how do i upload the google shopping file to shopify

Shopify Google Shopping Feed Setup having Google shopping set up and,connected for your Shopify stor

Curious Themes - Shopify Experts

Updated on Feb 28,2023

Shopify Google Shopping Feed Setup

The above is a brief introduction to how do i upload the google shopping file to shopify

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how do i upload the google shopping file to shopify catalogs

Shopify Google Shopping Feed Setup

having Google shopping set up and,connected for your Shopify store is,another way for your products to be,featured on the Google search engine and,to actually running Google shopping ads,so in this video we're going to go,through how to set up the Google,shopping app and connect it to your,Shopify store so that your products sync,correctly so stay tuned,hi I'm Elma Ken and I've been at Shopify,expert for over six years now if you're,new to this channel we post new videos,every Monday Wednesday and Friday all,about Shopify and how to grow your,online store if you've been a subscriber,for a while thanks so much for watching,and make sure to comment below and say,hey we would love to connect with you,okay so as I mentioned before we're,gonna be talking about setting up the,Google Shopping app in our Shopify store,so first off you may say what is this,and why do I need it well you've,probably seen this happen before,whenever you've searched for a specific,product so let's say for example you,typed in black womens boots into the,Google search engine you would probably,get a search result like this page here,where you'll actually see the images at,the top of different products and links,directly to that product page so these,are actually Google Shopping ads and,it's a great visual way to get your,product in front of people and get them,to actually go to your product page and,hopefully buy your product a lot of,times especially when you're looking for,a specific product customers will click,on these Google shopping ads because,they're just visually more appealing you,can see the image the title you can see,if they have reviews that are connected,in and see that on their store and it's,just more engaging than all of the text,links that you can see below where,you're not exactly sure what that,product is gonna look like so we're,about to hop into my computer now and,set that up but I did just want to say,that there are some restrictions for,this so first off you can do the Google,shopping app it's a free app in the,Shopify,app store that was actually made,directly by Shopify and then you just,need a Google merchant account to link,up to that and we'll be setting that up,next in my computer as I mentioned,though it does have restrictions and it,is not available in all countries and,all currencies so I'm going to put a,link below in the description so you can,actually see if it's available in your,currency my store that I'm going to be,doing this for is based in the United,States and it is USD currency so we are,proof for that so we're gonna go ahead,and hop into my computer screen now and,I'll show you how to get it set up,okay so setting this up for Google shop,has a couple different steps so make,sure to follow along with me but the,first step is going to be adding in this,Google Shopping app from the Shopify App,Store to your Shopify store now I will,say as you can see here it is a lower,rated app because it does have some,glitches and this is done by Shopify so,you can see here that they are the,creators of it so if you do have any,issues with the app the first step that,I recommend you doing is actually reach,out to Shopify support area and they'll,be able to help you with that since that,is an app that's sponsored by them or,created by them so just know that we're,going to be adding this in but you may,have some glitches with your app so,we're gonna just go ahead and hit this,add app button and then I'm gonna go to,my Shopify store real quick and copy my,url up here at the top and paste it in,you may already be logged in to the,Shopify app store so you may not have to,do this step but I'm gonna lug in and,now we are in our Shopify store and it's,just asking for permission to do of all,of these different items that it needs,to do for the app to function so we're,just gonna hit install app and you get,an alert message here of this is the,information that you need to have on,your store and if you don't have this,that they may suspend your account so I,know we don't have the mailing address,or phone number on our store if we go to,our online store here for online store,I'm gonna open that in a new tab so,let's scroll down to the bottom let's,see so we have a contact us but we don't,have any of the address or any of that,information on this page so we would,definitely want to go in and add that,additional information on the contact us,page that it was wanting like the,address and the phone number and the,email address so that we can make sure,that we are within these standards so,I'm gonna go ahead and just hit yes that,I've added the contact information and,once I'm done recording this video I'll,go back in and add,to my store but make sure that you were,definitely adding this into your store,as well okay so now it is wanting us to,create or connect a Google account to,use Google Shopping okay so I'm just,gonna hit connect a Google account and,select my Google Account there and again,allow it permissions so now it's saying,to select a Google merchant account from,this list so I need to actually create a,new one because this is not the one we,want to use so to create one we're just,gonna hit this link here create a,Merchant Center account and now you can,see it's created this new ID for us and,it's gonna walk us through some of the,things that are needed so first off we,have this information being pulled in,from our store settings of our currency,our target country and our language I'm,gonna go ahead and set this to,automatically import my shipping,settings so that it will connect with,what I have already in my Shopify store,and then next it is an information about,the product feed so I don't have this is,a new Merchant Center account so I don't,have any information already for a,product feed so it won't have any,conflict here but if you did already,have a product feed setup you need to,first delete those products before,connecting otherwise it could have an,issue there and then now you can see,that the domain settings it will,automatically claim my domain by my,Merchant Center account which is another,reason of how you need to make sure that,you're getting verified so we are going,to keep both of these at the recommended,of the SEO product title and description,you could set that to your default,however your product title and,description if you've put in the effort,is going to have more of your keywords,so we want to make sure that that's,included in the listing so I'm just,going to hit configure account,and now you can see that it says our,products Inc is underway so it has,pulled in all of our products that we,have here and it is pending for all of,them as you can see here so then once it,actually gets approved which can take,three to five business days for Google,to approve the pinning product then you,can see it come into these categories,here if not approved pending or approved,and so if something was originally not,approved then you could go in and you,could see why it wasn't approved a lot,of times it's if the labels don't match,what Google's labels are so if you had,something labeled style where Google,calls it color or things like that of,how you're sorting your different,variants especially you would want to go,in and make those edits and make sure,that that resyncs so you could see all,of the different variants that you have,available for each individual product by,hitting view variant and you can see,these products here don't have a variant,which is why they are not having that,option we can also click into edit,google shopping fields and here's where,you can add in all of your,categorization and customization to,connect it with Google so it's easier,for them to identify your product and,categorize it correctly whenever someone,is searching so you could come in this,is a necklace so you could put the,specific material here with the age,range is 4 so you would want to say,adult female the condition a lot of,times would be new unless you're selling,use products and then you can come in,and add in your Google product category,so that's really important again to make,sure that it is being categorized,correctly so you can click here and see,all of the lists of the product,categories to make sure that you're,sorting yours in the correct area so you,would want to go through and fill out,all of this and make sure it is set up,and hit save whenever you are going in,and setting this up for the first time,and getting that to sync so I'm just,gonna X out of this,and I'm going to come back here to apps,on the left-hand side and then Google,shopping because now we've added this to,our store so now that's how you'll get,into see again when things are approved,or not approved and make any changes,needed so the next step once you've got,all of your products in and approved and,you don't have any issues is then you,can go in and actually set up the Google,Ads which we're not going to cover in,this video but we will in an upcoming,video so the first step is just to get,all of these products to where they are,approved and edited however you need,them to be and now that I am finished,recording this part of the video I'm,gonna go back and make sure that I add,in the additional contact information so,that while they are taking a look at my,products and my store that I have that,contact information that was required on,my store as well as I'm going to go,through all of these different fields,and make sure that I go ahead and get,that edited so that it has approved the,first time around and hopefully I don't,have any disapproved products thanks so,much for watching and I hope you found,this video tutorial helpful if you have,any questions make sure to comment below,and we would love to help you out also,if you haven't yet make sure to,subscribe and hit that like button so,that you're the first to be notified,about any new videos or tutorials that,we've put out about Shopify and how to,grow your online store thanks for,watching

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