how do i rearrange products in shopify 2016

See and change Product positions in Shopify Smart Collections (Automated Collections) here's somethi

See and change Product positions in Shopify Smart Collections (Automated Collections)

The above is a brief introduction to how do i rearrange products in shopify 2016

Let's move on to the first section of how do i rearrange products in shopify 2016

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See and change Product positions in Shopify Smart Collections (Automated Collections)

here's something awesome about the smart,collections and their products you see,you have here for example manual sort,where you can change the positions but,of course if you have many collections,how do you change how do you know at,first what products there are in those,smart collections and how do you change,their positions so with excel file you,can export smart collections with the,rules and with linked products to the,excel file alright so if you download,that exported file here you can see,there is this this collection here this,collection available in stock it takes,up so many rows because here are those,products which exist in this collection,so there's a product ID the position and,the handle and so basically yeah those,those are the positions and if you if,you need to change them you can for,example change it like that for examples,swap it,let's make Airbus three one eight appear,as as the first one we can delete those,save and import back the same file,alright so it updated one collection and,now if we refresh it yep you should see,that Airbus is now here on the top and,of course there is a lot more to that,you can also change the rules that's,that's already known but first at first,the app is identifying when you are,importing it identifies by the ID but if,it doesn't find the product by ID in,that collection it will search it by the,handle and it's very valuable if you are,exporting products from one shop and,importing them into the other with all,the collections so your export and,import,will basically retain the same positions,of those products as you have them in,your export file and yeah and as always,with with all the excel file imports you,actually don't need any other columns,you can just delete those columns and,basically update only what you need to,update so in this case for example we,will again update the positions but you,must remember that let me show you here,there is a column sort order the sort,order should we should be always manual,so if you will not have the manual sort,order there you will still see in the,export you will still see the the,products which are in this collection,but here the positions would be empty,and so let's imagine if if you have a,collection which didn't have the sort,order manual you can import it you can,make it manually sorted and at the same,time change the product positions in the,same import and I'll show you one other,way how to change the let's put the,Challenger on the first place but now we,will not have positions we will have it,like this we will just move the,challenger on the top and yeah for,example you can set this is position one,Boeing will be positioned too and for,all the other positions we just leave,empty and it means that it will retain,the same order as it is in this file so,we specifically specify that okay I want,this as first and this as a second and,sort order as manual and that's it and,even if we will set for exam,poor manually here but it's the best,selling order here you see now the,Challenger is it okay,the Challenger is first let's put lowest,price okay now we have this kind of sort,order but as soon as we will import this,file okay now now refresh boom you see,you have the sort order manual and the,first is challenger then is Boeing and,then all the rest of the products in,this order as they appear here yeah,that's how it basically works have fun,you

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