how do we get paid through shopify amazon payments

Amazon Payments for Shopify tutorial English hello and welcome to pay with Amazon for,the Shopify pl

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Updated on Mar 08,2023

Amazon Payments for Shopify tutorial English

The above is a brief introduction to how do we get paid through shopify amazon payments

Let's move on to the first section of how do we get paid through shopify amazon payments

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Amazon Payments for Shopify tutorial English

hello and welcome to pay with Amazon for,the Shopify platform we're pleased to,inform you of our free pay with Amazon,app to start with the integration please,open the backend of your store,in the first step go to settings to find,our app click on payments and search for,Amazon table to start the configuration,select activate next you will be asked,to set up your Amazon Payments account,in the first step if you are not yet,registered with Amazon Payments you can,do so by clicking start registration set,up your Amazon page account by filling,in all the required criteria after you,have registered continue with the second,step if you have already registered with,Amazon Payments skip the first step in,the next step you will be asked to,configure your application clicking on,this button will trigger a multi-step,process a seller central login page will,appear now login to seller center in the,marketplace switcher drop-down box,select login with Amazon,enter an application visit the business,name that you want your customers to see,on using pay with Amazon on your site,enter an application description enter,the URL of your business's privacy,policy upload a logo this is a file,containing the branded image that you,want your customers to see when using,pay with Amazon on your site expand the,web settings section in the allowed,JavaScript origins section enter the,domains of the pages on your site where,to pay with Amazon button enhanced copy,and paste each URL into the field,provided in the allows JavaScript,origins section,in the allowed return URL section copy,and paste the following URL then click,on save,copy and paste our client ID to an,application like notepad and save the,file,you will need to enter the client ID,into your Shopify configuration later in,the final step you can connect to the,Amazon Payments,account with your Shopify account click,on connect your account then enter your,credentials to login if you agree please,accept our Amazon NWS license agreement,click on continue your Amazon seller ID,and M WS or total will be automatically,entered into your configuration enter,your client ID which you previously,created in your Amazon seller central,account activate use test mode to start,testing before you go live then click on,safe,you are now finished with configuring,paying damages in the final step you can,test whether the integration is,successful to create a test account,switch to sandbox view in your Amazon,seller central account click on,integration and select test account,it's renamed email address and password,use a real email address if you would,like to see how an order confirmation in,email would place an order and check,whether the widgets are aligned,correctly after confirming the order you,will be able to manage the order,building your back-end or alternatively,via your Amazon seller central account,if you have set your payment,authorization status as manually capture,payment orders please ship the order,only after a positive authorization that,order places Amazon Payments checks,whether the payment method of the,customer is valid if this check is,successful the payment status of the,order will be shown as authorized,through your Shopify shop click into,your order phone and on the button,capture payment this would trigger a,notification and the money will appear,in your Amazon seller central captain,the payment status of your order will,change to paid in your shop,to create a reference please click on,retain which will trigger a refund in,your Amazon seller central account,if all is well do not forget to switch,back from sandbox to lie to start,accepting real orders by disabling news,test mode you can now start accepting,orders living pay with Amity

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