how do i get my mailchimp overlay into shopify

How To Connect Mailchimp To Shopify | Tutorial For Beginners (2022) how to connect MailChimp to Shop

Tutorials by Manizha & Ryan

Updated on Mar 18,2023

How To Connect Mailchimp To Shopify | Tutorial For Beginners (2022)

The above is a brief introduction to how do i get my mailchimp overlay into shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how do i get my mailchimp overlay into shopify

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How To Connect Mailchimp To Shopify | Tutorial For Beginners (2022)

how to connect MailChimp to Shopify easy,tutorial for beginners hi guys welcome,back in this tutorial I'll show you how,to connect MailChimp to Shopify so let's,get started first of all what you guys,need to do is you can open up your,Shopify store and it'll take you to your,admin if you have a business or a store,on Shopify and you're looking for an,email marketing integration and your,want to add MailChimp as your,integration to Shopify then you're at,the right place today I'll show you how,to do that really easily so once you,have your Shopify store you will open it,up it will take you to the admin right,here now what you guys need to do is you,can actually go to, and you need to sign up,for this platform MailChimp is an email,marketing platform that allows you to,create email campaigns SMS campaigns,sign up forms uh surveys we can also use,a MailChimp for website analytics and it,gives us a lot of different integration,it's a very famous platform and very,efficient to create email marketing,campaigns signing a process for,MailChimp is really easy you can sign up,for free with your Google account or you,can sign up with your email address once,you sign up this is where you will get,so that's the first step that you need,to do if you have a Shopify store then,just go to and sign up for,free once you sign up this is where you,will land this is our main dashboard now,you have an account on MailChimp and you,have an A Shopify store we will connect,these platforms for that you have to go,back to your Shopify get to the admin,you're going to click on apps and open,up your Shopify App Store it will take,you to and here we're,gonna search for MailChimp okay so the,first integration that you will see the,first app is MailChimp email marketing,Drive traffic and sales with email and,marketing automation so what you guys,need to do is open it up and now what,you guys need to do is click on install,app this is the button right here that,you will see I have already installed,MailChimp so that is why it says app,installed you will click on this button,and it will take you to the next step,where you have to just integrate it so,with MailChimp you will be able to find,a free version where you will get email,marketing CRM sign up forums landing,pages social posting Facebook ads,Instagram ads domains and more then,there is a pricing plan for 11 per month,and here you will get everything in free,plus email templates multi-step Journeys,custom branding a b split testing 24 7,email and chat support so it only starts,from 11 and then there is a standard for,17 per month and premium for 299 dollars,per month so you can check out the,pricing and you can update your plan,anytime once the app is installed it,will be added to your Shopify so in our,Shopify if I take you to these settings,we have apps and sales then it will open,up once the app is installed it will be,added to your Shopify and you will be,able to find it in your settings scroll,down to your apps and sales channels and,it will be added here all you need to do,is you just need to connect and sign,into your MailChimp that is why I told,you to sign up for MailChimp prior to,connecting these platforms so it becomes,really easy all you need to do is just,sign in to your MailChimp and that's,what I did and it takes me here right to,my MailChimp so we can now add our list,from our Shopify to our MailChimp or we,can select the audience so you're gonna,go to the audience right here and in,your audience dashboard you can create a,separate audience for your Shopify like,your customers and then we can add,contacts from our Shopify really easily,we will be able to import lists we can,also create sign of forums we have,social posts that we can create and we,can even create ads with MailChimp so,this is how you will be now inserting,audience from MailChimp to your Shopify,that's the first way to connect Shopify,to MailChimp by adding MailChimp app to,your Shopify and just connecting these,two platforms another way to connect,Shopify and MailChimp is through,MailChimp let's say you have a MailChimp,right here and inside our MailChimp,you're gonna go to the Integrations so,as there is an integration available on,Shopify similarly we have the Shopify,integration available on MailChimp so,you can see if I take you to the,integration for MailChimp we have,Shopify you're going to click Shopify,right here and again all you need to do,now is connect your Shopify store to,your MailChimp and you will just sign in,you can see we have our integration,Shopify connect a new site click right,here and it takes you to Shopify app,store and it shows you your integration,and now we have add app option so you,can just click on it and again proceed,what we did earlier so this is how we,can integrate Shopify with MailChimp,once it's added now we can create,campaigns we're going to go to all,campaigns right here you can create,email campaigns with MailChimp and even,create sign up forms you can create,abandoned cart emails and more so to,create a campaign you will click right,here and it allows you to select what,kind of campaign I'm gonna go with a,regular email when it comes to designing,an email or designing a website on,MailChimp it's a simple drag and drop,editor that allows us to edit everything,really easily this is the inside of a,MailChimp editor and we can create a,campaign now let's say I want to create,a thank you campaign for my new,subscribers or we can go for a thank you,for ordering or something like that so I,have selected a simple promotional email,template here we can now customize our,logo we can of course add the logo for,our Shopify store that we have similarly,we can enter our products here and we,can even add products from our Shopify,because you can see we have different,blocks here where we can add text images,share buttons footer so when you will be,adding a button to your email campaign,what we can do is we can enter our,Shopify URL in the button so that our,users our audience can get to our,website to our store really easily for,example this start shopping button right,here click on the edit and when it says,link to link to a web address email,address or anchor lingo file so I'm,going to go to the web address and in,the URL what you're going to do is,you're gonna copy and paste your shop,URL that's what you need to do okay so,let's get rid of it because it already,added it there you go so now if I click,on Save and close and if you click on,this button when my audience will,receive this email they will click on,this button and it will take them,directly to my Shopify store and of,course the audience is the same audience,the list that I created for my Shopify,it's the customers that I have and I,added on MailChimp so that is how,MailChimp and Shopify work together now,when it comes to adding a product photo,or products you can click on the edit,option right here and it allows you to,actually add products from your store or,what you can do is you can like either,add the link of a product for example I,have products right here on Shopify so,I'll go to the products right here and I,have some products here I can get my,product link and add it to my email,right here or I can just use my product,images just for the sake of my email,campaign and then of course we can,customize our you know everything here,for example the text click on the edit,option using uh MailChimp is really easy,and you will be able to create very high,quality email marketing campaigns we,even have styles so you can actually,create different types of email you can,change your page your headers body photo,and your mobile store and you can create,mobile friendly campaigns so this is how,you will customize an email click on,continue and when it comes to the,recipient make sure to select the,audience that you have for your Shopify,once these platforms are connected then,it becomes really easy for you to Market,your business to create promotional,emails welcome email or abandoned cart,email campaigns using MailChimp so yeah,guys this brings us to the end of the,video I hope that I was a big help and,now you know how to connect Shopify to,your MailChimp don't forget to give this,video a big thumbs up leave a comment,down below turn on Bell notification And,subscribe to YouTube channel

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