh enabled and it,will be enabled by default,in clivio if you're just using kind of a,standard clavio list what it means that,is that when people sign up for that,list before they're actually on the list,they will receive a confirmation email,and you can't do anything about it when,you have this enabled clevy will send,them a confirmation email that will look,very general it's like a super small,email and it says to confirm that you,want to sign up for this list,click on the button below and then,people have to click and once they click,that confirmation link in the,confirmation email then they're on the,list so it creates this additional step,which,the purpose of that step is to ensure,that the person like actually wants to,join your list,i mean essentially it's supposed to,reduce the amount of spam and like fake,signups if somebody's just trying to,sign up a fake account just to receive a,discount code from you this prevents,that because it has to be a real email,address that they can open and then,click,in the accounts that we manage we,disable double opt-in and we go with,single opt-in however we have what we,call a sunset unengaged flow and you,know clayvia calls that sunset on gauge,flow as well and that flow,consistently cleans your list off of,unengaged subscribers in other words,people who are on your list and are not,engaged so we're kind of achieving the,goal of keeping your list clean and,engaged in another way and then we're,preventing all of the friction at the,beginning when people are just signing,up,so just be mindful of this and know that,this is a setting that you need to know,about,so for now i'm going to click single,opt-in and update list settings then i,see this green confirmation message okay,great i'm good,and let's go back in here into our flow,the trigger is the list great this is,the first email what i like to do for,the first email and what i recommend,that you do is definitely turn off smart,sending because we want this first email,to be delivered to everybody,um who signs up and then utm tracking i,want to enable that,and then let's go into edit and see what,we've got again this is a dummy account,so all of this is just a placeholder,let's pretend you added a subject line,you also added a preview text a preview,text is super important i have a video,on this youtube channel about subject,lines i'm gonna link it right now in the,corner go watch it and i talk about the,importance of the preview text in that,video but it's super super important so,make sure that you said that,um this email looks really,not good but for the purposes of this,video i just want to show you how to,send that discount code in the email,right so we're not gonna worry,about what this looks like,here you go,um hey we're glad you're here here is,your,welcome 15,discount,and then we're gonna do placeholder,and then,my recommendation is that right under,the discount code you have a button so,that people,see the discount code and they have,something to click and go and shop right,away,use my,percent off,so you see how there is this extra space,over here i know this video is not about,design but it's just bothering me so i,clicked into this block and then usually,you're in here just editing the text but,there's also block styles so you go in,here and you see that the bottom padding,is 18,i'm gonna change that to five and that's,kind of better then if you change it to,zero then it's really good but let's do,five because it's not what this video is,about all right so from here you have,two options of how you can add your,discount code into the welcome email,the first,option is you create your coupon code in,shopify and it's the same static code,that will be sent to everybody the,second option is you create a dynamic,coupon code in clavio and if that's the,case then the coupon code that is sent,to people is individual and unique for,every single recipient because it's,individual and unique it has like each,individual and unique code has or can,have,a unique expiration date and that is,very important if you're using the,shopify code which is kind of easier and,you'll see why in a second,um the downside of that is that it can't,expire because people like different,people thousands of people will keep,reusing the same code and you can limit,that to one use per customer but it will,still has to be active,with the clavio code the the story is,different so let's first try the first,um route let's go with shopify,i'm in my dummy shopify account that i,use for experiments and then we want to,go to discounts over here on the left,and create a new discount it's going to,be,a discount code,we're going to name it,welcome 15 we're gonna make that 15,we're going to apply that to all,products we're not going to have minimum,requirements even though you can of,course if you want let's do everyone for,now but you could limit it to to a,particular group and then let's limit to,one use per customer and then it starts,right now and then we don't set an end,date because we want to we want this,code to continue being,active,and eligible for use,okay so welcome 15 we can even generate,a,shareable link so i copied the link the,code is welcome15 we go back in here we,change this to,welcome 15,let's bold it let's also make it,bigger,there we go font size,26,maybe that's a little bit too much,and let's change this,um url to that one we,copied so this way people won't even,need to insert that code i like to do,that as like a safe um,a safeguard,again it's really hard for me to look at,this email because it looks so ugly but,um,obviously you will need to change all of,this change the,header image change all of the text and,design however if your single goal is to,make sure that that coupon code is sent,to your new subscriber you've achieved,that now we can well we can preview this,show directly in clivio so this is what,your people will see and then once they,go here,they will be able to shop and then when,they enter the coupon code welcome15,in shopify in the shopify checkout they,will get 15,one thing one mistake that i made,obviously,is this should be 15,there we go,so that's route number one,here's a route number two if you wanted,this coupon code to be unique for every,single recipient,let's go into clavio and go into coupons,on the left right here,we will want to create a,shopify coupon,let's name it welcome,this name is important you will see why,in a second but i recommend naming it,something like i recommend naming it a,single word,now we need to choose the prefix i'll,tell you what the prefix is in a second,let's just first set up the discount,it's going to be the same,15 off,entire order,um requirement and purchase no but you,could and then you can set that up here,and then activation at send time that's,what you want if you're inserting this,coupon in a flow which we're doing and,then expiration,after a certain number of days or hours,and let's do five days,okay so now we're back to prefix,okay so what we're doing is we're,creating a dynamic coupon code through,clavio however,the coupons the the actual unique,coupons for every subscriber or every,recipient of this email will be created,in shopify because essentially your,people will have to use this coupon code,in shopify so um once this coupon code,starts getting created in shopify you,will all of a sudden see all of these,random unique looking codes in shopify,if you want to have a way to identify,those coupons within shopify and be able,to look at it and say oh hey yeah i know,this is a coupon code that my clivio is,creating automatically and it's for the,welcome flow if you want to be able to,do that then you need to set some kind,of recognizable prefix,and by the way if you just click on here,clivia will tell you what that is as,well um for welcome flow i like to do,e and then a dash,and what this means is that every one of,those unique codes will start with we,dash and so you'll when you see them in,shopify you'll know that's where it's,coming from,all right so now we're ready to click,create coupon,resolve errors,name name maybe i already have this,let's do welcome 15.,yeah that was probably yeah that was,exactly what the problem was you can't,have two identical coupon codes,you can only have,one of each so i made this one welcome,15.,now we need to go back into the email,and instead of this welcome 15,what we're gonna do,is we're gonna add this,um,code not coupon code but actual code,and i'm going to,write this out in the youtube,description just so you have something,to copy and paste,and the reason why that coupon name was,important was because you need to swap,this out like this word in between the,single quotation marks,to the name of your coupon code so our,name this time is welcome 15.,let's click save,and let's change this,link to simply the url of our website,because if we're doing this coupon code,then that coupon doesn't work anymore so,let's click on preview,when you're previewing this either in,clivia or if you send yourself a test,email this is what you'll see so as you,can see you're not seeing this kind of,code html code anymore instead you're,just seeing a preview however it's still,not an actual coupon code however if you,go and sign up in which you actually,must do if you're going this route just,to test it go and sign up through your,pop-up sign up with a,with an email address that you haven't,used yet,and uh and see what email you're,receiving and once you receive that,email the coupon code you will see will,be something like w e,3 7,x k,c y,or something like that it will be a,random string of numbers,and letters and it will be unique for,every single recipient so those are the,two ways in which you can ensure that,all of your subscribers get your coupon,code the last few things that we need to,do is we need to click out of here,so let's see,okay this is activated,and then you need to um set your email,from manual to live,once it's live it starts sending,we checked your list settings,and then one final thing that's,important to understand with welcome,flows,in clivio,all of the flows that are triggered by,list,by a list or a segment cannot be,re-entered what this means is that if,somebody has already gone through your,welcome flow for example me casey adlock,and codec agency if i've been through,your flow once and then i go and sign up,through the pop-up again and you know,that pop-up is linking to the same flow,which is this one i will not be able to,enter this flow again and there's,nothing you can do about it that's,simply how clavio,flows work,specifically list triggered and segment,triggered flows and if you go into this,flow over here,you'll see that the flow trigger,is list,so if you're testing this yourself and,you're testing it with the same email,address again and again and again you,won't be able to get emails after the,first one and this is why,if you want to there's a little hack to,go around this and that is add a plus,sign so for example,my email address says casey at blah blah,blah,i could do kc plus one at blah blah blah,the same domain,and clavia will recognize it as a,separate email address however,everything sent to kc plus one will,still go to the same inbox as you are,testing this and you will probably need,to test this multiple times because you,won't like everything you see the first,time that's how you can trick the system,and kind of keep receiving these welcome,emails from the same flow into the same,inbox,while using slightly different email,addresses and not having to create,countless inboxes just to test this one,flow,all right i think this was it if you,enjoyed it please please please like,this video this helps us a ton make sure,that you subscribe to the channel and,say hi in the comments i love to respond,to everybody who comments if you have,questions obviously ask questions if you,don't have questions just tell me,whether you enjoyed this video or not,thank you and i will see you in the next,video

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