how do i put my shopify store on hold

How to solve payment holds on Shopify 2020 [BEST METHOD] how to prevent a shopify payments hold,whil

Harvey and Craig - Ecommerce

Updated on Feb 16,2023

How to solve payment holds on Shopify 2020 [BEST METHOD]

The above is a brief introduction to how do i put my shopify store on hold

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How to solve payment holds on Shopify 2020 [BEST METHOD]

how to prevent a shopify payments hold,while drop shipping in 2020. hello,everyone my name is craig and this is my,business partner harvey we have been,drop shipping for over a year and we,wanted to share some very quick,information about how to avoid a shopify,payments hold,while drop shipping in 2020. this is not,my own method,but this is a method i found from,another youtuber and i just can't find,the same video again,and i don't think many people know about,this because we've seen a lot of people,on facebook group chats,getting the same issue that we had back,six months ago,so we're going to give you a very very,quick tutorial on how to avoid this,shopify payments hold while drop,shipping let's get right into it can i,just,what i firstly say i'm going to be i'm,going to be sitting here playing the,switch,giving craig more moral support while he,explains it,you're hard showing off i think the,reason why this hold happens is because,while you're using a burlo and it,depends on how many products you use,have you have imported directly from a,below so the way that i have found,wait basically they put hold in your,account because they think you're drop,shipping obviously drop shipping,historically,has takes delivery times take a very,long time,um so to avoid chargebacks and to avoid,other issues with,items not delivering often with,unreliable shipping methods,um they put a hold of a percentage of,your funds,that come into your account so obviously,a pet there's a there's different types,of,it's usually 25 that's what we've had in,the past and we had a,story back in january they held 25,percent of funds they held that those,funds for 90 days they said if we got,under 1,chargeback ratio they've released our,funds and we got under 1,and they still haven't released our,funds and they're holding it for another,120 days so it's very very annoying,so the very simple method that we have,figured out that has worked with our one,store,with the store that we've done over,three hundred thousand dollars in sales,is,simply add a product just call it,not not a product,within shopify just call it some random,product one,one uh copy and paste that put a little,simple description,put a price uh,mark put maybe put some stock it,literally doesn't matter i don't think,um and then go to product availability,in the top right,click manage unselect online store or,facebook or,whatever you have on there click save so,this is a product that is not visible on,your page anymore,uh so no one no no customers can,actually see this product unless they go,to the direct url,url even then it's not available to,purchase and then what you want to do is,you want to select the product you want,to select the product you want to click,duplicate in the top left-hand side of,the comment,uh of the product duplicate it and,essentially the aim is,so ever how many aberlo products you've,imported to your store,you want to have more products that,you've done through this method,so you want to essentially have more,shopify products than you have,at berlo products so essentially shop i,think the way this works is shopify will,see,i think the way it works is that your,account will be flagged if you have,a large amount of a higher percentage of,like overload products than,like shopify products like just once,you've imported yourself,because you know they know if you put it,from overlay then you're drop shipping,yeah so the way the way that we do it is,we just,if we have 10 products and we've,imported through a berlo we'd have 15,products that we've just made through uh,shopify,you can either do copy of some random,product one copy copy,of of like copy of copy of copy of uh,either method seems to work this has,been working for three months for us,let us know if it works for you super,quick video subscribe,and like if you want to see more follow,us join our,join our discord server for uh animal,crosstalking qr codes,the most unprofessional ending ever,okay how to prevent a shopify payments,hold while drop shipping in 2020,um not how to not get a shopify hold on,their funds when using,that you um you had you how to not get a,you would you could you do shopify,payments hold,when drop shipping you would you want,you you could do so no how should i say,it,seem to do you so much you could do,anything,i mean that's good enough,you

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